Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2002

CBF teaches children about Christ, and how to live a life now and in the future to glorify God. The Lord can especially use His little ones. Nate Kauffman " The Lordjust used us and blessed

"During our week of CBF ministry, we had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of 14^ j ■ things, from working with kids at the camp f H to going door to door in New York City. It was encouraging to see CBF’s heartbeatfor

His ministry when we all made ourselves availablefo r Him to use us. Many people have heard the gospel. 1pray that they will accept it becuase now they are responsible

inner city children. I remember one afternoon, we went witnessing in the

projects in the Bronx, and / talked to a little girl in the playground and got to lead her to the Lord. Things like that make the ministry so exciting. The best part was working with a diverse staffand seeing all of their individual strengths.” ________________________________

with the truth they were given. A t the end when theyface the Lord and didn’t accept it, they are more guilty of their sin, like Mr. Wicks said in Romans Class. P.S.-1 also learned really quickly that polygamy wouldn’t work! (I was the only guy on my team). Being surrounded by nine females was draining enough, let alone living with them."

ho says ministry can’t be fun? Heather Bee enjoys using her art skills and does a little face painting for one of her girls.

Cross "I love kids so much, so this ministry is really special to me. We do a variety of things, which

isfun, because ministry shouldn’t be the same old thing. On my week of ministry, we went door to door in the projects. That was a little scary! My favorite part of the week was when 1 was able to play with some kids for a while and then talk to their parents. It was such a blast! We did a puppet show in the park, and it was so exciting to see the children interacting with the puppets, songs, and prizes. It was awesome to see people in the Bronx laughing and smiling. I had an incredible week, and the best part is that 3 people got saved. Praise the Lord for what He’s done through us!"


M inistry is tiring! Sarah Cross and Natalie McCord rest and discuss what’s on the schedule for tomorrow.

arah Jones gathers the kids in and tells them a story they will never forget about a Savior whose love will never end.

78 children's bible fellowship

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