mission field, and in the experience of working along side Mr. Theis as the director of Word of Life. Mr. Theis's “godliness, faithfulness, and great example of family values” have been a few of the many char acteristics admired in George by Mr. Jordan. These qualities are all at tributes portrayed through Mr. Theis’s life, and the character shown by this great man is a tre mendous testimony for our Lord and Savior.
vibrant Word of Life Ministry (a fellowship of loyal people and strong leaders) from very God ly, sucessful, and highly regarded founders.” Joe Jordan was also greatly affected by Geor ge Theis’s life. Mr. Jor dan admires his long time friend’s “sterling Godly character” and has been greatly influ enced throughout his whole life ranging under his Bible Club direction in Junior High to the challenge of going to the
George Theis has im pacted many lives of the staff of Word of Life. Wayne Lewis gave a powerful description of how this man of God has affected his life “by his stability, graciousness, consistancy, humility, Godly example of a hus band, father, leader, and friendship.” Mr. Lewis believes that Mr. Theis's greatest conquering ex perience has been “sucessfully taking over and transitioning leader ship of the growing and
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