Matthew Sanclness Laurel Sargent
Yasuko Sato Carl Sauter Adam Say
Allison Schaaf Andrew Schuh Erin Schuh ^Christopher Scoggins Paul Scott
Natercia Seabra Lindsey Sexton Andrew Shanks Courtnev Shaughnessy Jamie Sheffer
in prayer to conquer the vast list of prayer re quests that come from Word of Life missionar ies scattered across the globe. Not only do we gain a deeper knowledge of other cultures through direct contact with spe cific servants of God, we also are able to “bear one another’s burdens,” as is commanded in Gala tians 6:2. As we see God answer prayer, we grow in the knowledge of Him and His plan for the world.
E ach Tuesday night at 6:30, students gather together with one thing in mind: mis sions. As the challenge went out at the Missions Conference to dedicate one’s life to God’s work abroad, everyone at the Bible Institute now has a
clearer picture of what missions and missionaries are all about. Whether in the far cor ner of China, or the cold distant climate of Cana da, all missionaries need prayer support. As a campus that seeks to sup ply the needs of God's people, all students unite
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