Kathrine Woodrow Erin Woodworth
Jaime Yarnell Joseph Yates Tamra Yoder
Megan Yorgey Leah Young William Yuhasz Sarah Zakula Jonathan Zemmer
Hannah Zeno Twila Zimmerle Ken Zimmerman Nick Zoeller Skye Zultanky
the First Year program, many students decide to continue their education in the Second Year program. The prac ticality of the teaching, from people that are leading the ministry to day, is so relevant that no matter where God di rects a person's life, he or she can effectively min ister. Second Year teahces students to be like the Bereans, search ing the scriptures to de velop their own system of practical theology and methodology of minis try. ✓ The merit of Second
terpreted. In addition, class topics ranging from Children’s Ministy to Spiritual Gifts to Con temporary Problems in the Church are enjoyed. Scripture they have in-
Year is evidenced in the courses that are offered. Hermeneutics teaches how to interpret the Bi ble, and Homiletics/ Public Speaking teaches students how to use the
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