Regner ★ Yamaguchi
Jo v Amadee
"I don’t remember anything else, but this one truth, this one life-changing reality hit my heart that day. ’There are two things in life (on this earth) that will also be in eternity- the Word of God and the souls of men- so focus on those things.’ God has allowed this phrase to crop up in numerous situations over my two years at the Bl, and I’m forever grateful to have realized and understood this basic concept of 'eternity living’."
Joshua Roberge
Heather Rose
J. Redd Regner
Dale Siegenthaler
Jeffrey Schmucker
Heather Semp
Erick Sessions
Ethan Shorey
Renee Simjian
Latisha Smith
Michael Spector
ren Stamatis
Rachel Tarbell
Charles Teffeteller
Carrie Starshak
Beth Strever
Greg Summers
Sarah Temple
Jason Truitte
Martha Truitt
Ruth TenHoeve
Rebekah Throckmorton
Erin Thomas
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