s the mountains of the Adirondack State Park differ
/ . ■o^™he swampy marshlands of central Florida, so the
ptudfents on the Florida campus differ in personality and style
tranche New York campus. Personal and distinctive, the
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campus could be described as more of a close-knit group of
friends than a student body. With many off-campus
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attractions within a short drive, the students get to know
each other outside of class at the local malls, Ffudson’s Hole,
as well as the classroom and dorms. The size of the Florida
student body enables students to easily develop spiritual bonds
as they share each other’s blessings and burdens and pray for
one another, exhorting each other unto godliness.
. . stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today. . . " Exodus 14:13
Florida.student life II 135
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