Gincerowski ★ Hrabosky
"I’m so thankful for the opportunity to come to the BI. This year has definitely been life changing! God has taught me more than / ever could have imagined! He is awesome and His Word is amazing. Here at the B.I. God has used professors, staff members, and my personal study of His Word to bring to light what livingfor Him is all about. It’s been an incredible experience!"
Rebecca Givens
Kristi Givens
Amber Gincerowski
Timothy Gomes
Nicloe Goodman
Dolores Graswald
l laron Gray
Derrick Goettel
Samuel Godfrey
Nathan Hall
Jennifer Hack
Jessica Grayum
Bradley Griese
Janine Grossman
Amanda Gutwein
I i -» • i v.
Nakia Harris
Kathryn Hankin
Sarah Hannah
Hannah Halsey
Kristin Hammel
Thomas Harrington
Gabriel Heagy
Matthew Hayden
Jamie Heavner
Hector Hernandez
Melissa Helmer
Katie Herhei
30 j first year
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