King's Business - 1942-12

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Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTIT TE OF LOS ANGELES. Incorporated


Though doubts assail the adult heart. And hope deceives. Around the world, at Christmastime,

The child is sure, beyond her clutch. (But not too far) Bright wonder waits—a tinseled tree.

Give us like faith to glimpse THY star Beyond earth's sill. And know the Christ of Christmastime

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Close Bible

13 And ye shall know that I am the L oud , when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,

A farmer . . .

who loves to teach his Bible Work on a farm seems never to end . . . but this man still finds time for a Moody home study Bible course, Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord. When neighbors get uneasy about world conditions and wonder just why God permits it all, this farmer is ready with answers—right out of his Bible. Your life, too—however busy—will be enriched by regular, systematic Bible study—with the help of a Moody home study course . . . 17 to choose from. For details, just write Dept. K-816

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December, 1942



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Strange Short Stories by the Doctor By Dr. Walter Wilson. A book of 33 strange short stories on unique topics, such as “ Ants Go to Picnics:” “ Dogs Stay Dogs,” (“ The Peanut is Crooked,” etc. Each story laden with spiritual truth and application. Very fine for all ages. 128 pages. 35c; 3 copies, $1.00. . Nuggets of Grace By Dr. Walter L. Wilson Another from the pen of Dr. Wilson. This book is different. The doctor uses 120 five-word texts and gives the reader" 120 one-page mes­ sages on such texts as “ Christ died for the un­ godly.” “ Five words with my understanding,” etc. 128 pages. Price,/35c. Let’s Go Fishing with the Doctor

Books by DR. W. L. PETTINGILL One of America’s Outstanding Bible Teachers THREE NEW BOOKS Simple Studies in Corinthians A series of expositions in these important New Testament Books. To say they are written by Dr. Pettingill- speaks for itself. Price 35c. Simple Studies in Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon Rich and valuable expository messages for these days. Price 35c. Simple Studies in the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude Clear, concise - meditations^ showing great truths of vast importance. Price 35c* Bible Doctrine Primer Here are fourteen chapters about the Bible, God, Creation, Satan, Man, Sin, Salvation, Death, Heaven/' Hell, Resurrection, etc. 14 chapters. 94 pages.,.. Price 25c. The Christian Fundamentals Eight important studies on Inspiration, Virgin Birth, Deity of Christ, Atonement, Resurrection, New Birth, Second Coming, and the Future State. 8 chapters. 64 pages. Price 25c. ' Believe and Live Bible Questions Answered Ah accumulation from forty years’ experience in answering hard questions from platform, classroom .and various publications. These ques­ tions and answers cover a wide field and are answered in a scholarly manner. 429 pages. Cloth, $1.5«; paper, 75c Christ in the Psalms A very wonderful book. Deep, sweet, clear, heart-thrilling. 173 pages. Paper, 60c; Cloth. $1.00. Into the Holiest (Simple Studies in the Hebrews) A valuable book for those wishing clear teach­ ing on some hard passages. 190 pages. Paper, 60c; Cloth, $1.25. Simple Studies in Matthew A fine book with clear, dispensational teaching taking up many things much needed today. An excellent work! 330 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $1.50 Simple Studies in Romans Any book on Romans properly treated is. valu­ able, especially by Dr. Pettingill. 231 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $ 1.25 By Grace, Through ^aith. Plus Nothing (Simple Studies' in Galatians) Few people realty believe Galatians. In this book* the grace of God and freedom from- the law Is shown clearly. Paper binding, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 God's Prophecies for Plain People A book of sound, Biblical doctrines of Future Events. A valuable book for study. Also 46 pages of Prophecy Question Box. 246 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $1.25 History Foretold (Simple Studies in Daniel) Those knowing Dr. Pettingill’s books and teachings should prize this study of prophecy. Paper cover, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 The Unveiling of Jesus Christ - (Simple Studies in Revelation) ■This is a good book for the untaught In the prophetic Truth. Paper cover, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 All above Pettingill books, cloth binding, where possible, valued at $12.80, offered at only $10.65 when ordered together direct from publishers. 14 chapters taking up im­ portant Truths from The Gospel, of John. Splendid for many purposes. 14 chapters, 94 pages. Price 25c Light in Darkness This book on Prophetic Subjects should bring light, to many in these last days. 15 chapters. 87 Pages. Price 25c

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Also send for catalogue Fundamental Truth Publishers, Findlay, Ohio



December, 1942


Every member of the family will enjoy

“ There is a very definite NEED in the lives o f ’Christians today for Christian magazines like TH E K ING ’S BUSftMESS.” , — Charles E. Fuller (heard every week over 730 radio stations). “ As the days grow darker, I realize more than ever the value of sound Bible instruction in periodical form—something that can be sent to the individual or the Rome regularly through the year.”

— H . A . Ironside, pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, 111.

Actually, éur^lvo tímólu

« • • • -THE KING'S BUSINESS Is Useful----------- The King’s. Business, 558 South Hope Street, 1 Los Angeles, Calif. t ■ ; Enclosed find $ ................. ($1 for each annual subscription/in U. S., 25 cents extra for Canada and foreign countries). . □ Send T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS, to,?.............. ................................. i Æ I O Send free copy of Louis T . Talbot’s book, “ Is It Possible for Christ to Return in This Generation?” (One given with each new or renewal 1 subscription, if desired.) [[] Send TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS to men in the Armed Forces who want them (4 annual subscriptions for $3 ). 3 Send box of 12 beautiful Christmas cards plus one annual subscription (all for $1.25). □ Send Christmas gift card in name of................................... ........... ......___ as donor. Your name..........___ ________________________ ..._____ ____ ............. Address.

in the Service

They plead for copies in camps and

December, 1942



The Ki ng' s Bus i ne s s Volume XXX III December, 1942 Number 12 The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine

"I Changed My Mind on Good"

We sent some Christmas money to a number of Jewish Christian refugee boys. One of the “thank, you” letters was so revealing of the tragic psychology into which some of these suffering Jews are being driven that we think you will want to read at least a few sentences: To make clear my apprecia­ tion concerning the gift, I want to describe in short, a few words,—my Christmas. When Christmas vacation began, the students of my school apart themselves, many went home, others went to friends, also the poor Russian boys have friends where to go, and to spend their vacation time in happiness; and the Jewish . . . This made me think . . bow is about the Jew­ ish? Having no family, no friends. So that I have not to expect of somebody any friendly word, because nobody cares about Jews, or maybe Christmas doesn’t belong to me: However I have to spend my time during Christmas vacation in loneli­ ness. And when I opened your letter . . . And of course I changed my mind on good. “Nobody cares about Jews!” But the dear brother found that he was wrong, and so he says, “I changed my mind on good!” Some­ body did care. You who read these lines, you care, and thou­ sands of others of the Lord’s choicest children, they care, and they send us their heart prayers, and their money, and with their money we come to grips with this terrible condition of Jewish star­ vation, heartache and agony of soul,-the world over. So, when you become a partner with us, you are a sharer in that ministry that touches God’s people Israel at the point of their desperate need. And all of this for the purpose of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and making His name known. If the Lord so leads you, we will wel­ come your fellowship in ■ such a j worldwide and vitally important ministry for these last days. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. I do want to help the Jews. Here is ...... Use it as God directs, to make known the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ to Israel. Name _________ .'.___...._______ Address ______ _________..i......____ City.....__ _______ State.........™

Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5).


Cover Photograph by Harold M. Lambert

Ransom D . Marvin, Staff Artist

No Room— W . Talbot Hindley ............... ................................................. ............ 444- Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert ...............................................,............. 445 Home at Christmas —Helen Frazee-Bowerand Mildred M . Cook ........ 446 M y Christmas Shopping List — Julia Lake Kellersberger..... ........................ 449 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box.......................................... .......................................... 451 Escape from Poland; Part I — Karl Faulkner as told to Anne Hazelton ...... 452 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ............................................. 453 International Lesson Commentary....................................... ................................. 455 Notes on Christian Endeavor — William W . Orr, Lyman A . Wendt, Mary Fran&s Redding, Margaret J. Hart, Wilbert A . Regief. .......... ........... 467 Daily Devotional Readings........................................................... ......................... 472 Bible Institute Family Circle.......... .................................................................. . 476 Our Literature Table.................................................................................. ........... 477

The Official Organ of THE. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. I.OIJIS T . T A L B O T M IL D R E D M. COOK E d ito r-In -C h ie f M a n a gin g E d itor


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE) “ The K in g ’s Business” is published monthly,. $1.00— one year; $1.50— two years; 50 cents— six m onths; 10 cents— single copy. Clubs o f three or more at special rates. W rite fo r details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month fo r a change o f address to becom e effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE—-P ayable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express or po^: office money order p a y a b le , to “ The K in g ’s Business.” Date o f expiration w ill show plainly each month on outside w rapper or cover of magazine. . ADVERTISING— F or inform ation w ith reference to advertising in “ The K ing’ s Business,” address the A dvertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative, R eligious Press Association, 61 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS— “ The K ing's Business” cannot accept responsibility fo r loss or damage to m anuscripts sent to it fo r consideration. , Entered as second-class m atter November 7, 1938, at the post o ffice at Los Angeles, California, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879. A cceptance for mailing at special rate o f postage provided fo r in the A ct o f February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. THE KING’ S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California

1:12). The tender, human, d i y i n e Christ ofttimes stands amongst us un­ recognized, and from many doors He is still pushed away. What Christ Excludes We might'think of many rooms where He Ts not admitted—the heart " room, the life room, the home room, the business room. And why is this? It (s because His pushing-out power is so tremendous. First of all, He pushes sin out—He expells it from the individual’s life by means of the blood drawn from His Cross; He washes it out; by the soft, intense fire of His love, He burns it out; by the purity of His own presence, recog­ nized and . obeyed, day by day He , keeps it out so that life becomes a spénding of the' day with the Lord Jesus. Intensely Practical This presence of Christ is something very practical. It is not just the using -d of certain religious phraseology, but it is living in such” a way that Christ will be pleased. He becomes the Host in the heart and brings Hi# own peace and gladness and joy. The Lord Jesus says to us at this Christmastime, i “Where is My guest- chamber?” And what is our answer? Have we no room for the Christ of Bethlehem? Or have we m e r e l y “some” room? Or is it a large upper room furnished with the best that we have? The best is never too good for one’s Sovereign. A little old lady was riding in a pony carriage in Scotland years ago. It was a hot day. She wanted a drink of water and asked it at a humble ' cottage. Rather unwillingly the cot­ tager took a cracked cup, filled It, and handed it to the lady. When the traveler had passed on, the one who had befriended her asked, “Who was that old lady?” and she was told, “It was Queen Victoria.” That cracked cup is now a prized possession. It rests on a plush cushion in a ease by itself. If the woman i had known who it was who asked her for a drink that day, she would have brought the best she had and handed it to her Sovereign. Let us give to the Christ of Bethle­ hem the best we have at this Christ­ mastime—to Him who gaVe to us His best when he left the Father’s home ! and came to be born in a Bethlehem stable for us-

N O ROOM A Babe’s cry broke the stillness of the cold midnight air. ■“They all were looking for a king To fight their foes and raise them li f e high; , Thou earnest a tiny baby thing That made a woman Cry.” Yet in that tiny baby there was God Immanuel, God with us. And “God with us” makes all the difference. The multitude of the heavenly host cried: “ Glory to God in the highest, This was the truth that gripped the heart of a boy who left his home in Scotland and joined the Navy. Two weeks after his enlistment he had a Sunday leave and went into a tiny mission hall where he met Christ and opened his life to Him. Two days later, his ship was torpedoed at mid­ night and he was tobogganed down into the dark waters of the sea. He. struck out for a raft which was crowded with other men. On the other side of the raft a Roman Catholic brother, cried, “Jesus, Joseph, Mary, help us!” but he seemed to be getting no help. ■^he Holy Spirit said to the boy who had so recently been saved, “Couldn't you ' shout something across the water?” . - And he called out, “It is the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, that cleanseth from all sin,” and kept on repeating those reassuring words until he was exhausted. ‘ Only God knows to how many needy hearts that message became “life indeed” on that tragic night. Finally the young man was picked up by a passing boat and found him­ self in a shore hospital where there was an orderly sergeant who for weeks had wanted to know the peace of sins forgiven. He saw the boy’s lips move and bent down to receive, as he thought, a dying message; but he heard, in a whisper, “It is the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, that clean­ seth us from all sin.” That truth was lust what the orderly sergeant needed. and on earth peace.” “The barrier’s down, The chasm’s bridged,. And we have peace.” ?.

FROM THE EDITOR l^he Christmas meditation this month for our enjoyment “Around the K in s’s Table” is prepared by the1 Rev. W . Talbot Hindley, M.A., K.C.H.S., formerly of Cambridge, England. He has recently minis­ tered with great blessing in the Church of the Open Door, Los An­ geles, and is on tour through C a n a d a and the Cpited States, largely in the interests of the Inter- Varsity Christian - Fellowship and the Christian Businessmen’s Com­ mittee.-—LOUIS T. TALBOT. “Peace, perfect peace, fn this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.” “A Very Lowly Door” In a dark underground cave—there are many such in Bethletheih used to this day as stables for the animals, with stone trough cut out of a rock and some wooden slats' in front— there the Lord Jesus was born. It was a very lowly door through which the Son of God entered to be the Saviour of the world. - Picture the litter of unclean hay and stray, big-eyed cattle and goats and hens within easy reach and gaze; the mangy curs of the Oriental vil­ lage prowling just outside, their jangling cries heard in the chill of the winter night. Such Were the out-, ward circumstaAces of the birth of the Holy Child >in whom was centered all the hopes of mankind- and the wonderful plans - o f heaven. Who could imagine a humbler birthplace? Still Crowded Out And yet the Babe’s pedigree ran without a flaw to the-royal house of Israel’s mightiest king. Christ was pushed out of the Syrian inn, and that crowding-out process continued with, ever-increasing force throughout those thirty-odd years of His life on earth. He was vigorously pushed out of Naz­ areth until at length (so far as the people’s choice, was concerned) .He wg.s ignominiously and shamefully pushed out of life itself. The “no room” process that began at Bethle- henf was completed at Calvary’ where Divine Love transformed hate’s worst into a symbol of Love’s best. The “no room” process of that Beth­ lehem lodging house is characteris­ tic of men’s attitude toward Christ ever since. “He came unto his own, and his own received him not” .(John



December, 1942

Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C., and San Diego, California

A RETURN TO HONEST TOIL: • The war is making work “respect­ able” in America again. For a long time, the avoidance of honest' toil had been looked upon as a mark of social distinction. To many, a college "edu­ cation had no meaning except to equip one for a “white collar job.” The war has restored a high sense of dignity to labor which is performed with one’s hands. Farm boys used to seek to “escape” to the city, under the delusion that work on the farm was, if not “degrading,” at least of inferior worth as compared to other lines of endeavor. Today the farmer and the farm hand occupy an honored place in the nation’s productive forces. It has been a long time in process of accomplishment, but the discredit­ ing of the uriscriptural and I'.w.ayo- nomic “five-day-week” seems about to be completed. This delusion died hard. But it now appears to be largely a thing of the past. The theory of the1thirty-hour, five- day week was that man would spend the major part of his time in ease and pleasure-seeking. Work would be an avocation—not a vocatiofn. Today Americans as a whole are again putting their heart and mihd and zeal and enthusiasm into their work. Work is again the center and [ Continued on Page 448]

A RESTORATION OF HOME LIFE: • Americans will spend more time in their homes, as the war crisis deepens. With automobiles in *the garages or otherwise in disuse, with air-raid pre­ cautions i n c r e a s i n g l y observed throughout the nation, with many amusement centers made inaccessible or closed for the duration, the average American will of necessity spend more time at home. Of course, ’ the call of millions of men—and especially young men—to the colors will tend to break up many homes, temporarily. But even the ab­ sence of brothers, husbands, and fathers should act to reinforce the family circle and bring those who stay at home closer to God. Gasoline rationing will have an especially b e n e f i c i a l effect upon youths of high-school age. It will go a long way toward ending the “age off-laming youth.” '

IN THE WAKE OF WAR: • Every Christian knows, in a meas­ ure at least, the horrors of war. Every true Christian prays that, if it be in accordance with the will of God, this war may be brought' speedily to a righteous termination. All about us, thé prophets of doom seem almost to delight in elaborating upon the perils which may accom­ pany or follow the war: the perils of inflation, of unbearable taxation, of food shortages, of regimentation, of woe of a thousand varieties'. In the midst of such an atmosphere of gloom and foreboding, it is worth­ while to consider some of the benefits which may come to the American people, as a result of this tempestuous period through which we are passing. It is true, of course, that we could have chosen most of these benefits in time of peace. But we chose instead to spurn them. They are now forced upon us by the very nature of war.

Eighth Annual TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE "G od is Calling all Christians to Rouse Up and Go to Work, W itnessing for Christ"—R, A. Torrey

Today B IOLÁ is meeting this challenge by training young men and women to take their God-appointed place.

• COMMEMORATING the service of Biola’s early leaders, Reuben Archer Torrey, First Dean of the Institute, and others. • SHARING in fellowship and spiritual enrichment. • JANU ART 24 through 31, 1943. • ¿ 0

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

TH É K I N G ’ S BUS I N E S S December, 1942 Home I t Christmas {A Pantomime) By HELEN FRAZEE-BOWER and MILDRED M. COOK


INTRODUCTION: (To be read by pastor or leader). Homes have come to be more prominent in our thoughts this year than ever before. The pres­ ervation of the Christian home is one of the issues for which thousands of men are fighting today. To many of us, mothers and families have sud­ denly become more' precious than ever they were before. Would you like to share, for a little while, the heart thoughts of a Christian mother, in a Christian home, this Christmas, 1942? ★ ' SCENE I. A living room. Christmas tree or other Christmas deco­ ration in evidence. A large American flag waving (by | L v means of electric fan). Music: An unseen choir, or soloist, singing “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Reader: ' ONE NEED NOT GO TO BETHLEHEM Of old the shepherds watched . their a flocks, Of old the angels sang; With echoes of their "peace on earth” H The courts‘of heaven rang. Tonight remembered carols thrill /The hearts that utter them, And all the roads of all the world Converge in Bethlehem. Yet, whoso went to Bethlehem This night would be denied All earthly peace, for at its edge There rolls a crimson tide;

As closer, ever closerv-moVes The sound of battle din, And throngs still turn the Christ away With—“no robm in the inn.” I will not go to Bethlehem— One need not go—for still There is a place where men can bow And worship Him at will: There is a country where His Word Is yet accorded place, And where the "Peace of God” still rules In glad hearts—by His grace. Tonight a million hearts will bleed, And ours,will bleed with them, And yet, we have the “Peace of God” That fell on Bethlehem; And we can move, undaunted, through The swiftly coming night, Because America still keeps Her altar flames alight. Music: "God Bless America.” ★ SCENE II. Same scene.'Flag removed, and perhaps a Bible open on the table. Music: "Faith of our fathers, living still In spite of dungeon, fire and sword,” etc. Reader: The Christmas story as told in Luke 2, ★ SCENE III. Same room. Enter Mother. She is seated at the table and prepares to write letters. She writes. Musie: As the Mother enters, an in­



Reader: (A woman, concealed- from view, reads the Mother’s let­ ters as the Mother writes to the different children.) LETTER TO JULIA Dear Julia: Bring the baby home this year, And let her hang her stocking where you hung Your tiny one so long ago. How near Those golden moments seem to­ night! I’ve clung To dreams of every Christmas that We had Together through the years — the face of you Alight with joy and wonder. Make me glad By giving me some dreams of your child too. I want to hold her in my arms, the way That Mary held the little Christ, and smiled; I want to teach her infant lips to pray The prayer I taught you as a little child. O, Julia, in a shaken world, let’s make This Christmas something precious for His sake. MOTHER.

strumental r e n d i t i o n of "Home, Sweet Home” is heard. While she is seated, writing, an unseen choir, or soloist, renders a number of Christmas carols.

JLALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED c ov e r i ng the reprinting of "Home at Christmas" in any form; but it is hoped that the program will be used in many churches and other gatherings for the centering of Christmas thought in the Lord Jesus Christ, for whose praise alone it is sent forth. -A- Th# poems on these pages are the work of Helen Frazee-Bower, written especially for this magazine. Because she is a mother with unusual sen­ sitivity to the needs of her own husband and family of five sons and daugh­ ters, she has found background for a broad teaching and writing ministry. Particularly penetrating verse has appeared from her pen in "Good House­ keeping." "Harper's," "The Forum." "New York Times," and "Saturday Eve­ ning Post," as well as many religious publications; It will be noted that the accompanying "letters" are in the form of sonnets, a medium of expression which Mrs. Bower employs with beauty and finesse.—EDITOR.

December, 1942



LETTER TO WARD Dear Ward: Of course I’d like to have your chum Come home with you for Christmas. Who would want A Christmas all alone? So let him come. There never was a year so lean npr gaunt But sharing made it better. He can sleep Where Richard would have slept; and we will let The tender old traditions that we keep Each year at Christmastime help him forget. Perhaps the quiet beauty of this home, - Where Christ has been so long an honored Guest, Will touch his heart; and his young feet that roam So glibly after pleasure, end their quest—* Finding He is enough. And that would ■ be Something for now—and for eternity. MOTHER,

SCENE IV. Same room. Mother silent­ ly reads letter from son in Army service oversea^. A young man, invisible to the audience, reads aloud: LETTER FROM RICHARD Dear Mom: 1 love you. It is raining here— It’s made a. little puddle in my tent You always liked the rain: It brings you near. This isn’t much like home, but I’m content. Last night a fellow died, and, Mom, I had A chance to talk to,him about the Lord; He smiled, and understood, and was; I glad For all the years you fed us on the Word! • jpM The things we sbe are sometimes pretty tough: I’m glad to think of you ail safe at home. Don’t worry though, for Jesus Christ’s enough For any kind of testing that may come. (It’s strange how much more true that seems to be Hère in the center of such tragedy.) It will be Christmas when you get. this note. I see the room, the window, the church spire, And you, in black, with cream lace at your throat, And Father heaping wood upon the fire. O, Mom, I shall be with you—never doubt— In that bright room, where once I worked and played: There is no distance that can shut me out From all the simple beauty you have made. You have a task that no one else can do; * . Stick to it, Mom, though empires rise and fall. Life’s battles are not won by some­ thing new— *- The' product of our human thinking —all We need, or shall need—if we live or die— Is just the old Faith that you raised us by. RICHARD. Reader: (A woman). MOTHER’S PRAYER Lord, I am satisfied tonight to be A mother in a world gone mad with hate. Here, in this hour of earth’s agony, [ Continued on Page 479]

Where' bombs are bursting and the sky is rent With everything but anthems? Do you dare Remember it is Christmas? I have sent The fruit cake that you love, and some small things— Just to remind you of the former years. O, Son, the very sending of them brings Such t poignant thoughts that I am , close to tears. But I’ll not cry: You would not have , me to— You, who are strong and beautiful and brave; • I will remember, as I know you do, That neither time, nor space, nor yet the grave, Are final. conquerors: Naught has sufficed ' To separate us from the love of Christ. MOTHER. LETTER TO KATHIE Dear Kathie: You are sound asleep in bed ' Upstairs, and why I’m writing I don’t know— Except that it would fuss you if I said These same things to your face. I love you so! You are so gay. Youth is a priceless thing: Laughter and love and light—all these—are poured Into your precious childhood. Kathie, bring Your young enthusiasm to the Lord, And let Him make it something strong and fine To heal a broken world. I’ll'drop this in The bottom of your stocking. By no sign Will you acknowledge it—except to grin And wink at me—but, dear, I’ll under- v stand That means, “O.K. Mom” , . . Kathie, you are grand! MOTHER. (She finishes the letters and pre­ pares to mail them when a messenger enters and delivers to her a letter from one of her children—the soldier son.)


Dear Carol: On a Christmas long ago You came to be a glad song in our lives; That song is silenced, and I miss it so, For Africa is far. The lone heart strives To voice its longing, but there is no word: And yet I would not call you from your place, So long as there is one that has not heard The glad sweet story of redeeming grace. “Songs in the night” He gives us. You will be Just that, to hearts bewildered by earth’s night— A lovely carol, helping them to see His face, as I see yours—untouched by fright, Undaunted by disaster, calm and still— Safe in the center of His blessed will. MOTHER. LETTER TO RICHARD % Dear Richard: Is it Christmas over there

* Richard



T H E ^ K I N G ’ S' BUS I NE S S

Deceri ber, 1942

to reduce dental bills. While coffee drinkers may vigorously object to the proposed limit of one cup per day, physicians will welcome this restric­ tion. There is little likelihood that foods essential to health will be rationed to a degree that will endanger standards of vigor and vitality. Better balanced meals are almost certain to be the end-product of the rationing program. It is noteworthy that, while food rationing has been much more severe in England than is contemplated in America, the health of the British peo­ ple actually has improved as the war has progressed. AN END OF LICENSE: • For some decades, there has been a tendency to interpret liberty to mean license. Addicts of what they call “ personal liberty” have argued that they are free to do as they please. The war has impressed upon us again our responsibilities as well as our rights. It has made us think of others as well as ourselves. We now understand that how we live, what we eat, how we dress, how and when we drive our cars, how and when we turn on the lights in our homes, what we do and how we think —all these things are matters of pub­ lic, as well as personal, concern. Patriotism requires that we think of others, that we be unselfish. Patriotism requires that we share

with others, that we give of ourselves and our resources to the c s use of our country. We are now made to understand that liberty does not mean license in America. There is no longer any lib­ erty to think and speak that which is false, un-Americàn, treasonable. We must again learn to think straight and clean, to speak the truth or re­ main silent. A RETURN TO GOD? • This writer has not seen evidence sufficient to support the claim that there is a “return to religion,” on any impressive scale in America—as yet. But it cannot be questioned that we have been given a new sense of de­ pendence upon God. Our thinking is necessarily being channeled in the di­ rection of a recognition of our need of the Supernatural. t By the very course of events, the thoughts of many are being turned toward God. This trend can lead to revival. It does create a tremendous opportunity for the soul-winner and thè prayer warrior. Every one who has visited oui army camps must be Impressed by the spiritual hunger of our fighting youth. Every one who has appealed to the men in uniform must be aware of their usually ready response when the gospel is presented to them. There lies before us great opportunity to lead multitudes of our country men in a mighty return to the faith of the fathers. THE PEACE THAT LIES AHEAD: • Politicians and propagandists are tremendously c o n c e r n e d with the problems of the peace that follows the war. It is important to have the right kind of peace treaty, the right kind of international and economic arrangements among the nations. But more important than the con­ ditions of international commerce are the conditions which prevail in the hearts and minds of the people. What will America be like after the war? The fact is that we are building the post-war America now. What comes after the war will be determined by the manner in which we live and think during the war. If we ! restore American home life now, if we return to honest toil now, if we return to standards of health and common sense now, if we end the reign of pagan license and self- indulgence now, if we return to" so­ briety now—if we return to God now —then we will be laying a sound foundation for post-war America. We need not fear inflation, bankruptcy, moral and economic collapse, if we take advantage now of the opportuni­ ties to rebuild spiritual and moral values in,the hearts of our people, arid recall them to the faith of the fathers.

SIGNIFICANCE O F THE NEWS [Continued from Page 445] meaning of their lives. They again take pride in doing a job well, in doing it to the utmost of their ability. A RETURN TO COMMON SENSE: • Some, at least, of the wild eco­ nomic theories which so sorely vexed our people a few years ago have been put in the discard for the duration. We are returning to the practice of honoring economy and thrift. The exercise of thrift builds character. It requires the practice of self-denial. Only a few years ago, we were told by erudite economists that thrift was out-of-date, that we should embark upon a program of ""spending our­ selves rich.” ) The war requires that all shall save —all th^t we can. We must do with­ out things that we desire; we must curb bur appetites and expenditures. The war is helping to change our habit of wastefulness. Our fathers looked upon waste as being a major evil. They knew that wasteful habits are destructive of character. We are coming to this same realization. A RETURN TO STANDARDS OF HEALTH: • Doctors agree that many of the limitations imposed by the necessities of war will have a helpful effect upon the health of our people. The curtail­ ment in the use of sugar is expected

COULD YOU SAY “NO ” A T CHRISTMAS? The following letter, from an American of Japanese descent, is only one of scores that make appeal to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Please read the letter prayerfully.

the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. We desire to nurture them in the Word of God and by means of sound Christian literature. Will you help us by sending THE KING’S BUSI*- NESS, if possible?” Could you say “no” at Christmas­ time to requests like this one? Any amount which you send will help to strengthen s ome one’s faith. Won’t you use the accompanying coupon today?

“Our camp at this ------ Reloca­ tion Project is filled almost to its capacity of 5,000. This sort of ex­ istence has brought many of our people to realize that ‘man cannot live by bread alone’ ; many of them are hearing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for the f i r s t time. There is a great awakening among both young and bid. Especially through our Daily Vacation Bible School, many children have found

KING’S BUSINESS Free Fund 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Send THE KING’S BUSINESS to some one who greatly needs it and is unable to pay. This is my gift in Christ’s name. Name...»__ _____ ________ ___ ___ ____ ........ Amount enclosed—................. Address

December, 1942

My Christmas Shopping List By JULIA LAKE KELLERSBERGER

were we to know about the little Chinese boy and girl in the steerage who slept on the upper deck at night to keep cool, and the little Belgian girl who spoke only French, and the three Dutch children and the two Brit­ ish babies whose father’s ship had been torpedoed at sea and he had floated for days on a raft before being rescued? I looked at my husband and he looked at me. There was but one thought in the minds of both. Then I became a p r o f e s s i o n a 1 beggar. I begged, ties and pocket knives from the men, and costume jewelry, artifi­ cial nosegays, and used bottles of per­ fume from the women, and fruit, nuts, and candy from the dining-room stew­ ard in first class. I begged enough to fill ten little stockings—but for my husband I had nothing. We who were



I T WAS CHRISTMAS EVE. We did not know where we were. We only knew that the Spirit of the Prince of Peace' whose birthday we were ap­ proaching was brooding over a war- torn, sin-sick world and that we were abiding in Him on a storm-tossed sea. We had already had weeks of black­ outs, and we knew that more weeks of blackouts were yet to come. 1 still have in my possession a small round disk of heavy black cardboard just the size of our portholè, but large enough to shut us out from light and. air and shut us into a hot little cabin where only a dark blue globe, half painted black, sent a weird gleam to show us the whereabouts of our tooth­ brushes at night. We stumbled on the stairways, and when the tropical moon had com­ pletely waned, we felt for empty chairs on deck. One night a hand touched my shoulder and fingers ran lightly over my face. “I’m looking for my wife,” a'deep voice explained. “She’s not your wife. She’s mine,’’ promptly answered my husband. All of us were one big family by that time, so we did hot mind. How-

ever, when a lighted A m e r i c a n freighter passed close by with the Stars and Stripes painted boldly upon her sides, and our boat ran from her •as fast as- she could, we did mind. OUr captain'explained that he pre­ ferred darkness rather than light, for he did not wish our whereabouts to become known since we. were flying thé flag of a belligerent nation. Shopping Not Done There were little children on deck in the dark. We would gather them


a b o u t us and -tell them s t o r i e s and t e a c h them songs. One of them said to me, “Do you t h i n k S a n t a Claus could find his way to this boat out at sea?” My thought turned to lost opportunities, to t h e big Woolworth store in Durban where toys might so easily have been p r o c u r e d for just s u c h an emer­ gency as this. But how



December, 1942


two of the heavenly Father’s spoiled children, who had had so many happy Christmases together with gay gifts piled high aboUt a laden tree, now had not even a holiday card nor seal. We had no music, no celebrations, no decorations save a scrawny little tree taken on board for the purpose at Borneo, for we were at war and at sea and only the Captain knew our where­ abouts on Christmas Eve. A Gift from the Lord Suddenly, without warning, ‘ God sent a gift of Light. Deck lights, hall lights, cabin lights! We were blinded by them. We were overcome by them. We went to our cabin and knelt to thank God for them. Suddenly the significance of these floodlights was borne upon us. We were in the terri­ torial waters of the United States, and it was the anniversary of the coming of the Light of the World. I’ve never had a Christmas like it, and I fear I’ll never have one again, for all other Christmases are too crowded with wrapping packages that contain gifts to be touched and tasted and eaten and worn, gifts that break and becorrie dust-laden, that moths •eat and that thieves break through and steal. I know now what I want each Christmas— light. I want my soul to expand each of the 365 days of the

succeeding year so I can write on the next Christmas list— "more light"-»- and have capacity for its spiritual ap­ propriation, until my face will shine as did Moses’ with the Glory of the Son of Righteousness and those I meet, even strangers on the street, will take knowledge of me that I have been with Jesus. I now understand what it means for those who have long lived in a spirit­ ual blackout to come suddenly into the presence of the. Light of the World. The pillar of fire points the way after weary years of groping in the dark. The burning bush cannot be extinguished. One must take the shoes from his feet, fall upon the earth, and cover his face, for the place is Holy Ground. I have lived for-ten years among a people who have felt the Egyptian darkness of heathenism and ignorance and superstition. Estimated millions of them have died from the poison cup, by ravages of sleeping sickness, from tribal wars and slave raids. About ten million of them are still left in the Belgian Congo for us to win for Christ. Only a comparatively few of these have come into the full light of the gospel, but when they have, how much it means! It is as if bandages were removed from their eyes after a successful cataract opera­ tion and they see, not men as trees walking, but face to face with the Master. A Remembered Christmas It was another Christmas Eve. We had driven almost four hundred miles #•

that day hoping to reach our station in time to participate 'in the singing of carols at dawn on Christmas morn­ ing. At dusk just before we crossed the last river, a sudden tropical storm beat down upon us, deluging the ma­ chine and obscuring the road. We sat .huddled in the car with no food or shelter. As lightning vividly illumi­ nated the swaying, dripping, palm trees overhead and the watery path which lay in front, we decided to turn back to the nearest white settlement. Our Ford wouldn’t start. We had begun our day with prayer for journeying mercies. It was now time for a second prayer meeting. Then we held our breath while one more attempt was made to start the engine. Never be disgruntled over the noise an old Ford makes when it starts. The noise that ours made on this occasion was music to our ears. Arriving unexpectedly at a nearly de­ serted inn at so late an hour on such a night, we were graciously given the only shelter they had— a straw bed. As we lay weary and hungry at this wayside inn in a far country, our minds reviewed another inn and an­ other such bed at such a time, and the real meaning of Christmas dawned upon us as neve^before. Suddenly we heard music, voices singing as only the Africans can sing, “Glory to God in the Highest.” Was it a beautiful illusion or a dream as we slipped into sleep? We strained our ears to listen. It was just three o’clock and still dark and cold from the rain. Nearer, deeper, richer wire the voices now singing “Silent Night, Holy Night” in their beautiful native tongue. It was a group of joyful African Christians awakening the dawn with their Christmas music. No missionary was there to lead them. It was a spon­ taneous expression of their gratitude to God for the birth of His Son. In their little church shed made of mud and sticks with a thatched roof, there was no Christmas tree with lighted tapers, there were no gifts in tinseled paper, no Christmas goodies. They had received from His hands His gift of tight, and the warmth of that Light had dispelled the cold, and the brightness of that Light had chased away the night shadows, and the Power of that Light had given them strength to sing in the rain. In Time We found her on Christmas after­ noon. Our day had been filled with the joy of service, the worship of God, the sacredness of -the family circle, [Continued on Page 479]

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