Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2002

Coach Ken Reeder talks to the team during halftime.

fighting for position, Rebecca Throckmorton concentrates on every move.

^fter the game, Lancie Clark takes the time to share the gospel message with a member of the visiting team. The season was a success, as they got to see 5 people come to know the Lord.

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" Thefall season for the soccer team was great! Once school started we quickly began practice, making up for the lost time. Unified, we came together with one purpose - to minister the gospel ofJesus Christ

FRONT ROW: A. Young. A. Pry. J. Wedel, N. Giguere, H. Letsch MIDDLE ROW: manager D. Wampler. N. Brochu, R. Throckmorton. J. Watson, S.Burdick. R. Crane. J. As br an d, A. Dukett, L. Clark, Coach K. Reeder BACK ROW: M. Tambussi, A. Orwig, K. Roblyer, K. Mumau, R. Simjian, J. Pemberton

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