Drama There are few things in this world that have the ability to move a person’s heart and soul, the ability to make a person laugh in one moment, and cry in the next. Few things have the ability to break down a wall in 10 minutes that took 10 years to build. Few things can make people look deep inside themselves and remember. One of the few is drama. Drama nowadays is so tainted with a self- serving, self-pleasing attitude. It is hard to find people
with a servant’s heart. God has put together a group of people that shine in a dark self-glorifying day. The drama ministry has a heart of worship and a want to glorify God. This year has been a great year of growing, praying and wanting to see God work. The changes that have occurred have been all to the glory of God. It is not about us, it is about HIM. — Nathan Hand
During the European Food Festival John Strayer tried to Figure out how you ask some one for their order without talking.
As most of the Drama Team poses for the picture Gabe Jones decides to show his impersonation of Superman and try to fly away.
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Above: During the Harvest Jam boree the Drama Team worked on an outdoors presentation useing their acting abilities to pre sent the Gospel to many people. Below: John Irvine, Andrew Em merson, and Nathan Hand: The three studs?
Top: Nathan Hand, Kim Lehmann, Top middle: Rob Rasmussen. Donna Paulsen, Lauren MacBeth, Kristen Rucco, Bottom middle: Jason Mellinger, Jon Strayer, Krisstel Meintel, Matt Leahy, Front: James Nasman, Andrew Emmerson, Mary Kowalski, John Irvine, Lyle Wallace.
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