"Urn...what are you doing Tuesday?" Rachel, as she decides to change the date of the yearbook staff trip for the 5th time this year
Y earbook is far more than just a is together! A spring picnic on Schroon Lake, listening to Hit Clips to keep us motivated in the office (and help drown out the hum of the drippy heater), or an evening photo shoot of the entire student body are only some of the activities that amuse us! Off campus, our favorite place to be is Walmart 1hour photo. Most of all, we work assignment... There is always fun to be had when the yearbook staff on the yearbook staff are all about encouraging one another, and the student body who will read this book for years to come.
"1 think it’s missing something...maybe another circle?" Tricia, on the plethora of lines and circles behind every page of this book.
"She literally breaks to pieces in front of me!" Steve, speaking on Hosan after one of her stressful days in the office
"Oh...I feel sheepish." Juli, after a mistaken phone conversation •: interview.
to our faithful God who gave us the strength to fioish t hi s project! to Christ y Page, our faithful staff advisor; A my Devine, our
Taylor yearbook represent at ive; Joanna Morton, for c ons ta nt ly a ns we r ign questions, taking p ci tures , and helping where needed; Brian Hosao, for his assistance in photography; Rachel Regoer, for her c r e a t i vgenius in developing stories; and Valerie Ear l, for her hard w o r kin pul ing the Florida pictures together. Thank you for helping US make this h o k a reality an dsuccess!
(thank you also to the snow camper who brought a song to our hearts down in the dungeon, and hibbard we hope this book is fun enough for you!)
yearbook staff
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