First Year
S chool starts once again, but this time in an entirely different world. A class size of over six hun dred people provides an interesting way of learn ing. Meeting new faces as you find your seat in the ocean of Council Hall adds to the anticipation of your very first day. “Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen" are the first words you hear from your new profes sor, Dr. Tom Davis, be fore he opens the class in prayer. Realizing the list of classes that you will be studying this year pro vides a feeling of excited joy as the wise professor briefly gives a descrip tion of each topic. The classes of the day come to ✓ an end and you feel your stomach begin to rumble as you realize that it is now time for lunch. Making your way through the line and making sure that you have your ID with you, you wonder what tasty meal is on the menu. Nothing can compare with the food mom cooks for you, but hey, it’s col
it! Supper is next on the agenda and another tempting feast awraits you in the dining hall. You sit with some new friends that you made through out the day and get to know them a little bit better. Soon it is time for studv hours which is something totally new for you considering you have never really been * forced to study before, / let alone for a period of about three hours, but looking over your class notes and learning your verses soon passes the time along swiftly. “Devos!” Comes a yell ✓ from the hall and you quickly scramble around your dorm-mates to lis ten to the wisdom of your RA. Getting to hear the testimonies from the people you will be spend ing your school year with sparks an interest in get ting to know them a bit better. Lights-out is in just a few minutes and as you crawl in bed you contemplate the day’s events as you realize what a great year you are about to embark on.
lege, and after eating your first bite you come to the conclusion that you just might like it he re. You quickly finish your lunch and hastily He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock; and when theflood rose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. Luke 6:48 make your way to your work assignment. Meet ing your supervisor and work-mates builds the at mosphere as you discov er what exactly your job entails. Hey, this is only a few hours a week and by God’s grace you can do
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