King's Business - 1942-12

Now— With Slide Fastener


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13 And ye shall know that I am the L oud , when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,

A farmer . . .

who loves to teach his Bible Work on a farm seems never to end . . . but this man still finds time for a Moody home study Bible course, Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord. When neighbors get uneasy about world conditions and wonder just why God permits it all, this farmer is ready with answers—right out of his Bible. Your life, too—however busy—will be enriched by regular, systematic Bible study—with the help of a Moody home study course . . . 17 to choose from. For details, just write Dept. K-816

King James Version in clear type with center column references and 8 maps in color on C A M B R ID G E STJPE R TH IN IN D IA P A P E R . Bound in black Persian morocco leather, full leather lined, with overlapping covers, red under gold edges. Less than i inch thick. Size: &i x 61 inches. Weighs barely 20 ounces. With slide fastener which protects and preserves, and makes it possible to carry note papers in Bible conveniently and securely. Adds to beauty of the Bible. Fits the Purse No. Z11XD3 (ft inch thick) ...... Only $6.00 Fits the Pocket

No. Z21XD3 (t/2 inch thick) In* eludes 120-page Concordance ...... Only $6.50

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