Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1999

Yearbook sweat, tears, anxiety,

more phone calls, men in white coats. While many people think we just sit around the office, eating- milk & cookies, and med­ itating, this is not the case. Yearbook is a lot of fun, but we also work hard, and even if you don’t believe that, READ THE STORIES!

I t was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Five patriots all alike with creative mindsets Life yearbook. Year­ book, schmearbook... who are the bums with the super, simple jobs of yearbook? Where are they hiding? Blood,

backspace, charts, pic­ tures, phone calls, ads, computer, crash, hair, pull-out, theme, more quer, edit, write more, challenged, more hair gone, pro’s, con’s, “What Would Wittmer Do?", drama desk, dead­ lines, mum murderer,

rise to the challenge of pictures, meetings, write, forming the Word of story, challenged to con-


Y earbook

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