Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2002

j^evi Figueira, Jenn Ong, Andre DeMelo, Jenny DeBrosse, Jenny Hack, Amber Gincerowski and Trevor Stimson put their heads together to figure out one of Dr. Davis’ mega-quizzes!

Dr. D a nAnderson

"Dr. Anderson’s class on Ezra taught me to have a heart for studying the Word and applying it to my daily life. I learned that I need to live a life worthy and acceptable to the Lord." Patrick Kendle

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Dr. Dan Gelatt

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"In Ephesians class, Dr. Gelatt spoke to us about physical and spiritual blessings that God places in our lives. This discussion opened my eyes to how much I have and has helped me to be more grateful for the things I do have." Clay Tallman Dr. Rav Pritchard "This class was encouraging and uplifting. I was challenged to examine my friendships and what they’re based on. Am I helping my friends grow toward Christ or is the relationship focused on myself? What I say and do affects others." Marcy Burtchell


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t’s a good thing the tech guys are always paying attention in case there are any problems! Tim Callahan, Kyle Barnett and Josh Ehrich must have been up late "studying."

^fhe rush to lunch is the most dangerous time of day. First year students run to beat the line as the bus from the second year classroom pulls up in front of the Field House...

first year academics j 55

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