Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1987


B ible insti r : r i ' ht:


"Rejoice in the Lord Always . . Phil. 4:4a



CseletnatuM 'Huai**, Faculty.......................................17 B.I. Students..............................33 S.Y.M. Students........................61 Jan./March Students...............65 Ministries.................................. 77 Organizations.......................... 95 A ctivities.................................103 Athletics.................................. 115 Campus Life............................121 A d s ........................................... 135

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HANKS Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:4 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. Psalm 136:1 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:20


Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the con­ gregation of saints. Psalm 149:1 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3


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W ork Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.. . Psalm 127:1 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100:2 Therefore, my beloved, be ye stead­ fast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. I Cor. 15:58



S haring But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matt. 28:18-20

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F ELLOWSHIP Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethem to dwell together in uni­ ty. Psalm 133:1



L ove Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not, love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things, and now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. I Cor. 13:4, 7. 13

Director Jack Wyrtzen

The class of '86/'87*has been another great challenge to me personally as I see the Word of God transforming lives. I am more convinced than ever that the Scriptures are the comprehensive equipment of the man and woman of God and fit all of us fully for every branch of the Lord's work. I have been challenged by the fact that no one is filled with the Holy Spirit and con­ trolled by the spirit without being filled with the Word of God. Now comes the new challenge of the School of Missions and Evangelism which will begin this coming September. We are asking our Lord for 1,000 young men and women who will move out with WORD OF LIFE at home and abroad. Then there will be our new Culinary Bible Institute which I believe will be the first Christian school of this type in America. May all of us press on toward the mark of our high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Dr. Jack Wyrtzen President and Founder

Co-Directors Harry Bollback


TO THE STUDENTS OF THE CLASS OF 1987: May I congratulate you on finishing the course that the Lord has set before you this year. As you go, may I challenge you to keep yourself free from anything that could enslave you. I pray that each of you. as Paul challenges us in Romans 6:12-18. will have the daily discipline to bring all of your being into obe­ dience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul shares one of the secrets to doing this in Philippians 3:13 where he writes, .. this one thing I do." Let's choose this one thing. Paul didn't say "these various things I play around with," but he had the determination to get the job done. Let's do exactly that. Determine what it is that God would have you do and get that job done. Don't get involved with anything that would distract you from that goal. May God bless you as you go. and don't forget to keep in touch with WOLBI. You are a part of the family. George Theis Daniel 1:8


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Tom Davis/Academic Dean

"A Student's Mind" I took a piece of clay and idly fashioned it one day And as my fingers pressed it still, it moved and yielded to my will. I came I cam e again when days had passed — the bit of clay was hard at last. The form I gave it, it still bore and I could change that form no more.


Bob Gray/Dean of Students

I took a piece of living clay and gently formed it day by day And molded by my art a student's soft and pliant heart.

I came again when months were gone — a graduate I looked upon And he that early impress wore — I could change him never more!! I am challenged by this thought as also expressed in James 3:1. "Not many of you should piesume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.'

Iom Davis

To the class of 1987 — Congratulations I would like to praise the Lord for you. Your class has been a great encouragement to me this past year as you have allowed the Lord to work through you. This is my Description of your class. P — Patient as we have grown together. R — Responsive to the Word of God. A — Alert to spiritual danger. I — Interested in each other. S — Sensitive to the Holy Spirit. E — Enthusiastic about learning, serving, and desiring to know Him. Bob Gray

Deans Phil Moser / Dean of Men

Ginny Newton / Dean of Women

Joe Schenke / Dean of Men

The theme of this Yearbook is PRAISE, and I just praise the Lord for the oppor­ tunity that He has given me to serve in a full-time ministry working with young people. Only one life will soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last. This year the foundation has been firmly laid. Now go forth and serve Him. "God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak of the world to confound the things that are mighty . .. that no flesh should glory in His presence" (I Cor 1:26-29). Ginny Newton It is not that God does not desire to use the powers of the nobly gifted, but rather that few of them are willing to place those gifts without hesitation or reservation at God's disposal. When such men and women renounce their reliance on their own power and wisdom and depend on God's, there is no limit to the way that God will use them for His glory! I thank God for the opportunity I have had in working with each of you this year. Joe Schenke


Sharon Wagoner, Assistant Dean of Women

"For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister" (Heb. 6:10). May all that you have learned this year help you to be steadfast in ser­ ving our Lord and in always ministering to each other.

Miss Sharon Wagoner

Dick Dray, Leslie Poffenburger, Assistant to the Deans

Professors Marshall Wicks / Bible Survey

Chris Miller

Each year at WOLBI we meet so many new friends, but the time soon comes to say Good­ bye. Those good-byes are dif­ ficult, but don't let it stop you from making new friends and winning new victories in the future. Don't settle for this being the best year of your life. Each new year can be better than the one before if the Lord is in it. And don't forget to write and tell us of all the Lord is doing. With Christ every tomorrow is better than today! — Marshall Wicks


Brian Gower Director of Evangelism

Brian Headings Director of Admissions

Fran Welch Business Manager

How exciting and encouraging it has been to work with the class of 1987. Your enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever was needed was a real testimony for your class. Don't lose that desire to serve Him as you leave. My prayer is that God will continue to use you and make you everything that He wants you to be. Brian Gower

Paul Bubar/Director of S.I.C.

Brian Donley /Music Director

Roger Ellison/Pastor

"The melody without comes from harmony within." speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Eph. 2:19). Music is an aural art. A tone played or sung can never be changed. That tone goes on forever. We must go on and play another tone. Like that musical tone, the time in each day of our lives cannot be lived over. We have only the next moment to live. Let us live each moment as if it were our last. "And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord" (Ps. 40:3). "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith" (2 Tim. 4:7). Brian Donley


Health Assistants John Lawrence

Becky Cope

Don Lowe/Director of Health Services

Ellen Pedersen


Mrs. Davis/Staff Advisor

Guy Swarthout/Bookstore Manager

Secretaries Jodie Pattan/Admissions


Karen Dobbel/Asst. Bus. Manager


Davia Duncan/Executive





Fred Dinger

Glenn Slothower — Food Service Manager

Dave Johnson


Jim Harvey/Mike Bush

David Burlingame


ng gently [utifully on|the pure and tyhi IC sight. k

That here there are map? good Christian guys Then we start to chodse and pick, Who is fpf mp, Phil or Dick? We decide they're not the ones we are to court, ~v f t

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Oh, it's such a ROT Here at WOLBI the There must be at le Now, the questions There's not much ti Tir i I 3 We can always go Or walk by the lake, for a ROTIC stroll tonight's the nigh

' j Both of them are just too short! As we move on dowri the list, We soon notice one we'd missed. BoyU hope that one's for me,

I'lliiave to pray and wait 'n see. I'm spgyLord, I know I'm a pest, And Ijlfiow too, that you know best. But. Lord, I lack patience and I can't wait, HeTipsn't eyeh asked me for a date. But I know there is a reason, And hpy! There's always next season. Well, finally it's how my turn, After all the patience I had to learn. Thank you. Lord, I'm ready now, * • To stand with him and make my vow. I pray that I'll be a godly wife, And we will share a good Christian life. Now we've learned to depend on you, You've shown us all that you can do. During the year lack will say, Marriage is the only way. Now, to Dave Kolker, I have to say, Listen to Jack, and learn to obey. I know our Lord is not that cruel, To send so many bachelors to "bridal" school. Now you know about a WOLBI fling, Or whatever you call this ROTIC thing! ::/V'''

Remember, guys She's all ready, di To watch Schroor We all figure the c When she walks i Then she flops do All night long, this - k * , e t , v „

n't be late, jsed in lace, •

.. ; He's my hero, he's my man, If he can't love me, no man can. I wonder what the future will bring, I know she's hoping for a wedding ring _ _ _ i _ __ - ' m V

And do what any ATLAS man v I can't wait to tell. Jack, George Another B.I. couple is about to n To us single girls, it sounds so s\> To hear his confession of his arr them to meet. As we stand back, to look and s< What a WOLBI romance can en We soon begin to realize.

Victor Aitken

Bish Adams

Laurel Adanti

Jody Adkins

Daniel Adolfson

« p

Lori Archer

Margaret Alexander

Garth Allen

Angela Altland

Jennifer Andes

Debbie Bailey

Glenn Bailey

Dorcas Baez

Linda Armstrong

Joseph August


Ken Barrier

Bill Barr

David Barrett

Kim Barrett

Joyce Barwick


Mike Beever

Bruce Beal

Tony Baxter

Jayne Battersby

Juanita Benoit

Laura Berg

Marie Berry

Joel Befus

Linda Benge

Richard Bickings

Mary Blayer

Evan Boardman

Kim Bobier

Lori Boggess

Hunee Bolio

Dorli Bom

Frank Bom

Mike Bohn

Lana Brown

Tim Brotzman

CaSandra Brown

Brian Brock

Chris Bosworth

Tv' /A "

Michelle Bunts

Mark Buell

Robert Brumfield

Daniel Buchanan

Daniel Broyles

Charles Butcher

Lisa Call

Richard Bums

Mona Burkey



Grant Cemy

Tracy Cambum

Troy Campbell

Michael Carbone

Thomas Carroll

17 John Clark

John Collins

Robert Chase

Kelly Cluff

Mark Chapman

Mickey Collins

Krista Cope

Missy Corelli

Rebekah Comatzer

Tate Comey

Rosario Coronel

Michele Corsaro

Jeff Covel

Lynn Crouse

Daniel Cruz

Correna Currie

Sue Curtis

Bernardo DacalTeijeir

Carol Dalton

Andrew Danec

Hope Davies


Jodi Davis

Norma Davis

Richard Davis

Angela D© Francis

AmieDe Groat

Rubye De Wittie

Adam Dean

Melody Del Prior©

David Delp

Marion Dempsey

Annette De Sousa

Kathleen DiToro

Susan Dole

Kenneth Eason

Stephen Ebbrecht

Kathy Ellis

Michelle Entenmann

Janet Ellis

Gerald Espenshade

Jcxinne Espenshade

Mark Espenshade

Melanie Farquhar

Jeff Farris

u Lamar Ferrell

Elizabeth Fearen

Michael Feliciano

Valerie Feliciano

Pamela Fichtner

Karen Flynn

Evelyn Fongeallaz

Bob Fowler

Brian Fink

Nikki Frazier

Jonathan Galvan

Ashley Gardner

Walt Francis

Kathy Francis

Kathy Germeroth

Vicki Gaskill

Lori Gatti

Vivian Gladson

Edward Glodfelter

Chris Gnanakan

David Goebel

Bethany Goeppner

Keysha Grant

Nathan Graves

Beth Gravley

Jackie Green

Stephen Greenhow

Michele Griffith

Donna Grove

Anthony Grullon

Sharon Guest

Cheryl Guiles

Louise Gulmantovicz

Jennifer Hagenson

Anne Halbert

Matthew Hall

Steve Hall

Lee Hamblen

Darlene Hamig

Cristi Heindel

Pamela Helm

Kimberly Heitz

Dawn Hicks

Michelle Hidalgo

Steve Hilsher

Jeffrey Hinderer

Jay Hidalgo

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Becky Holland

Kurt Holst

Jane Horton

Scott Howarth

Lona Howes

Gladys Irizarry

Daniel Jester

Bryan Johnson

Jonathan Hunt

Thomas Ilsley

Ron Johnson

Ardith Joranstad

Stephen Kacavich

Cynthia Karaman

David Jones




Timothy Keener

Terri Keith

Emory Kilgore

Daniel Kellogg


Crystal Kinsey

Wendy Kneer

David Kolker

Richard Kruppa

Jeannette Lapointe

Dawn Lawrie

Charles Leighner

Susanne Leipoldt


Kimberly Lescovich

Susan Lethers

Timothy Lethers

Jennifer Lennox

Timothy Lindblad

Lori Longenecker

Jodi Lough

Stephen Lubkemann

Grace Manne

Renee Manuel

Doyle Markey

Mindy Marsh

Robert Marshall

Koreina Martin

Charles D. Mathews

Kristine Maupin

Gene McCreary

Bob McDonald

Duane McDowell

Erin McGrath

Matthew McGuire

Jennifer Melick

Glenn Menges

Lori Mercaldo

Juanita Metzler

Eric Meyhoefer

Patricia Moores

Robin Morley

Robin Morris

Kenneth Mortensen

Grace Mowry

Karrie Moyer

Kelly Moyer

Byron Muller

Fred Muller

Jodie Mullins

Jason Muller

Trena Mullins

John Mulvihill

Paula Murphy

Andy Nelson

Sean Nolan

Eric Notin

Stephen O'Dell

Jenniler O'Hara

Karen Oliveira

David Ostlund

John Oswald

Ken Overholt

Kim Overholt

Robyn Paddock

Patricia Pahmeier

Bill Pardi

Paul Pardi

Annette Parke

Steve Parker

Dean Parrott

Anne Pearson


Larry Perkins

Deanna Perry

Deborah Perry

Annette Peters

Tamara Petersen

Ingrid Peterson

Julie Peterson

Dawn Pettingale

Nelson Phero


Mary Price

Katie Pontius

Larry Porter

Susanne Pohenberger

Paul Pressano





Rachel Rajnoor

Sudhakar Rajnoor

Kim Rayner

Phetole Ramatapa

Karen Pulley



April Rinkenberger

Karen Rock

Martin Romine

Brian Rosenbaum

Wendy Rutherford

Rebecca Salsbury

Kim Sauder

Maria Sauro

Debbie Saussy

Kay Sawders

Shane Scarbeiry

Donald Schamberg

Georg Scheller


Susan Schutter

Douglas Schweitzer

John Scott

Kelley Scott

Kurt Seip

Sharon Selby


David Shoff

Tadako Shimokuwaya

Darlene Sinda

Bryan Singleton

George Smiling

Cynthia Smith

Graham Smith

Paula Sosebee

Patti Snyder

Shannon Snell

Lori Smith

Lisa Smith

Jeffrey Spino

Kevin Stauff

Sheila Steury

Shirley Souryal

Dolores Sparandera


Terry Stowell

Jeff Street

Darren Strickland

Cathy Stoudt

Diane Stoltzfus


Kimberly Sutton

Michelle Strong

Johnathon Stubbs

Christine Swift

Adrian Tanner

Glenn Taylor

Cathy Tebo

Sandi Terkelsen

Silvia Tetamanti

Debbie Thayer

Leslie Thomas

Tammy Thomas

Robyn Thompson

Mbongiseni Tshabalala

Cheryl Tucker

Loren Tucker

Donald Timmer

Stephen Trostle


Vincent Tumia

Daniel Umbower

Jill VanderMolen

Daryl Vanella

Cristina Vasconcelos

Mark Venz

Paul Kumar Veparala

Carol Vermaas

Lisa Vlachos

Heidi Volz

Beth Wagner

Laura Walker

Rhonda Watkins

Lori Weaver

Clint Webb

Angela Weidman


Timothy Weir

Cynthia West

William Wessner

Thomas Wessing

Fermor Wells

Linda Welch

Jonathan Westcott

Margaret Wheeler

Lemmuel Whitaker

Robyn Wiita

David Williams

Pat Williams

Kenneth Wilson

Allan Winchell

Misty Williams

Abby Winkler

Jamie Woods

Rosita Wright

Deborah Wynalda

Tamara Yates

David Wood

Picture Not Available

Kevin Young

Rae Jean Olmsted Not Pictured


■H r # i Kerry Adams

/ , Brenda Bolio

■1 John Armstrong

David Benjamin

Beverly Babcock

James Boyle

Wayne Cagle

Thomas Caldbeck

Christine De Lorme

Linda Deveney

Richard Dray

Tonda Eldeen

John Eleutheriou

Maly Dwulat

Michelle Gannon


Paul Gill©

Tammy Glover

Dan Grocott

Jo© Hampton

Paget Keller

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Ron Koehler

Vonda Kenyon

Wayne Kirschner

Joel Kopf

Doug Long

Jonathan Mollick

Marisa Mosley

Karen Norton

Gary Parke

I-eslie Poffenberger

Kenneth Ramey


John Satterlee

Mark Ritz

Jonathan Rich

Robert Reiner

Cindy Stoudt

David Sullivan

Kwashigah Vossah

Christine Valentine

Peter Wallace

Jim Welch

Nathan White

Jon Winningham

Paul Wulf

Cynthia Bailes

Wanda Barone

Cynthia Browning

Veronica Burt

Ferdinand Feliciano

Adam Houston

Angela Hammontree

Jacqueline Hamer

Todd Graham

Bryan Liebold

Linda Pietzsch

Karen Mingus

Dan McArthur

Charles Mullins

Eim Park

Pamela Zawislak

Frances Sabia

William Short

Thomas Walsh

Jeffrey Raber

Not Pictured: Philip Beemer Chris Cavanaugh Mark Currie Chris Flagg Donald Plante David Smith







March Students

= = = = = = = = Foreign Students








Married Students

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Mr. and Mrs. David Goebel

Mr. Timothy Best

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Maly Dwulat


Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Johnson

Susan Dole

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mortenson

Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Farris


Guest Lecturers

Wendell Colder / James, Eph.

Dewey Bertolini / Practical Christian Living


S.Y.M. Guest Lecturers

Shirley Bubar

Ken Mahan


Pastor Ellison

Paul Bubar






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. Ministries









Prison Ministry

Prison Basketball Team












Grapeville Baptist

Temple Baptist

People's Bible

Mountainside Bible Chapel


Ravena First Baptist


Local Church


Westport Bible

Maranatha Baptist

Freedom Baptist

Center White Creek

Rescue Mission


O.A.C. 2

O.A.C. 1

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O.A.C. 3

O.A.C. 4

O.A.C. 5






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Snow Camp




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Snow Camp


Top Picture: Back Row: Matt McGuire, Darryl Vanella, Joe August Middle Row: Scott Howarth, Loren Tucker, Ken Wilson, Dave Kolker Front Row: Tate Comey, Dave Barrett, Jamie Baker. Bottom Picture: Back Row: Sherri Gilkes, Dawn Pet- tingale, Amie DeGroat, Joyce Barwick, Carol Ver- maas, Marie Gibelyou, Michelle Bunts, Robin Thompson Front Row: Beth Wagner, Meg Wheeler, Marie Berry, Karen Hersey, Mary Blayer, Cindy West.


Dorm Representatives

Being President of the Student Body at Word of Life Bible Institute has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. Leadership is not always an easy thing, especially when you are representing a group of people for the Lord Jesus Christ. But when one has a terrific council to work with, as I do, he sees how easily pressure situations can turn into exciting blessings from God. I have counted it an honor to be named president of the class of 1987. Nathan Graves

Nathan Graves, Loren Tucker, Jonathan Hunt, Anne Pearson





















Mary Price, Cristi Heindel, Angie Altland/Editors


Mr. Wicks/Advisor


Thanksgiving was a day of excitement all over campus because many family and friends came to visit. Although the day began with an exam, the students were anxious to get involved in the ac­ tivities throughout the afternoon. Highlights included the Turkey Trot, the famous Powder Puff game, and the world reknowned Turkey Bowl. Results of the competitions were the B.I. ladies conquer­ ing the S.Y.M., and the S.Y.M. defeating B.I. guys. The evening was topped off with a Thanksgiving Fiesta Banquet of fun and fellowship.



The winter quarter started out with the 1987 Missions Conference. The main speaker was Wendell Kempton along with various other missionaries who came to par­ ticipate in the conference. The days began with a meeting in the morning; then everyone split up into workshops to gain more knowledge about different ministries and how they could get involved. The weekend ended with the In­ ternational Banquet followed by a service which was the conclusion to the conference. During the meeting, a challenge was given for those who dedicated their lives to serve the Lord as full-time missionaries. Then a faith pro­ mise offering was given to support missions. The Class of 1987 pledged a goal of $60,600!




Someday Your Prince Will Come ...




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THE GHOSTS OF COUNCIL HALL PAST Yes, Council Hall lies empty, Its seats so bear and worn;

Another class is leaving, But another class is born. The tablet arms forsaken, The soundroom silent lies, The microphones are quiet, We've said our last good-byes. The Class of '87 Has lived upon this floor, But the Class of '87 Will gather here no more. But the memories still echo From the silent wooden walls, This class will carry memories That cannot be recalled. A new class is timidly waiting, And soon it will arrive. This empty floor will rumble, And Council Hall will come alive!


Word of Life transfers currently at Cedarville, “Wishing you were here!”

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Congratulates Word of Life Class of 1987

A Baptist college of arts and sciences, Cedarville offers an excellent, accredited Christian college education. Maintaining conservative standards of conduct and an active Christian service program, our college curriculum includes a broad background of general studies, a required minor in Bible, and a majorfield or special program selectedfrom our overforty areas of study. We invite you to join us as we celebrate our Centennial and the opening of our new library in 1987.

Cedarville College • Box 601 • Cedarville, OH 45314 • 513/766-221/*



What is the Word of Life experience? Word of Life is a dynamic youth organization reaching the world with the Gospel through camps, rallies, Bible clubs, Bible Institutes, and other world wide ministries. Word of Life International headquarters is located on beautiful Schroon Lake deep in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. Nestled three miles north of the International headquarters, is fabulous Word of Life Inn. The Inn, desigend as a conference and vacation center for the entire family, features great accommodations, superb food, and outstanding Bible teachers. The Ranch/Ranger

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Complex, located nine miles south of the Word of Life Inn, is a 270 acre campus with facilities and programs geared for children in three very active age groups; 6-8, 9-10, 11-13 year olds. Also located on this facility is the Word of Life Bible Institute. Bible Institute alumni are the most valuable prospects for the dynamic worldwide camping ministries, both here and abroad. Word of Life Snow Camps, rallies and marathons are an integral part of the Word of Life experience; along with Olympians, College and Career fellowships and Bible clubs; they are a major means of reaching young people for Jesus Christ. So come along and be part of the Word of Life experience!






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—Word of Life Clubs Paul Bubar, International Director The same sincere Christ-centered vigor that has made Word of Life highly successful has gone into establishing and continuing the ministry of Word of Life Clubs. Today, twenty-five years after their inception, Word of Life Clubs are operating in approx­ imately 700 local churches with thousands of young people grow­ ing spiritually through their outreach. Using Word of Life materials and methods, the Clubs are controlled and carried out by the local church. Clubs are designed for 3 age groups: the Olympians for children aged 0-11, teen clubs for those in junior and senior high school aged 11-17 end College-Career Fellowship for young adults aged 10-30. The philosophy of the ministry Is to help gospel-preaching chur­ ches build a strong and dynamic soul-winning youth ministry. This is obtained by establishing godly ideals In the minds of young Olympians, establishing godly habits in the lives of teenagers, and by establishing godly goals in the lives of elusive college and career age young adults. These thrusts are achieved through: a meaningful Bible Study, dally Quiet Time, Scripture memorization, Christian reading, personal and mass evangelism and Christian service. Today Word of Life Bible Clubs under the direction of Paul Bubar are providing a meaningful ministry to youth across North America and around the world! Over 13,000 kids attend clubs every week. Over 11,000 decisions for Christ were reported in ipe«. The goal of the Club ministry for 1903 is to expand the number of clubs by 30 percent. This will be accomplished as young people are reached with the Gospel of Christ.

High School Olympians College/Career

( 518 ) 532-7583





W a t c h m a n




Bible Institute Directory 1986-1987

Kim Bobier 340 Spohn Rd. Sinking Spring, PA 19608 Lori Boggess 24 Forestdale Road Kinnelon, New Jersey 07405 Michael A. Bohn 8508 Rogers Road Castalia, Ohio 44824 Hunee Bolio RR2 Box 2670 Bryant Pond, ME 04219 Frank & Dorli Born Bohlenweg 5 4920 Lemgo 1 West Germany Brian Bortree 10 Rose Mary Lane Library, PA 15129 Brian Brock 10740 West Colby Rd. Gowen, Michigan 49326 Michelle Brown 4188 Red Bird Lane Flint, Michigan 48506 Cynthia Browning Post Office Box # 11 Colrain, MA 01340 Dan Broyles 2373 South 100 East Huntington, Indiana 46750

Jayne Battersby RD1 Box 518 Lincoln, DE 19960 Tony Lee Baxter 1803 Welbom St. High Point, NC 27262 Bruce Beal Mayall Rd. P.O. Box 25 Gray, ME 04039 Tricia Becker 7140 Redman Rd. Williamson, NY 14589 Phillip Beemer 15655 Folks Rd. Hanover, Michigan 49241 Mike Beever 13038 Staddens Bridge Rd. Newark, Ohio 43055 Joel Befus 2515 Pinesboro Dr. Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Amal Bejjani c/o Family Altar Broadcast Box 150 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Michael Bender RD #2 Box 33 Linden, PA 17744 Linda Benge 5807 Mildred Lane Millford, Ohio 45150 Juanita Benoit 50 Charlonate Drive Gray, Maine 04039 Laura Berg 5789 Blaine, SE Kentwood, MI 49508 Marie Berry 3599 Orchard Dr. Metamora, MI 48455 Richard Bickings 109 Lafayette Ave. Somerdale, NJ 08083 Mary Blayer 604 Hall St. Tama, IA 52339 Evan Boardman RFD #1 So. Paris, ME 04281

Michelle Bunts 516 S. 5th St. Decatur, IN 46733 Mona Burkey 321 N. Seminole Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37411 Richard Burns 722 Thurston Road Rochester, New York 14619 Veronica Burt P.O. Box 733 Hamilton 5 Bermuda Chuck Butcher WOL BI Pottersville, NY 12860 Barbara Cain 214 Wil-Jon's Sumter, SC 29154 Lisa Call Box 156 Warrensburg, NY 12885 Troy M. Campbell 215 W. 14th Ave. Juniata Altoona, PA 16601 Michael Carbone 92 Robinswood Rd. S. Weymouth, MA 02190 Tom Carroll 1199 Halladay Ave. Suffield, CT 06078

Laurel Adanti 1945 Bramblewood Dr. St. Cloud, Florida 32769

Cynthia Bailes 914 McHann Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37412 Debbie Bailey c/o International Missions Inc. P.O. Box Wayne, NJ 07470 Glenn Bailey 337 Lincoln St. Bangor, ME 04401 James Robert Baker 24516 CR 38 Goshen, IN 46526 Bonnie Bale RR #5, Site 1, Box 10 North Bay, Ontario

Jody Adkins P.O. Box 948

Chatham, VA 24531 Daniel E. Adolfson (Moose) R.D. #2 Box 585 Honesdale, PA 18431 Victor Aitken P.O. Box 689 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Margaret Alexander 378 Holt Rd. Webster, NY 14580

Canada P1B 824

Garth J. Allen 61 N. Main St. Maylield, NY 12117 Angie Altland 2775 Thornbridge Rd. W. York, PA 17404 Jeni Andes Box 105 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Lori Archer Berry's Mill Rd., Box 813 W. Bath, ME 04530 Linda Lee Armstrong 2037 Longcome Drive North Graylyn Crest Wilmington, DE 19810

Louise Barber 2246*/2Villa Rd. Springfield, OH 45503 Kenny Bamer 1340 Arkansas Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 David Barrett 3100 Courthouse Rd. Richmond, VA 23236 Kim Barrett 4005 Winchester Ln. Bowie, MD 20715 Wanda I. Barone 8416 Lafayette Rd. Lodi, OH 44254 Joyce M. Berwick P.O. Box 3104 Royboro, NC 27573

Bob Brumfield 117 Pleasant St. Wellington, Ohio 44090

Chris Cavanaugh P.O. Box 327 Auburn, NH 03032

Grant Cemy 520 Trails End Ave. Bruce, WI 54819

Mark Buell 845 Brown Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43223

Joseph L. August 109 Freeway Ave. Hackettstown, NJ 07840


Kathy Francis 38 Gansevoort Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10314 Nikki Frazier 7549 Stephen Lane Chattanooga, TN 37421 Jonathan Galvin 120 Gifford St. Syracuse, NY 13204 Ashley Gardner 17 Schuyler Hills Rd. Loudonville, NY 12211 Vicki Gaskill R.R. 2 Box 2 Berne, IN 46711 Lori Ann Gatti R.F.D. #3 Box 239 Wiscasset, ME 04578

Mark Espenshade P.O. Box 743 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Melanie Farquhar 535 Terrace Hill Rd. Cookeville, TN 38501 Michelle Leigh Farris 710 S. Main St. Geneva, IN 46740 Ferdinand Feliciano 1480 Thieriot Ave. Bronx, NY 10468 Michael V. Feliciano 930 Oakland Ct. No. Bellmore, NY 11710 Valerie Feliciano 930 Oakland Ct. No. Bellmore, NY 11710 Lamar Ferrell

Charito Coronel P. Juarez No. 5 Tamazunchale S.L.P. 79960 Mexico Michele Corsaro 566 Buttonwood Ave.

Richard Davis 132 Brentwood LN Fairport, NY 14450 Amie De Groat Deer Haven Lane Newfoundland, NJ 07435 Adam Dean 4341 Melody Rd. Richmond, VA 23234 David Delp 43 Holbrook Lane Willingboro, NJ 08046 Marion Dempsey 3261 Nottingham Way Hamilton Square, NJ 08619 Melody Del Priore RD 2 Box 1060 Putney, VT 05346 Annette De Sousa 22 Vista Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5M 1C2 Rubye M. DeWittie 7411 154th St. East Puyallup, WA 98373 Kathy DiToro 309 Cleveland Avenue Staten Island, New York 10308 Susan R. Dole 3238 Ridge Rd. W. Williamson, New York 14589 Kelly Lee Dotson RD 2 Box 472 Duncansville, PA 16635 Todd Eckert Box 362A High St. Rd. N. Rose, NY 14516 Michelle Entenmann 25 Merriewold Lane No. Monroe, NY 10950 Janet Ellis 4635 Thomas Rd. Metamora, MI 48455 Gerald and Joanne Espenshade P.O. Box 743 Schroon Lake, NY 12870

Mark Chapman Rt. 2 Box 30H McAllen, TX 78504 Robert Chase Bristol N.B. EOJ 1GO Canada

Maple Shade, NJ 08052

Kelly Cluif 36 Brown St. Kennebunk, ME 04043 John Collins WOL Clubs Office Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Laura Combs 266 Bickel Church Rd. Baltimore, OH 43105 Cory Cook 2 Chatham Rd. Upper Darby, PA 19082 Anne Marie Cook c/o Mrs. Erica Cook 14 Janet Drive Plainview, NY 11803 Diane Cooper 705 N. Stadium Rd. Oregon, Ohio 43616 Krista Cope RR #1 New Lowell, Ontario Canada LOM INO Michelle (Missy) Hinckley, NY 13352 Rebekah Comatzer 408 Laurel St. Vineland, New Jersey 08360 Tate Comey 305 W. Blue St. St. Pauls, NC 28384 Corelli Box 83

Lynn M. Crouse 31 Ericson Ave. Buffalo, NY 14215 Daniel Cruz c/o C. Rogers Apt 1A 260 65th Street Brooklyn, New York 11220 Correna L. Currie 8 South Avenue Warrensburg, NY 12885 Mark Currie 2185 Blackthorn Dr. Burton, MI 48509 Sue Curtis 455 Newaygo Rd. Casnovia, MI 49318 Bernardo Dacal-Teijeiro 1815-l.ytham Dr. S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Carol Lynn Dalton 1529 Benjamin N.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 Andrew Danec 4635 Julian Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43227 Jodi Davis 735 Belmont Avenue North Haledon, NJ 07508

105 E. State St. Springboro, Ohio 45066 Pamela Fichtner 6785 Ludington Rd. Elba, NY 14058 Brian Fink Ann Street Mifflinville, PA 18631 Connie Fisher 2752 36th St. SW Wyoming, MI 49509 Christopher E. Flagg 220 Lily Lake Rd. Dalton, PA 18414 Karen Flynn 145 Appleton Rd. Elkton, MD 21921 Bob Fowler 1011 New Rand Rd. Garner, NC 27529

Andrea Gerstner 2600 Vac Kertesz U. 11/CI.l Hungary Marie Gibelyou 4270 Holiday Rd. Traverse City, MI 49684 Kevin Gehman 416 No. Third St. Emmaus, PA 18049 Sherri Gilkes 12 Dalton PL Bramalea, ONT.L6T 1N7 Canada Gary Gillman 75 Oakland St. Rochester, NY 14620


Donna Grove Rt. 1Box 223 Clear Spring, MD 21722 D. Anthony Grullon 92 Wadsworth Ave #9 New York City, NY 10033 Sharon Guest RFD #2, Box 124 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Cheryl Guiles P.O. Box 745 Colchester, VT 05446 Louise A. Gulmantovicz RD 2 Box 200 Lambertville, NJ 08530 Kellie M. Graham R R #2 Springfield, NB EOH 1J0 CANADA Jennifer Hagenson 9 West Lyons St. Melville, NY 11747 Anne E. Halbert 79 Wilkshire PL Lancaster, NY 14086 Matthew Hall RD #2 Kittanning, PA 16201 Lee Hamblen 95 Broadview Ave. Kings Park, NY 11954

Tim Keener N6678 Co. Hwy. D Monticello, WI53570 Darrin Kessler RD 1Box 366H Germantown, PA 18053 Emory Kilgore 249 Vining Hill Rd. Southwick, MA 01077 Krishna King 16 Claytown, Bailey's Rd. Hamilton Parish CR03 Bermuda

Darlene ''Gidget'' Hamig 62-16 136th St. Flushing, NY 11367 Scott "Scooter" Harris 241 Shadmore Dr. Rochester, NY 14626 Christi Heindel RD 9 Riddle Rd. York, PA 17402 Kim Heitz 4056 W. Barry Chicago, IL 60641 Pamela J. Helm 368 Riverside Dr. Fairfield, CT 06430 Karen Hersey Box 468 Guilford, ME 04443

Becky Holland 13150 Apple Rd. Boubon, IN 46504 Adam Houston 465 Main St. Hampstead, NH 03841 K. Scott Howarth Box 138 Cambridge, LA50056 Jonathan Hunt 3108 Eastlake Dr. S Elkhart, IN 46514 Thomas Robert Dsley, Jr. c/o David Ilsley 40 Ammonoosuc St. Woodville, NH 03785 Dan Jester 1105 Logan Rd.

Vivian Gladson 6112 — 7th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220 David R. Goebel 914 Kilkenny Dr. Wheaton, IL 60187 Bethany Goeppner RFD # 1Case Rd. Durham, NH 03824 Michelle D. Gohn R.D. #2 Box 42 Red Lion, PA 17356 Danny Granstaff RT 6 Box 8-A Princeton, KY 42445 David Grant 9417 Seasons Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37421 Keysha Grant P.O. Box MA 279 Mangrove Bay BERMUDA Nathan Graves 805 Thomas St. BickneU, IN 47512 Jackie Green c/o Margrit Green 35 S. Lakeview Rd. Tri Lake Montgomery, TX 77356

Crystal Kinsey HC78 Box 945 Knapp Hill Rd. Castle Creek, NY 13744

Lori Kinsey HC78 9465 Knapp Hill Rd. Castle Creek, NY 13744 David R. Kolker 2254 Collingwood S.W. Wyoming, MI 49504 Richard Kruppa 25 Delaware Ave. Trenton, NJ 08678 Jeannette Lapoint 46 Prospect St. Topsham, ME 04086 Dawn Lawrie 3603 S. 5th St. Rd. Oxford, PA 19363 Sam Lee 12705 Ruxton Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Charles R. Lighner Box 128 Willshire, OH 45898 Susanne Leipoldt 2612 Half Hitch Trail Raleigh, NC 27615 Jennifer Lennox 3200 East Ave. Caledonia, NY 14423 Susan Lethers Box 75 Ney, OH 43549

Steve Greenhow 305 W. Jackson St. Bourbon, IN 46504

Wantagh, NY 11793

Bob and Joanne Hess Box 39 Word of Life Pottersville, NY 12860 Julie Lynne Hess 26710C r655 Bloomingdale, MI 49026 Dawn Hicks SR 12860 Box 65 Chilson Rd. Ticonderoga, NY 12883 Michelle Hildalgo RD #1 Box 67 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Steve Hilsher 859 Rutts Rd. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Jeffrey A. Hinderer 3075 Stauntor Ave. Dover, PA 17315

Bryan Johnson 1030 Brownwood N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49504 David Jones RD #4 Box #170 Auburn, NY 1321 Ardith Joranstad 7109 Brookridge W. Bloomfield, MI 48033 Stephen Paul Kacavich 15 Julien Ave. Worcester, MA 01604 Cynthia Karaman c/o Pastor David Jones First Bible Baptist Church 1156 N. Oliver Wichita, KS 67208

Angela Kaye Hammontree

Michele Griffith RD #1 #280 Smicksburg, PA 16256 Dana Grimes 2709 Scenery Dr. Elizabeth, PA 15037

4960 Mitchell Bldg. Dalton, GA 30720 Jackie Hamer 2910 Blackberry Rd. Dover, PA 17315

Bob McDonald 522 Seashore Rd. Cape May, NJ 08204 Duane McDowell 4967 Syracuse Rd. Cazenovia, NY 13035

Tim Lethers Box 75 Ney, OH 43549

Jodie Mullins 4 Elm St. Batavia, NY 14020

Ken Overholt Word of Life Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Kim Overholt Word of Life Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Robyn Paddock 353 Wyoming Road Pavilion, NY 14525 Patricia Pahmeier Leopoldstr. 11 4920 Lemgo West Germany

Susan Miller 8524 Granite St. Wheelersburg, OH 46594 Karen Anne Mingus 4811 Trenton Rd. Hyattsville, MD 20784 Dan Thami Mogasi 3867 Seben Sisa Ragiso II 1744 Johannesburg, Tul, SA Patricia Moores Box 52 Springfield, ME 04487 Robin Suzanne Morley 411 Sheffield Drive Wallingford, PA 19086 Ken Mortensen P.O. Box 359 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Kerrie Moyer 4037 Hall Center Rd. Walworth, NY 14568 Kelly Moyer 72 Second St. Ephrata, PA 17522 Byron Muller 2424 Parallel Lane Silver Spring, MD 20904 Fred Muller 281-A Newbrooklyn Rd. Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Jason Muller

Trena Mullins 21 Byng Court Moncton, NB Can EIE 1M7 John T. Mulvihill 3941 N. Kostner Chicago, IL 60641 Paula Murphy Box 1497 Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538 Tamara Neahusan 1513 Mabel Avenue Flint, MI 48506 Andrew R. Nelson 736 Rickey Lane Independence, KY 41051 Pedro Neves

Bryan Liebold 300 York Rd. Warminster, PA 18974

Bill Pardi 1130 Hammond Avenue Utica, NY 13501 Paul Pardi 1130 Hammond Avenue Utica, NY 13501

Tim Lindblad 11 Terhune Ave. Branford, CT 06405 Lori Longenecker Box 1707 Ft. Washington, PA 19034 Jodi Renee Lough Rd #1, Rt. 9 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Grace Manne 65 Delmar Place Delmar, NY 12054 Renee "Coco” Manuel 4817 Laurel Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 Mindy Marsh 2180 Ladue Drive Powell, OH 43065 Robert Marshall 12 Tulip Tree Lane Levitown, PA 19056 Koreina Martin P.O. Box 65 Denver, PA 17517 Dave Matthews 12400 US Highway 19 S. #1121 Clearwater, FL 33546 Kristine Maupin 3740 West Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dan McArthur P.O. Box 1465 Gaborone, Botswana

Annmarie McGovern 24 Sycora Lane Islandia, NY 11722 Erin McGrath 212 Golondrina Ave. Barrigada Heights, Guam 96913 Jenifer Melick 441 S. TWPRd. 1179 Tiffin, OH 44883 Glenn Menges 1098 Windridge Dr. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Lori Ann Mercaldo 92 Plymouth Blvd. Smithtown, NY 11787

Juanita K. Metzler 2490 Ellendale Dr.

Jin E. Park c/o The First Korean Baptist Church 13421 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20906 Steven Parker 10606 Luther Road Live Oak, CA 95953 Dean Parrott 965 Virginia Marysville, MI 48040 Anne K. Pearson 1691 Lockmere Drive S.E. Kentwood, MI 49508

WOL Portugal Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Sean Nolan 2473 Jones Street Delkerville, MI 48427 Steve O'Dell 2255 Mapleleaf Terrace N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Jennifer O'Hara 507 East Liberty Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

Lancaster, PA 17602

2424 Parallel Lane Solver Spring, MD 20904 Chuck Mullins 8411 Igou Gap Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421

Karen Oliveira P.O. Box 48 Southampton West Bermuda SNBX

Eric Meyhoefer, Jr. 2471 Arthur Court Oceanside, NY 11572

Larry Perkins 6 Marley Place New Hartford, NY 13413


Fred G. Rinehart 242 N. Liberty Street Galion, OH 44833 April Rinkenberger 206 E. Highland Ottumwa, LA52501 Aaron Ray Robinson 2372 W. Bench Road Othello, WA 99344 Karen A. Rock Rt. 22 Box 248 Putnam Station, NY 12861 Anita Roth Max-Planck-Str. 12/0 7100 Heilbronn West Germany Wendy Rutherford 12707 Sawdust Drive Glen Allen, VA 23060 Fran Sabia P.O.Box 1219 Edison, NJ 08818 Becca Salsbury Rt. 5 Box 213 Bryan, OH 43506 Kim Sauder RR 1Star Route 97 Butler, OH 44822 Maria Sauro 208 May Street Worcester, MA 01602 Kay Sawders 873 Shoshone Avenue Akron, OH 44305 Shane Scarberry 4517 Briarwood Drive Urbana, OH 43078 Brenda Scott P.O. Box 6186 Captain Cook, Hawaii 96704 Don Schamberg Hoffman Road Schroon Lake, NY 12870 Georg Scheller Wort Des Lebens Postfach 60 8137 Berg/Stambergersee West Germany Beth Schermer 1638 Boston S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Katie Pontius 3029 Clarendon Drive Richmond, VA 23235

Deanna Perry "Mar-Ray" 16 Lightboume Lane Hermitage Road Bermuda Debbie Perry Rt. 3 Box 411 Midland Road Shelbyville, TN 37160 Annette C. Peters RD 2 Box 219-5 New Tripoli, PA 18066

Darlene Sinda 1510 Connecticut Marysville, MI 48040 George Smiling Rt. 1 Box 432 Wedgefield, SC 29168 Cynthia L. Smith Rt. 1Box 432 Wedgefield, SC 29168 Dave W. Smith 555 N. West Street Xenia, OH 45385 Graham Smith 630 Brownrigg Road Salisbury, NC 28144 Lisa Smith 6 Winnipeg Court Vincentown, NJ 08088 Lori Smith 200 Catalpa Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 Shannon L. Snell Rt. 1 Box 317 Weyers Cave, VA 24486 Patti Snyder 2543 Joppa Road York, PA 17403 Paula Sosebee Rt. 2 Box 1369 Ringgold, GA 30736 Shirley Souryal 7923 Landing Lane Falls Church, VA 22043 Dolores Sparandera 2188 S. Railroad Avenue Staten Island, NY 10306

Sue Schutter 36 South Union Street Sparta, MI 49345 John Scott 12 Redwood Road Brantford Ontario Canada N3R 3M1 Kelley Scott 5932 English Road Silverwood, MI 48760 Kurt W. Seip Rt. 2 Box 285 Spring Street Woodstock, VA 22664 Sharyn Selby 29 Red Berry Road Levittown, PA 19056 Odete Semedo 760 Hamilton Street Harrison, NJ 07829 Tom Sharpe 3006 Dixon Avenue Bristol, PA 19007 Marci Shaw Box 215 Crown Point, NY 12928 Tadako Shimokuwaya 7-2-1-504 Arima Miyamae-ku Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa 213 David Shoff 173 E. Wyomissing Avenue Mohnton, PA 19540 William Short 31 Broad Avenue Concord, NH 03301 Steve Silvestri 100 Clark Street N. Babylon, NY 11704

Larry E. Porter P.O. Box 732 Schroon Lake, NY 12870

Paul Pressano 2188 Strong Avenue

Bronx, NY 16465

Sheila Peters 133 Parker Street Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Tamara Petersen

Mary Price 7110 Shetland Street Wor, OH 43085 Michael Priolo RD 2 Box 407 Catskill, NY 12414 Karen Pulley 407 Brookfield Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37411 Jeffrey Raber 404 California Trail Browns Mills, NJ 08015 Phetole Ramatapa 178 Moletsane P.O. KWA-XUMA 1868 Johannesburg, South Africa Kim Rayner RR 1Box 130-A Hollis, ME 04042

318 N. George Street Millersville, PA 17551 Ingrid Peterson 68315 Main Street Box 170 New Paris, IN 46553 Julie M. Peterson 68315 Main Street Box 170 New Paris, IN 46553 Robert and Valerie Petro 250 Cedar Grove Road Little Falls, NJ 07424 Nelson E. Phero Beehetown Road Hammonton, NJ 08037 Linda Pietzsch 6856 Rieber Street Worthington, OH 43085 Mary Beth Pofl 1930 Willis Street Salem, VA 24153


Daniel Reed 13054 Whitfield Sterling Heights, MI 48077

Jean Rinaldi Box 168 Newbury, VT 05051

Susanne Poffenberger 2845A Cedarest Road Fairfax, VA 22031


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