Missions Conference hat better way to kick off the new year than
commitment to pursue full-time service in a for eign mission field. Stu dents also had the oppor tunity to participate in giving financially to mis sions through the Faith Promise Pledge. The missions conference cer tainly affected student’s lives in a variety of ways and will always stand out in the Bible Institute year.
International, Dr. Ronald Blue. His mes sages, along with those from Harry Bollback, George Theis, and Joe Jordan, challenged the students to plan on going to the foreign mission field, not just be willing to go. On Monday night, many students respon ded to this invitation bv r going forward at the fi nal session and making a
the annual Word of Life Missions Conference? This year’s conference ✓ theme was “Gone Fish ing" and featured Mat thew 4:19, “Follow- Me and I wall make you fish ers of men." The visiting speaker wars the President of CAM
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