Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2002

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WORD 8ffrc BIBLE INSTITUTE LIBRARY JVOKft OF iiFtt ?*m m iNsrirruT* uwu»

A n s Christians, we have been commanded to STAND FIRM. We m us t stand against the schemes of the dev il , against the sin of t h e world ar ou nd us, against t h e pressures of our society, against the "sin that so easily entangles..." Many think that their year at Word of Life Bible Institute is a kind of test- can they survive the rules, the demerits, t h e work hours, the daily s ch e duel , the exhausting ministry opportunities? Howeevr, the real test occurs when we leavethis campus and step out intothe "real world." Will we put on the armor of God that will enabel us to effectively fight the battle raging in the world today? Or will we allow the enemy’s weapons to penetrate the protective shieldof our faith? Our prayer is that eahc student, having done all they could during this year to prepare themeslves for a life of sevrice to our King, would STAND for Him, even amidst a so ci et y that tries so desperately to pull us down.

Word of Life Bible Institute

NewYork Campus Florida Campus

4200 Glendale Road • PottersviHe NY 12860 • (518) 494-4723 13001 Word of Life Drive • Hudson FL 34669 • (727) 857-9746

Web Site www.wolbi.net



Joe Jordan

Jack Wvrtzen and Harrv Bollback

hat a joy to present to you this

Having Done all, to stand. It has been our desire this year to share ■ WF * K t li our words and our lives the sobering responsibility we have to stand for our Lord as shining lights in the midst of this dark world of sin and despair A yearbook brings many memories. Our prayer is that as you look through this volume and see faces of friends, faculty, staff, and guest lecturers that your hearts will be moved and your memory will be spurred on to faithfulness in the awesome privilege of having done all, we stand for our Lord. Through your smiles and maybe even shedding of tears, my prayer is that you will never forget what God

—--Toe Jordan Executive Director Philippians 1:21

Therefore, take up the full armor of done everything, to stand firm.




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■'# L;/ God, that you may he able to resist in th

theme II 3

on which

Jack Wyrtzen


"God used... a man of explicit and almost childlike faith who believed that God would do the impossible."

n August of 1999, Joe Jordan succeeded George Theis as the Executive irector of Word of Life international.


George Theis Former Director His ". . .stability, graciousness, consistency, humility Godly example of a husband, father, leader, and friend" has affected many.

Harry Bollback


His life "is a testimony of the fact that a life sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ is the most exciting life available."

the qrowth of Word of Lief'sministries

The summer of 1947 was the first summer that Word of Life Island opened as a camp for teenagers to come and learn about the Word of God.

It started with one man... Jack Wyrtzen began in the 1940s with the Word of Life Hour radio programs and rallies in New York city. founders and director

The Word of Life Ranch was founded as a camp for children and young teens. Council Hall was the central meeting room, and continues to be used at the Ranch and Bible Institute today.

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ack Wyrtzen began Word of Life because of his passion to preach the Word.

Joe Jordan President

"God changed the life of a troubled teenager into a young man with a burning desire to be used of God to reach others."

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hey are just ordinary men. They were living ordinary lives. . . until they let the Lord take control. And from then on, nothing was ordinary at all! When God has total reign in your life, extraordinary things happen. The lives of Jack Wyrtzen, Harry Bollback, George Theis, and Joe Jordan have been nothing less than extraordinary. Their faithfulness to the Lord and sensitivity to His leading in their lives has brought about the organization called Word of Life, which has reached millions of people around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jack Wyrtzen began Word of Life in the 1940s with radio programs and rallies in New York City. Later, he took huge leaps of faith to expand Word of Life’s ministry to camps in Schroon Lake, New York, and, eventually, around the world. Harry Bollback was introduced to

Word of Life when he began to play the piano for Jack at the street meetings in New York. He and his wife, Millie, later went to Brazil and brought the gospel to Indians who would not otherwise have heard. They then returned to New York to be involved in directing the ministry there. George Theis started the first Word of Life Bible Club in Lakeland, Florida, and went on to establish Palavra da Vida (Word of Life) in Recife, Brazil. Joe Jordan started Word of Life in Argentina, where today many young men and women from Latin America are trained at the Bible Institute there to go out around the world. Reading about these men, you would think they are super heroes. But talking to them, or even just hearing them speak, it is easy to see that they are simply humble servants of our great and awesome God. Thanks to their faithfulness, many have been brought into the Kingdom, and many more have been trained to go and reach others for Christ. If every student would leave the Bible Institute with the same faith and attitude of service to the Lord, this world would be turned upside down for Jesus! Rachel Hosan

Jack Wyrtzen and family are determined to The Bible Institute was founded in 1971. make it to Schroon Lake! In 1969, Word of Here, WOL maintenance staff builds dorms to Life’s international headquarters officially be used by students and Snow Campers, moved to Schroon Lake, New York.

"Uncle Harry" Bollback is one of the highlights of a week of camp at Word of Life Ranch. His antics still continue at camp to this day!

founders and director II 5

"Now therefore, I pray Thee, if I have foundfavor in Thy sight, teach me thy wavs, that I may know Thee..."

Exodus 33:13

r. Tom Davis is a dedicated man of great integrity- one who has stability in his spiritual walk with the Lord, as well as a thorough knowledge of God’s word. Students have been greatly affected by Dr. Davis’ ministry both in and out of the classroom. Students at WOLBI will leave with many memories of Dr. Davis from his knowledge and passion for the Jewish nation to the jokes and stories that he never runs out of (me genointa!). Other students enjoy his classroom demonstrations such as playing the drums, shooting a machine gun or "rapture practice." Whether a chicken loses his wings, a cat survives a parachute drop, or he and his dormmates climb on top of the tile ceiling of Asia dorm, (oops, was I not supposed to mention that?) he has given the students and faculty the honor to have him as part of our lives. Tom Davis is not only a teacher but also a co­ worker, spouse and a father to his six children, and most of all, a fatherly figure to all of his students he has taught during the past 24 years. He always goes out of his way to talk to the students and encourage them in their studies and their spiritual walk. We want to thank you, Dr. Davis, for your example of what all of us students are here for. Study to show yourself approved. God Bless. Juliana Ramos

Tom Dva i sat Word of Life

He met his wife, Susan, and they were married in 1974.

Tommy Davis (right) accepted Jesus as his personal savior at the Word of Life Inn during a family vacation. Pictured here in 1964, age 11. dedication

Tom in his dorm at the Word of Life Bible Institute.

hen Dr. Davis comes to the front of the classroom, students don’t know what to expect: chicken stories? Silly jokes or comics? A song to start class? The latest current events in Palestine? Do students need to wonder if he will open the Word of God and teach with clarity and wisdom? Me genointa! This is one thing that is a consistent part of Dr. Davis’ ministry at Word of Life Bible Institute.

Dr. Davis knows that family is important!

I isiting the newest member of their family, Ashley (known to their Jewish neighbors as "sour cream")

he Davis and Storman families at Christmas, 2000.

In 1978, Dr. Davis taught for his first year at the Word of Life Bible Institute.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis with Jack and Marge Wyrtzen at the WOLBI Valentine’s Banquet.

"Preparing to kill Benny" The Davis kids take a last look at their first family chicken.


■ I

These are the times that try men s souls

Thomas Paine

n September 11,2001, tragedy finally struck a nation that has long remained untouched. When

the two tallest buildings in New York City came crashing to the ground, so did the sense of peace and

security that has long characterized America. The people of our great nation, and many around the

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world for that matter, began to question what in this life is truly important, and many began to look

for answers from a higher source. The answers can be found in only one place, and that is the

unchanging Word of God. Doors of opportunity swung wide open in the aftermath of the attack, and

it is easy to see that God is at work in the United States. It is important to remember that the things

of this world are

There are only two things that will STAND forever: the Word of God

and the souls of men

Rachel Hosan

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NYC tribute

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iJH marked as "before and after" that awful jfl ^ay, SePtemt)er 11th, 2001. This disaster /ffia was a catalyst to polarize all affected by it. I

Those in rebellion toward God are now

filled with cynicism, fear, and anger. Those who were on the brink of salvation are now running to Christ in full knowledge of their dependence on Him. Believers are taking note of the power they have in Christ to meet the needs in themselves and those around them. I praise the Lord and thank you, WOLBI students, for helping us through the years as we’ve seen scores from that immediate area and undoubtedly, from those towers, place their faith in Christ, before it was too late. Our Spanish Ministry teams seized the A I y I I'A v Ifl moment in New York City, and spent as much time as possible near "The Site" of -!M® the terrorist attacks. New Yorkers are I W stunned and their eyes have been opened to the reality of life and its importance. Wherever we went, we found people willing to talk, instead of complete coldness to the Gospel. The students of our four teams were challenged far beyond their dreams. We saw God’s faithfulness and many doors of opportunity were opened. We gave away 26,500 tracts, 1,800 donated books and shared the Gospel with about 700 people one on one. We wanted to be there. What a blessing to see 204 people accept Christ!

photo: Time magazine

NYC tribute

I f ho ever said that studying had to take place during study hours? In the beautiful Adirondack mountains of NY, students find that one of the greatest places to read and meditate on God's Word is in the midst of His awesome, creation.


f f OLBI is about'more than just academics/ More important than studying class notes is/the time that : students spend studying the Word ojBpd itself. Uuiet Time is one of those times of the day set aside for that very pjrpose, and the habits students form in that area will impact the rest of their lives!

I leading at WOml is one of the more time- consuming academic assignments students face. Fortunately, it elm be done just about anywhere! Jacob Towe and his skateboard found a spot on the Florida campus .to get some work done.


10 ! purpose

"On Christ the Solid Rock I STAND, All other ground is sinking sand..." Juliana Ramos and Lisa^Wmmann

Therefore every one who hears these word of Mine and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock, and the rain descended, and thefloods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did notfall, for it had been founded upon the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

foBdation. And as Christians, we know that the only

foundation that will stand forever is the Word of God

This is why the students at WOLB1 have invested a year or

two of their lives into studying this foundational book

When the rains pour down and the wind blows hard, only

those who have the right foundation will be able to

STAND in the midst of the storm

77 Armstrong


ere at WOLBI, students don't

get much space to call their own.

But the space they do have

Amy Daniels and Becky Wright

becomes quite valuable. Everyone

has their own way of decorating

and arranging to make things

comfortable, and before long, the

dorm is referred to as "home."

I hey see you at your best and oom mates.

at your worst. They laugh with you, cry with

you. pray with vou... they will be your friends


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for life. Roommates at WOLBI play a key role

in our spiritual growth, as they encourage,

confront, and give sound Biblical advice.

New York - Kenya Dorm

n most dorms, the bathroom is the place

to socialize. Whether it’s tying your tie in

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the morning, or brushing .70111 teeth at

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night, a sense of community develops

around those sinks and mirrors that are

New Yo>k Turke\’Dorm

usr as the dorm is, the student's

new home, aiy those who live

there soon become their new

Dorm devotions are an


Florida- Argentina Dorm


Coolsians 3:23-24

hatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for

men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the

inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

Jenny McDonald - grader

o matter what your work

Ploa5t' Place Sih

.If assignment, the key is to work

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with a smile and a heart desiring

to serve. Our heart and attitude

Daryl Jackson - bakery

are what God sees, and we are

working to please Him.

work assignments


Andrea Pagano and Alyne Gondar -food prep

ork assignments are one of

the many activities at WOLBI

that seem to occupy a large

amount of


But this

unique part of the curriculum

teaches students valuable lessons

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about working that could not be

' learned :n ^classroom: how to


well ' with



ana obeying

authority, and most pf all, v ^Ha working hard because that’s what

the Lord requires of us.

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Chris Milian ■video

n this case, mo v «7 it is required of


be found FAITHFUL

work assignments

Alex Hollander, Phil McKeon, and Jason Field * dishpit

r.hSt In-frfc ') p®

Amy Rider, Christina Parker, Anna Bloomfield, Katie Funk, Amanda Williams, Nicole Goodman / Meredith Fine, Marcy Burtchell, Kristen Plouse, Lorin McGovern, Heather Fortin



y n is grace

^^■ywhere you go, no matter what you are doing, you will

encounter people who will significantly impact your life. The

people A Word of Life Bible Institute are no exception, and, in

f reality,

friendships made here are ones that will last longer

r m

than most. From teachers and mentors to roommates and RAs,


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the relationships formed during one’s time at Word of Life will


challenge them to grow, encourage them in their walk with

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Christ, and become a major influence in helping each student


stand firm in the faith after they leave.

Nathan Kauffman, Tim Gwyn, Ricardo Russo, David Kelly, Nate Mellinger, Austin Green

"...we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand..." Romans 5:2

New York.people 111 7

fac ulty and staff

en Reeder does more than just teach and lead the singing on Sunday! Family time is of the utmost importance, especially to 3-year-old Jocelyn.

Miss Kirby

Colossians 12:8-29

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.

r. Jerami Mahaffey breaks out in unharnessed WTC pride during snow camp chapel!

hese three good looking French Hens take a time out from the 12 days of Christmas: Ralph Deshetsky, Bill Kay &Ben Martin.


tele LI 11\

DR. S T URAT PAGE Vice President of Bible Institute



Associate Executive Dean

Executive Secretary

"lam thankful to God that you have chosen to spend this period of time studying and serving God with us at Word ofLife. You have been a blessing to us as you have demonstrated your lovefor God through your classroom and ministry efforts. It is our prayer that you will continue to be afaithful servant." 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

^haun Phillips decides to try out for the girl’s basketball team. Coach

Hartwell was not impressed...

Mr. D:

"From September 2001 until August 2002... My how our lives change and so do our perspectives. It has been a great joy to participate in chapels and to teach this last year. To talk, laugh, pray, and empathize with many ofyou.


Now I look forward to seeing how God will take what He invested this year and apply it in the future. I look forward to hearingfrom many of you and how God richly blesses your life."

ike many RD’s, Martin Fern came back with the disguised purpose of finding a spouse... and he is one of the few who has succeeded in this endeavor.





JE NALDER Library Assistant


Academic Dean

& Professor

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BRIAN DONLEY Professor of Music


SecondYear Academia





Mi s s Faith Thomas

"If I could put into words what I would say to each ofyou individually as you complete this incredible year of learning God's Word, my mind and heart go





immediately to Psalm 1. It so succinctly describes the two different kinds of life you can have: a blessed, full life without regret or a life o f judgment, instability, and destruction. A life lived to honor the Lord brings joy beyond description, but it only comes when you love and obey God's Word. My heart's prayerfo r you is that you will take this knowledge and apply it to become the people of God that He so desires you to be. May you come to know the unfathomable riches of His love as you seek to keep serving the King!" "And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:3

Ministries Assistant

Open Air Evangelism Athletic Ministries Director

RICK WARKEN Spanish Ministries

JOH N PAGE Ministries Dean

JERRY TEBOE Ministries Assistant

20 | i,i. 11 h\

Culinary Services


E STEINBERGER Administrator’s Assistant




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DARYL JACKSON Bakery Manager




SUE KIRBY Dean of Women

KEN REEDER Assistant Campus Pastor

JOE SCHENKE Dean of Students Campus Pastor

BILL KAY Assistant Dean

MANDY LANDR Y Assistant Dean

BEN MARTIN Assistant Dean

faculty j 21

Faith Thomas, Bill Kay &Amber Boyer




Admissions Counselor

Operations Coordinator






JIMHENSON Financial Aid

Manager of Audio/Visual Dept. Health Center Coordinator

Business Manager


KARL STORMAN Admissions Coordinator

RUTH YATES Financial Aid



CHRISTY PAGE Art &Yearbook Advisor Aerobics Instructor

Work Assignments Coordinator


Information Systems and T Rnhnnlnny

MA TH EW HAGER I n f oeTc h Services Technical Support

JEFF LECKRONE I nt oT ec h Services Database Developer

DANIEL MAXWELL InfoTech Services Network Administrator

T ED GRADWELL InfoeTch Services Supervisor

Martin Fern "A t \ s a RD / learned the importance of real fellowship. It is not just sitting in the dining hall and talking about your day, though that is a part of it. Thefellowship I found this year with the other RDs was centered on the Word of God and really challenged me to grow in the knowledge o fJesus Christ. It’s exciting to know that there is a group o fpeople dedicated to "stirring one another to love and good deeds" and who lived it out in their daily lives."

ADA MCOOK Admissions

JULIE COKO Housekeeping



MARTIN FERN Work Assignments


KAT RI NA DERY Admissions

Dean’s RD


J ARED KRIDER Maintenance

S ONY A QUIET Health Center

JEANINE MICKLE Athletic Department

SHAUN PHILLIPS Transportation

THOMAS OBUNDE International Students

AM YRIDER Registration




AMBER VERCEL Work Assignments

lac ult\ |

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God STANDS forever. OFFICERS president Ted MuCullv r chaplin Daryl Jackson secretary Bonnie Boyle

Vicki A/bertus

Erica Ahnrud

Victoria Albertus

Angela Allen

Melanie Allison

Ataa Alston

Thomas Anderson

Catina Angelini

Jeffrey Arrington

Tiffany Bach

Laura Asher

Heather Austin

Helen Banosa

| first year

Ahnrud ★ Boyd

^lass breaks provide an awesome opportunity to meet with other students and pray for needs around campus.

guitars are one of the most common objects found around campus! Chris Warner, Kelly Osmun, and Sam Godfrey hang out with one of these instruments in Jack’s.

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Joshua Bean

Jill Batt

Somer Bergman

Bryan Birtch

Shane Bivens

Rachel Blair

Rachel Bodenstab

Amanda Bohrer

Jonathan Boudmer

Julie Boyd

Stephen Blauert

Andy Bloomfield

first year

Wyrtzen Center Since the beginning Council Hall has been the main lecture hall at Word of Life Bible Institute. Over the years, many memories run through one’s mind about the classes which were attended, the discussions that were held, and the guest lecturers who spoke. While the Jack Wyrtzen Center will be like a new beginning for WOLBI students, the familiar sights and sounds of Council Hall (right down to creaks in the floor) will ring through students’ minds for years to come. Steve Blauert

Laura Bradley

Jason Braaten

Bonnie Boyle

Donald Brandt

Sarah Breeden

Michael Brisson

Timothy Britton

Amanda Brochu

Nichole Brochu

Jack Wytzen Center- Projected Final Building

Stephen Borck

Dan Brwon

Donald Brosius

Sarah Brown

Timothy Brwon

JohnWilliam Brwon

Jack Wyrtzen boys hard at work

26 j first year

Boyle ★ Cormier

Cherie Brunelle

Amy Budd

Shannon Burdick

Marcy Burtchell

Timothy Callahan

Constance Campbell

Paul Campbell

Sherry Campbell

Jessica Canatella

Ada Cardoza

Katey Carrier

Kimberly Carter

Steven Carter

Karen Caton

Rebecca Cavalcanti

Megan Cavanaugh

Donelle Cazier

Kevin Chamberlin

"I’m thankful for the impact that the BI has had on my life. Through the variety of teachers and classes, plus my personal study time, the Bible has really come alive to me this year. I’ve really begun to get a grasp on how it allfits together and how I can apply it to my life. I’ve been fed so much spiritually, and been given opportunites to put it into practice!"

first year

Coz o ★ Figueira Burdick

"I was really struggling at the beginning o f the BI year, but God brought someone awesome into my life. 1 thank God each and every day for her. She stuck with me through it all, and helped me to break down the walls that / had between Christ and myself.

Vincent Cozzo

Rebecca Crane

Joy Crisman

Heidi Cronk

David Crossett

Justin Darnell

Kristy Darr

Markus Davis

Tammy Davis

Sean Day

Things seemed pretty hopeless,

but she stuck with me and helped me to put myfull trust in Chrict 1

Aimee Dukett

Jennifer DeBrosse

Andre DeMel o

Andrew Diaz

Elaine Donley

Mark Eldred

Karen Earls

Jason Easton

Andrew Edilson

Susan Edwards

Joshua Ehrich

Michael Erie

Jacob Farr

Carissa Faulkenberg

Juan Fernandez

Rachel Fetterhoff

Levi Figueira

first year

Firlik ★ Gilbert

Kathryn Fox

Janelle Firlik

Johanna Fleming

Carrie F or d

Peter Fosse

Bethany Fox


. m

' ! 1

Katie Funk

Kyle Franklin

Carrie Frey

Jacquelyn Frey

Kelli Frey

Stephen Fox

Cheryl Gibbs

Andrew Gilbert

Kenneth Galvacky

Caleb Gibbs

Kimberly Gaboury

La Nae Gainer

Thirsty? Welcome to the latest trend on the WOLBI campus - the unbreakable Nalgene water bottle. Just as similarities are drawn between people in their pets, so too Nalgene bottles and their owners have a unique resemblance to one another. Classy or cool, simple or savvy - the size, shape, shade, and sticker make the bottle unique to the owner.

Rachel Hosan & Tricia Mumau

Gan you guess the owners of these nalgene bottles? (answer below)

A[i3)i 3 aeq ‘Ajpueq Apueyv ‘zynips uAMjas ‘sabots ‘sddiiQ eaaaqay ‘sjaqiueiQ Apag ‘uoaiayv uqof ‘neumyv epu£ ‘uouojsj eiriEq hianeig aAajs ‘ueson iaipey bjuoiQ ipran ‘zing EipAq ‘uriun)i sii)i ‘sojatpeyv Aaaets uqSu oj yai uioy pajsi] sajnoq auaSieu

first year j 29

Gincerowski ★ Hrabosky

"I’m so thankful for the opportunity to come to the BI. This year has definitely been life­ changing! God has taught me more than / ever could have imagined! He is awesome and His Word is amazing. Here at the B.I. God has used professors, staff members, and my personal study of His Word to bring to light what livingfor Him is all about. It’s been an incredible experience!"

Rebecca Givens

Kristi Givens

Amber Gincerowski

Timothy Gomes

Nicloe Goodman

Dolores Graswald

l laron Gray

Derrick Goettel

Samuel Godfrey


Nathan Hall

Jennifer Hack

Jessica Grayum

Bradley Griese

Janine Grossman

Amanda Gutwein

I i -» • i v.

Nakia Harris

Kathryn Hankin

Sarah Hannah

Hannah Halsey

Kristin Hammel

Thomas Harrington

Gabriel Heagy

Matthew Hayden

Jamie Heavner

Hector Hernandez

Melissa Helmer

Katie Herhei

30 j first year

nmfi 1 Presidential chapel, Snow Camp chapel, Ministry chapel, Dean’s Discipleship chapel... Each with its own focus, these different services provide an opportunity for corporate worship amongst the student body, and allow students to start each day by fixing our eyes on the God we serve.

Seth Heydinger

Cori Herrlin

Kristen Heth

Andrea Young, Kristen Roblyer, Shannon Burdick, Kendra Lytle Music is an important part of any chapel service. Whether it be congregational singing, special music, or instruments, it all brings glory to our God!

Sarah Hilliker

Bethany Hxion

■ *


Michelle Hoag

Lisa Hoffman

Alex Hollander

Reinaldo Gonzalez, Sven Smith Shannon Collison, Karrie Sachleben

Rachel Morrison Mr. Mike Calhoun

Brooke Holman

Patty Jo Holowitz

Melanie Hopper

Hearing the Word of God never grows old, and students are always ready to learn new truths from the speakers during chapel services.

Rachel Hosan

Brian Hosan

Joshua Howard

Lucas Hrabosky

first year

word of life

It’s no joke- people really do meet here at WOLBI! Perhaps the staff likes to push that concept on the students a little too much, but it’s only because so many of them have met their spouses at the Bridal, I mean, Bible Institute! Here are a few of those happy couples to give testimony to that fact. . .

John & C hr itsy Paqe

Juliana Ramos

Melissa Hunt

Sung-Nam Jang

Heather Jacobs

Jeff Jaggers

Robin Jesse


David Johnson

Brian Johnson

Olivia Johnson

Crystal Kagey

Thomas Johnson

Nicolas Kameno

Nathan Kauffman

Emi Kato

Saeko Kawamoto

Amber Kawalerski

Alan Keith

Hunt ★ Levengood

Elizabeth Kennedy

Benjamin Kibbe

Young Jin Kim

Chris Kimber

David Kelly

Patrick Kendle

Jeffrey Kovach

Melissa King

Timothy King

Daniel Kitsch

Kristopher Kimlin

Karina King

"I’ve learned so much during dorm devos, just from hearing how God has worked in my dorm m ates’ lives. One thing I’ve really learned is the power ofprayer. I know that I have to give ALL of my cares 'to God and just leave it with Him, and not take any of the worry back on myself (because that’s saying God can’t be completely trusted). I finally did that and He came through far beyond what I even expected! God is so amazing. Just trust Him."

Joy Kremer

Amaris Kress

Joshua Kunkel

Deborah Kurlowich

David LaDuca

Christy Lang

Karyn Laperriere

Lynn LaRosa

Devon Levengood


Heidi Letsch

first year 33

Lounds ★ l\labur

Jeremy Lounds

Wayne Love

Kathleen Lucid

Richard Lyofrd

Heidi Lyons

Krystallyn MacAdams

Rebecca MacPherson

Craig Maisonville

Nicolas Majewicz

Jaime Malandrino

Kenneth Marl

Grace Mathews

John Matthews

Gregory Mattson

Melissa Maynard

Krista McCloy

Natalie McCord

Ted McCully

Lorin McGovern

Nathaniel McRae

Kristina McGowan

Chad McKenna

Phillip McKeon

Jordan McKinley

"God has brought me all the wayfrom the Dominican Republic, and though 1 miss my family, I know God has great things for me to learn here, it is not easy to study the Word of God, but I want to follow His will and learn more about Him. No matter what you do and who you are, God can use you!”

Nathan Mellinger

Magan Melville

Travis Merceir

34 first year

the most

Because life in the Adirondack National Park prohibits salting the ice to ensure safety for all wildlife, a different danger now ensues. The tables have turned. Instead of man subduing nature, it is now nature’s turn. Ice is on the hunt. WOLBI students beware: big game season is now open.

THE NICE SAVE The most delicate o ffalls. scenario : A student is proceeding across campus from Jack’s to Council Hall via the main path. He is walking surely along when suddenly he takes an unuspected slip on the ice. A quick reflex regains footing, which then cues nearby friend to comment "nice save." Sure to leaveyou speechless. scenario : A student is heading in the direction of the Post Office. Shunning the main path as being for the inexperienced, he hurries across the icy turf. His foot catches on the ragged ice and he is flung kisser first into the lightly snow-covered patch of ice. THE FANNY FLOP What a lasting impression! scenario : What begins as a simple stroll turns into disaster. The target walks down Kenya Hill in direction of the gym. As she purposefully strides down the path, her feet hit pure ice, sending her hurtling into the air. Upon her ungraceful descent, she lands abruptly on her bottom. THE ULTIMATE LET-DOWN Pride goeth before a fall. scenario : The bell rings for break and student A proceeds to follow crush student B out of Council Hall for a "chance meeting" by the lake. Oozing confidence, she heads in his general direction. Just as she catches his eye, she pitches forward. As her arms flail, she detects a fleeting glimpse of her crush’s gentle smile and wave.

Christopher Milian

Katie Monahan

Matthew Miller

David Montes

Henry David Moore

Rachel Morrison

Frederick Moser

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Mayumi Motochi

Melisse Moura

Rachel Regner & Tricia Mumau

Tricia Mumau

Michael Murphy

Kathleen Nabur

first year 35

Narbis ★ Osborn

In preparation for Snow Camp Mark Palmeri gave WOLBI students some key tips on how to dress for success against winter weather. “We should build ourselves like a house," he told us, “ with layers of insulation to keep that heat the furnace is kicking inside."

70% of heat is lost through the head, so the hat is one of the most important articles in staying warm. Fleece or wool will do. For cold or windy days you might want a neck gaiter or face mask.

Dressing in layers helps you stay dry of dangerous perspiration that can quickly chill the body. Also, an advantage to layering is that when working hard and starting to overheat, you can simply take off an insulating layer.


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In looking for your

shell jacket and pants you want to find something that is waterproof, windproof, and breathable. Your jacket

should have a hood. You also might want an outer jacket if you’re planning on doing a lot of standing around. Goose- down is the warmest for it's weight, but don't break a sweat while wearing it; it dries poorly and won't keep you warm when it’s wet the way fleece or other synthetics do.

You'll want to gel some \i synthetic long underwear tops and bottoms. This layer is ideal in trapping warm air next to your body. On top of that you'll want a thicker layer for warmth. Fleece provides more for the weight than wool, but some still prefer good old wool. Dry feet are absolutely essential to preventing frostbite so it’s important that you take good care of them. You’ll want 2 pairs of . socks: a thin quick-drying pair, and some wools on top of that Boots need to be waterproof and roomy enough for thick socks and toe-wiggling to prevent frostbite.

For your hands you'll want a heavy pair of gloves or mittens made from a waterproof/breathable material (mittens conserve heat better).


first year

Osmun ★ Rogers

Shellev Younqblood

"Before coming to WOLB1,1 was growing in baby steps, but here I have been growing at a steady pace, learning to apply the Word to my life. I have learned how to deal with people in real life situations in a Biblical way. Work assignments have given me a place to be challenged in my spiritual growth, placing all I’ve learned into action."

Amber Penrod

Jessikah Pemberton

Austin Parks

Kelly Osmun

Matthew Parker

Angela Pirrone

Kevin Peth

Michael Pietras

Beth Poole

Jessalyn Pitzer

Brett Popp

April Pry

Ralph Purificato

Paul Proulx

Josephine Posanau

Eric Reed

Rachel Regner

Alexander Reichard

Holly Reees


Andrew Reichard

Kristin Roblyer

Cassandra Richards

Rebekah Rineer

Nicholas Robbins

Joseph Rogers

first year j 37

After the busy schedule of a typical WOLBI day, all of the students return to their dorms for dorm devotions. During this time, the students have a chance to worship God with their dormmates and pray with one another. It truly is a safe haven after a hard day’s work.

Laura Rousseau

Kristie Rutzel

Christopher Roht

Pete Weeks, Chris Weidley, Paul Orvis, John Jimenez, Brandon Capuano

Karrie Sachleben

Courtney Rylee

Most devotions start with the reading of Scripture.

Darini Perricelli

Prayer requests

often taken.

Matthew Sams

Kristin Saez

Roman Santana

Kevin Chamberlin

Students sing praise songs and play the guitar.

Chuck Scarborough, Kenny Galvacky

Mra k Say

Jeremy Sayer

Charles Scarborough

The current week’s guest lecturer gives a devo.

Steve Blauert

Danielle Seelhorst

Selwyn Schultz

Teresa Schwartz

38 first year

Roth ★ Sumi

Bobby Sellers "This year, 1 have been trusting God and learning that He is in control to supply all my needs. He is there during emotional times and hard times, holding your hand and leadingyou on to maturity and godliness. Being an intern, I’ve learned to lead by example, confront people in love, and then to urge them on to good works andfaithfulness."

Dan Selph

William Selby

Robert Sellers

Kristopher Sheets

Kevin Sibert

Michael Simonds

Benjamin Sleeper

Elizabeth Sharp

Rachel Slothower

Trevor Small

Benjamin Smith

Raena Smith

Timothy Smith

Gregory Smolen

Angela Snell

Christine Somers

Aaron Sommers

Kathleen Stange

Bryan Stephens

Nicholas Stevens

Trevor Stimson

Greg Stokes

Jessica Stone

Laura Streifert

Kristy Stroup

Sakiko Sumi

first year 39

Syme ★ Wiernusz

Steven Syme

Sarah Szaroleta

Jessica Tacoma

Clay Tallman

Melody Tambussi

Nathan Teffeteller

Patricia TenHoeve Patty TenHoeve

Aaron Thibeault

Joshua Thompson

Sarah Thompson

Heather Tomich

Ricardo Torres

"It’s such a blessing to be here at WOLBI with my sister! I love her so much. My favorite thing about being here with her is getting together every Wednesday nightfor our dinner date, where we tell each other about our week. It’s wonderful to grow in Christ and see changes in her life and my own. God’s given me such a goodfriend in my sister, and a great person to look up to because I know she’s striving for Christ-likeness. I love you, Ruthie!"

Melissa Truesdale

Michelle Towle

Sophia Trang

Brittany Torxel

Stephanie Tucker Stephanie Tucker

Heather Turnage

Derek Underhile

Stephen Underkofler

Noriko Uno

Torrey Usher

Nancy Vander Jagt Joshua VanderZouwen William VanLoenen

Thomas VanTassel

Paul Vaught

first year

One of the greatest things about the WOLBI student body is that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. But a number of students have the blessing of their biological sibling being on campus as well! Having a sibling on campus brings a bit of home to college life... and many find their closest friend in their brother or sister.



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Rachel Hosan & Tricia Mumau

Paul Wallenwine

Christopher Warner

Jessica Watson

Christine Watts

Jeanette Wedel

Joy Weeks

Joseph Weyman

Joshua Weinbender

Peter Weeks

Christopher Weidley

Tanya Whelly

Christen Wiernusz

first year

Wilke ★ Youngblo d

Jacob Wilke

Faith Wilkins

Amanda Williams

Bethany Williams

Jessie Williams

Trisha Williams

Jawaan Wilson

Richard Wolfe

Megumi Yamauchi

Yoriko Yamazaki

Andrea Young

Shelley Youngblood

N O TPICTURED: Richard Bentley, Korin Burdo, Luke Dale, Nathan Earls, Alicia Hufford, Julie Jaeger, Laura Jones, Hyung Kang, Peter Wabuti Odanga, Adam Palmer, Seana Perry, Vincent Sensenig, Charles Spurgeon, Jason Voi sey

Tammy Davis, Melanie Allison, Amaris Kress fr Matt Hayden, Austin Parks, Seth Heydinger

42 first year

Stephen Dawdy

Corrine Daniels

Rinaldo Lotti Filho

Heather Fortin

Peter Fox

Harold Gant

Timothy Gwyn

Marcus Jolly

Yudelka Hendricks

Kyung Kang

Kevin Lager

Justin N i xno

Gloriann Patrick

Christopher Poluikis

Ricardo Russo

Rachael Mendes

Timothy Merell

Elisabeth Seibert

Amber Waltman

Jonathan Wise

Paul Schmucker

Peter Tarwacki

Chris Tieppo

november graduates j 43

...to his own master he stands orfalls; and STAND he will, for the Lord is able to make him STAND.

c jcuba Steve grants himself the esteemed honor of warming up Joe Jordan’s seat for Presidential | J essica Asbrand, Gaynell Hill,and Lauren Stamatis get the excitement started in a weekend snowcamp meeting.


Kevin Alder

Eirana Allen

Joy Amadee

Maria Aparicio

Tj Armstrong

Jessica Asbrand

Christie Bacon

Ola Bajenska

Bryan Baker

James Barbour

Philip Balben

Christina Beachy

44 second year

Alder ★ S. Carter

OFFICERS president Charlie Williams vice president Jeremy Chesser missions president Sam Wender missions vice president Dale Siegenthaler chaplain Brandon Capuano secretary Kim Mumau

Nathanael Berry

Nichole Booker

Suzanne Berger

Anna Bloomfield

April Besse

Jeffrey Bickford

Ryan Buczak

Preston Brigham

Steve Brisson

Heather Borrell

Anna Bullins

Isaac Brohinsky

Bill Callister

Brandon Capuano

Melanie Burger

Andrew Calhoun

Sarah Carter

Kristin Butler

second year J 45

ninfi fi Rasy... extra time after exams + off campus classroom + permission to drink coffee in class = big business for Mobile’s Nice and Easy coffee!

Thomas Carter

Ashley Casey

Christina Catlett

Jeremy Chesser

Rebecca Chipps

David Christ

Lancie Clark

Stephen Clarke

Luke Coburn

Andrea Collier

Julie Compton

Jonah Conner

Jon Keith andJay Rameriz

Rachel Hosan

Allison Contois

Sarah Cross

Chelsea Crotty

46 second year

Maria Delanoy

Brent Finchum

Nicloe Davis

Michelle Dean

Natausha Daigle

Cody Dalton

Debbie Frisbey

Samantha Frueh

Sachiharu Fukushima

Natalie Giguere

Danica Fraser

Sandra Gillingham

Ti mGills

Reinaldo Gonzalez

Austin Green

George Graham

Bethany Gray


Heather Gushee

Cindy Hall

Mike Hamblin

Angie Hartley

Mark Harvey


"During this last year at the Bl, I have completely changed. The Lord began a work in my life over the summer counseling at WOL Island. My perspective started to shiftfrom myselfand how I was viewed in m an’s eyes to what I was doing totallyfor the glory of God. I was suddenly struck by the fact that these kids know nothing of love, nothing of God...they are hopeless and helpless without a Savior that they will never know ifyou or I don’t tell them! What a concept. What a privilege. What a responsibility!"

Robb Hibbard

Gaynell Hill

second year

Holly ★ Micka

Jesse Holly

Rachel Hosan

Kory Houser

Krimson Hughey

James Holt

Marjorie Kelly

Jonathan Keith

Sarah Jones

Wendy Jones

Yuka Kawauchi

Megan Lefler

Mie Kikuchi

Christopher Knight

Susan Kirkhart

Kumiko Koinuma

Margaret Kraeger

Lydia Lutz

Shaun Maynard

Kendra Lytle

Stacy Madeiros

Stacy Maedows

Mirell e Mes sner

Monica Melville

Sarah Micka

J o h nMelcon

Miller ★ Ramos


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L Joshua Mon

Ashley Mortensen

Kimberly Mumau

Lisa Monje

Hayley Miller

Jessica Moody

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Rochelle Olson

Valerie Nasman

Alyssa Orwig

Joshua Olson

Jennifer Newman

Krysta Nower



Danielle Perricelli

Kristen Plouse

Christina Parker

Jason Rameriz

Juliana Ramcs

Richard Plack

During their rare free time at WOLBI, students don’t often have the opportunity to get off campus (besides, what is there to do in Pottersville?). Instead, many enjoy fellowship in the most comfortable hangout, the dining hall, around a good old fashioned board game. Whether it is Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Risk, Uno, or Chess, students thrive on the anticipation of victory over their opponents!

Jason Truitte, Katie Herhei, Robin lessee, Jejf Bickford- Catch Phrase

Josh Olson and Ryan Buczak- Scrabble

Rachel Hosan

second year J 49

Regner ★ Yamaguchi

Jo v Amadee

"I don’t remember anything else, but this one truth, this one life-changing reality hit my heart that day. ’There are two things in life (on this earth) that will also be in eternity- the Word of God and the souls of men- so focus on those things.’ God has allowed this phrase to crop up in numerous situations over my two years at the Bl, and I’m forever grateful to have realized and understood this basic concept of 'eternity living’."

Joshua Roberge

Heather Rose

J. Redd Regner

Dale Siegenthaler

Jeffrey Schmucker

Heather Semp

Erick Sessions

Ethan Shorey

Renee Simjian

Latisha Smith

Michael Spector

ren Stamatis

Rachel Tarbell

Charles Teffeteller

Carrie Starshak

Beth Strever

Greg Summers

Sarah Temple

Jason Truitte

Martha Truitt

Ruth TenHoeve

Rebekah Throckmorton

Erin Thomas

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