Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2000

Spanish When most people think of Spanish ministries they isually think of different groups of students who speak ipanish going to non-English speaking communities and working there for a week. But there was so much more to t than just that. Most of the students on the Spanish ninistry had only taken a few years of Spanish in school, nd as their week to go out approached they did not know vhat to expect. But, after arriving they realized that the anguage was not a barrier. The love of the Lord united hem whether they were saying “hi” or “hola.”

While the various teams were out they did everything from working in a love kitchen, to hosting youth meet­ ings, to passing out tracks on the streets and in parks. It was a great learning experience for everyone that went. At times there were difficulties to overcome, schedules to change, and a new culture to adapt to, but the Lord worked all things together for good. There was always a lot of work, time and preparation put into each week, but never so much that prayer, a cup of coffee, and a donut from Dunkin’ Donut couldn’t solve. — Joanna Morton

i cum ^ Back Row (L to R): Martin Fern, Sacha Mendes, Andre DeMelo (non WOL student), Ryan Hansen. Third Row: Tim Gwyn, Grace Liebermann, Rachael Strite, Sara Alexander. Second Row: Micah Jones, Andresa DeMelo (WOL graduate), Melissa Davis, Adele Benner, Chris Kelly. Front Row: Christy Oestreicher, Betsy Navaro, Laura Christ, Rick Warken.

Team 1 Back Row (L to R): Damen Shriner, Shallon Boice, Amy Peters, Dorothy Blake. Front Row: Tiffany Trask, Matthew Dunn, Peter Ruffo, Edwin Lindsey, Rachel Stephens, Amy Rattin, Kathryn O'Brien.

Team 3 Back Row (L to R): Aaron Kingsbury, Cynthia Mendes, Becca Simons, Laura Martelle, Aimee Neild, Elizabeth Nelson, Judeska Pronker, J.C. Lagares (k99 WOL graduate). Front Row: Kevin Judeich, Nicole Trabes. Joanna Rinaldi, Joanna Morton, Justin Loiacono, Rick Warken. (not pictured: John Schrader)

Team 4 Back Row (L to R): Jennifer Benson, Wendy Myszkiewicz, Shawn Dc Atley, Joseph Velarde, Steve Conine, Lonnie Duckett, Chad Moran, Tim Groff. Front Row: Katie Westcomb, Nicola Mello, Jessica Preusser, Jacklyn Rondi- ni, Heidi Gonzales, Mr. Rick Warken.


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