Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1999

Women's Basketball he Women's Basketball Ministry is a tremendous tween the WOLBI team lives allowed the team and their opponents pro- many witnessing

members to bond togeth­ er. “It was such an honor and privilege to play bas­ ketball for WOL. It was so incredible to be able to play a sport I love, and God allowed me to have a ministry with it. God really used the experi­ ence that I had through basketball to help me grow," reflected Rachel Mitchell.

opportunities. Following the game, players shared the gospel with opposing team members and spec­ tators. An atmosphere of /ship and unity was also generated among the team members. Ac­ countability and discus­ sions about how God was working in each of their

opportunity to incorpo­ rate basketball with evangelism. The girls were driven to compete in a way that exemplified a Christ-like attitude as they contended against area colleges and high schools. Basketball creat­ ed a common link be­

M in istr ies 59

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