Drama W hat do Jim- sovereignty. Through team so unique. As my Stewart, performances such as “Passion Play” came Canada, Er- “Just by Faith” and onto the scene, eight nie Joe “Bridge of Blood,” the faithful members tfjjav- Laivengood, Kick the gospel was presented to ellecl to Florida, while six Can, and Tuna all have those who did not know new students joined in to in common? The drama Jesus Christ as their per- add a new twist to the team! As they ministered sonal Savior, while oth- group. As they look back to the student body, Sen- ers were greatly chal- on all those van rides and ior classes, and churches lenged in their Christian “pit stops,” the focus re- throughout the sur- life. Snow Campers also turns to the One to rounding area this group participated in the fun whom all the glory and of first and second year on Saturday afternoons praise is due...the Lord students grew to a great- with crazy improvs and Jesus Christ; He is the er knowledge of God’s games that make drama one we serve.
“Old Faithful” (Back) Brian Thompson, Eddy Hopkins, Travis Hickman (Middle) Alicia Horkey, Jaime Yarnell, Christine Platania, Nathan Miles, Phil Storer (Front) Kendell Murray, Kathy De Livron, jadon fowler, Ali Mc- Graw, Vicki (their guide) “New Twist’’ (Tree) Jeff Seaman, Matt Elder, Matt Leland, Eddy Hopkins, Jonathan Zemmer (Ground) Julia Asbrand, Alicia Preast, Christine Pla tania, Maria Knickerbocker, Ali McGraw
M in is trie s 63
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