Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1987


Tom Davis/Academic Dean

"A Student's Mind" I took a piece of clay and idly fashioned it one day And as my fingers pressed it still, it moved and yielded to my will. I came I cam e again when days had passed — the bit of clay was hard at last. The form I gave it, it still bore and I could change that form no more.


Bob Gray/Dean of Students

I took a piece of living clay and gently formed it day by day And molded by my art a student's soft and pliant heart.

I came again when months were gone — a graduate I looked upon And he that early impress wore — I could change him never more!! I am challenged by this thought as also expressed in James 3:1. "Not many of you should piesume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.'

Iom Davis

To the class of 1987 — Congratulations I would like to praise the Lord for you. Your class has been a great encouragement to me this past year as you have allowed the Lord to work through you. This is my Description of your class. P — Patient as we have grown together. R — Responsive to the Word of God. A — Alert to spiritual danger. I — Interested in each other. S — Sensitive to the Holy Spirit. E — Enthusiastic about learning, serving, and desiring to know Him. Bob Gray

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