King's Business - 1942-12


December, 1942


POINTS FOR TEACHERS: Link this lesson with the lesson for last week. Last week Jesus was helping; today emphasize the things we can do to help others. (If the story is used, ex­

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plain that the lit­ tle boy’s name is not given; we are just c a l l i n g him Malchus.) AIMS FOR THE LESSON: To teach the chil­ dren to share their good things, with others.

boh, two small pieces of paper cut and colored to represent loaves of bread, and a pair of scissors. (Put a small red cross on tip si,de of each “loaf.” Cut down both sides and across the bottorh of one envelope. Discard the irregular half of the en­ velope, and keep the complete side that bears the flap. Insert, this ^ide and flap in the uncut envelope with the gummed portion in the normal position ,for sealing the envelope. This will make a partition in the envelope. Color a green heart on the front of the uncut envelope. Hide one of the “loaves” of bread between the parti­ tion and the' side of the envelope that bears the flap. Make a slit in the heart on this loaf, running th^ black ribbon directly through both Sides of the envelope and the partition and through the “loaf” piercing the cross. Then stick the flaps together. This gives the envelope the appearance of being empty except for the black rib­ bon. Allow only a smail amount of the black to-show in the green heart, and cover this with the thumb when starting the lesson.) LESSON: This is a nice-looking heart, isn’t it? I am afraid we shall change our minds regarding it, when I lift my thumb and show you a black ribbon, which reminds us of sin. As I pull on the ribbon more and more comes out As wa open the envelope, we see that the black ribbon goes through the envelope, I hold in my hand a piece of paper representing a loaf of bread. You will notice that it has a red cross on the side, reminding us of the .cross of Christ. In looking at this “loaf” I recall the words of Christ, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger” (John 6:35). We will put this bread in the heart And seal the envelope. If we cut the end off the envelope, we shall see what happens to, the person who re­ ceives Christ [Cut (not tear) the end off, blow the envelope open, Teach into the back compartment and, re­ move the “loaf” which has been caught with the black ribbon. After remov­ ing the “ loaf” and the ribbon, press the opening in the envelope into an oval shape, and allow the audience to look in. It. will appear empty.] , Here is what happens to the one who receives Christ, the Bread of Heaven: Christ gives Himself and takes away all sin.

To emphasize that evfen the small­ est gifts can be made great when they are given to the Lord for His use. LESSON STORY: The day was get­ ting hoj. Malchus had come a long way with the crowd that was follow­ ing JeSus. How this young boy loved to look, up into-the face of Jesus! He was glad his mother had said that he might spend the whole day listening to Jesus and seeing the things that He did. Perhaps he patted the basket of loaves and fisheg at his side, think­ ing that it would be soon time to eat. Just then a kind-faced man stooped over and touched his arm and said something like this: “The people here are hungry. Would you give Jesus your lunch that they may all have- some of it?” Malchus gasped. _All these people have part of his lunch? That wouldn’t leave very much for him. But he didn’t hesitate. “ Of course,” I think he said, “if Jesus wants what little I have here, He may have it.” And the Lord Jesus took that little bit of lunch for one small boy and made it great enough to feed all the people as much as they wanted. Mal­ chus had plenty, too. When Jesus takes the small gifts we give to Him, He can make them great enough to do a great deal. What can we do for Jesus today? Object Lesson G iv e a n d T a k e OBJECTS: Two unused correspond­ ence envelopes, a narrow black rib-

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