Rachel Fetterhoff. Krista McCloy, Missy Truesdale, Fred Moser
" l Ve are a unique group
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and have been through 'V j a lot! God has taught
me to be faithful and as one body united despite
the differences that occur within us, we can do anything, absolutely anyth ing, through Him who strengthens us as a body of believers and as Selah the drama team."
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LEFT TO RIGHT: Amanda Brochu. CJ Jones, Mana Apancio, Knsta McCloy, Melissa Tmesdale, Austin Green Fred Msoer . Andrew Reichard, Don Brosius, and Rachel Fetterhoff
T he team started off the year with a drama in the woods during the Harvest Jamboree. Amanda Brochu and Tiffany Bach portray one of the first scenes.
drama team
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