Praise Nine
"Going to many different churches and singing for God has been an awesome experience these past two years at WOLBI. I learned a lot about beingfaithful, dedicated, being willing to do whateverfor God and the importance and the power of prayer. So often we went to minister to them but came back ministered to in incredible ways"
FRONT ROW: Alexander Hollander, Peter Fosse, Caleb Gibbs, M. Theodore McCully BACK ROW: Amanda Williams, Patncia TenHoeve, Jessica Stone, Rebecca Rineer
Bnan Johnson, Andrew Bloomfield, Thomas Van Tassel, Brad Gnese
D Doth tenors and basses join forces along with Bert Britt during the winter missions conference.
£ ric Reed slowly makes his way to the front of the Collegians bus, determined to put an end to Rachel Regner’s violin "music*.
FRONT ROW: Mr. Bnan Donley, Margaret Kraeger, Bnan Hosan, Jeremy Chesser, David Kelly, Jessica Stone MIDDLE ROW: Chns Knight, Alyssa Orwig, Katie Hankin, Hannah Halsey, Ruth TenHoeve, Jessaly Pitzer, Joy Amadee, Kendra Lytle BA C KROW: Selwyn Schultz, Caleb Gibbs, Dale Siegenthaler, An n aBloomfield, Aimee Dukett
victory ensemble
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