The Ripple Effect - AY2023 Rutgers CPHWD Impact Report

We All Deserve the Opportunity to Live a Community-based Life THE COMMUNITY LIVING EDUCATION PROJECT

CLEP Educates at the National Level This year, three members of the CLEP team continued their participation with colleagues at NJ DDD and self-advocates in a national learning collaborative, called the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS). This was a one-and-a-half-year effort with 20+ state teams dedicated to supporting and expanding self-direction and supports brokerage. CLEP was honored to contribute to the national dialogue on person- centered practices and the changes needed in systems that support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The number of community presentations to individuals, families and professionals alike continues to expand. CLEP supported NJ DDD’s education efforts about the process of self-direction, as well as special education sessions for those whose loved one reached the top of the Community Care Program Wait List with NJ DDD. New Partnerships Established Near the end of this year, a new service agreement was established with Bergen Community College (BCC), which has allowed CLEP to provide approximately 30 hours per month specifically dedicated to assisting young adults in the Center for Adult Transition at BCC. Under this effort, CLEP staff actively participate in Bergen County transition fairs and other community events and provide personalized support and guidance to program participants and their families as they transition and navigate the world of services and supports for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. This agreement will be renewed for the July 2023 – June 2024 year.

The Community Living Education Project (CLEP) has provided education and support through funding from the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) since 1991. Team members bring decades of both professional and lived experience to their roles. CLEP is a person-centered organization that recognizes each person they serve as a contributing member of their community. The CLEP team shares possibilities in community living in both self- directed and provider managed settings, working with people and their families and friends, and varied professionals. This year, CLEP continued to offer monthly educational webinars, each of which focus on helping to support individuals as they create the life they choose. The ‘Byte-Size Lunch Series,’ offered in partnership with The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center, highlighted how and when to use a range of assistive technology tools, each of which supports individuals in their daily life. To provide a more ‘hands-on’ learning experience, an ‘Open Mic’- format was adopted, where participants could bring their specific questions about using assistive technology. Webinars on other topics related to self-direction, poison prevention, person-centered life planning, community housing and supports, and others were also provided. Recognizing that many individuals with development or intellectual disabilities experience seizures, CLEP also initiated a new 5-part webinar series in partnership with Epilepsy Alliance America (EAA), which will run through November 2023. In total, CLEP’s webinars have reached over 1,700 attendees, with hundreds more viewing the recorded sessions on its YouTube channel.


Free Public Webinars 21

Webinar Attendees 1,700+


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