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9«u-'J^««l» truckin' for the J ^ r i*
£pH. 6-"10 — JJovt, ^rottrod* J^iUt ^ceo* m 4 %/leaders
Oear Jamie- Wc are PR O U D of Y O U ! Keep on livingfor HIM! Fsalm 3+: I i |_ovc>Mom, Dad, Jason, Gireg. M'chelle, and Allison
We are proud of you Russ. Onward and Upward- may God bless! Love, Mom, Dad, and Sonja Craig, Keep on “Following God.” Love, Mom and Dad Dan Weeks, you made us proud! Dad, Mom, and Temple Baptist Church, Sarasota, FI.
Congratulations and God bless you, Erica Brian. We love you! Dad and Susan (Jer. 29:11)
Dan, VJe are st> preutj. ficif is moltfirg your life, anj you are wise enough to allow Hin-i to w. *1, d , j, a j Dave Akers- Greetings from your Faith family- Faith Baptist Church of N. Chili, N.Y. Nate Gilbert, We are proud of you and the strength of Jesus that shines through you. Your Friends and Family at the Faith Baptist Church of Seneca Falls Kristin k “Rueeo- Congratulations on your first year in reaching your goal. Love, mom and dad
Congratulations, Susan Meier! Press on with Cod's grace! Love, Dad, Mom, and Lisa GMU AUSTRIA
V ear Li&a/, You/have/ vnodes u&-very proud/and/ m ay the/ Lord/ be/ with/you/. Love/, G randm a/ curd/Grandpa/ IJear Andrew, W c are so proud of you and pleased to see how you are trusting (Jod to guide you. J~he spiritual truths and wisdom you are learning will provide a solid foundation for your futurejoumey in life, Rroverbs 5:1 -6 ~ W« love you, M om an dDad Rebecca, For His Word, valuable lessors, direction, and provision In your life we praise the Lord! with grateful hearts. Love, Dad, Mum., and Tint
Tooar son, Beryamin Edwards- Wea er so proad of goa and thank Godfor enriching oar l i ev s with goal Weare eager to se Godanfold his pfantogtMff life. Welove goal Love, Moma n Ddad
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