Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2002

nmfi 1 Presidential chapel, Snow Camp chapel, Ministry chapel, Dean’s Discipleship chapel... Each with its own focus, these different services provide an opportunity for corporate worship amongst the student body, and allow students to start each day by fixing our eyes on the God we serve.

Seth Heydinger

Cori Herrlin

Kristen Heth

Andrea Young, Kristen Roblyer, Shannon Burdick, Kendra Lytle Music is an important part of any chapel service. Whether it be congregational singing, special music, or instruments, it all brings glory to our God!

Sarah Hilliker

Bethany Hxion

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Michelle Hoag

Lisa Hoffman

Alex Hollander

Reinaldo Gonzalez, Sven Smith Shannon Collison, Karrie Sachleben

Rachel Morrison Mr. Mike Calhoun

Brooke Holman

Patty Jo Holowitz

Melanie Hopper

Hearing the Word of God never grows old, and students are always ready to learn new truths from the speakers during chapel services.

Rachel Hosan

Brian Hosan

Joshua Howard

Lucas Hrabosky

first year

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