Women Soccer
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year that the soccer teams were able to host . It was a great ex perience to not only be able to witness, but also have the knowledge of that fellow stu dents could witness to the crowds attendin game. Not only were the girls able to witness dur ing game time, but also off the field. By keeping Christ the focus of what they did, the girls soccer team reaped the many benefits of teamwork and formed new friend ships that wall last a life time.
he ladies’ soc cer team is a great ministry. This ministry
gives each girl the oppor tunity to do what they love most: play soccer and share the Gospel with the lost. By serving the Lord with their tal ents, they have been able to form many new friendships. Bonding was a special aspect that the team was able to share. It also brought the team closer together and to God through the en- couragments that were able to give one an other. This was the first
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M inistries 87
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