King's Business - 1942-12



December, 1942



NOTES on Christian Endeavor

teaches it, and we can accept it even if we do not understand it. Some day we shall. God is'possessed of many attributes, which include righteous­ ness, holiness, purity, and love, j ■' n GOD’S WORK. The very first sentence of the Bible tells us about the work of God. Ail the things that we see and know are the handiwork of God (Psa. 19:1; Col. 1:16, 17), He is responsible for every object in ¿reation, from the mighty star Arcturus in the heavens to the infinitesimal atom in the laboratory^ Nor is that all, for the laws of the universe by which everything is main­ tained are the laws of- God. Sun, moon, and stars move in their courses guided by God’s hand. The hen egg hatches in twenty-one days according to God’s law. Nothing is out of hand; all things move according to God’s prearranged plan (Col. 1:17). III. GOD’S WILL.' The most iniportant thing in life for any man to do is to ascertain and fulfill God’s will for him. God has a purpose for all mankind. This will is bound up in His Son. His will is that all men should come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9), accept the sacrifice of Christ, and become God’s children eternally (John 17:3; 1 John 2:17). This pur­ pose of God for mankind requires only faith on man’s part, for God has worked out all the details in the death of Christ on the cross. How sad that the majority of men are abso­ lutely ignoring the will of GoU! For the Leader's Conclusion Before the meeting is dismissed, a word' of, caution should be spoken concerning approach to God. There is only one way of approach, and that way is by “The Door” (John 10:9; cf 14:6). God will not receive worship, service, or gifts except through Christ. God rejects all those who attempt to come to Him other than by His Son, and by the blood of the cross (Acts 4:12). JANUARY 10, 1943 H OW M A Y I BECOME SURE OF GOD ? D e u t e r o n o m y 7 :9-11; J o h n 14:19-21 By Lyman A. Wendt , Introduction The purpose of this topic is not to prove God. That which is apparent needs no prdof. We don’t have, to prove the sun. The sun is. We don’t have to prove God. God is! Since our involvement in the world conflict, there has been a pronounced turning toward God. In book, maga­ zine, and radio, men are emphatically declaring their belief in God. But believipg that there is a God, and knowing God are two entirely à

The Writers

January 3— WILLIAM W. OBR

Dr. Orr is "pastor of Calvary Church, Placentia, Calif., and serves as special speaker for youth meetings and training classes in other churches as well. In recent years he has conducted summer Bible camps for various groups of fundamental churches, in Southern California. Mr. Wendt (Biola ’34) is pastor of Calvary Church, Santa Ana, Calif., and has also an extensive ministry among young people’s groups in Southern California where he is a frequent speaker at rallies and summer conferences. Miss Redding (B. Chr. Ed. ’39 at Biola) was active in young people’s work in Burbank and Hollywood, Calif., during her years at Biola and at the University of Cali­ fornia at Los Angeles. She is now serving as Director of Christian Education at the First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs, Colo. At the University of California at Los Angeles, Miss Hart (Biola ’38) was active in the Koinonia Bible Club and served as vice president of the organization. This past summer she assisted at a Christian Endeavor Conference for high-school young people at Tahquitz Pines. Mr. Regier (B. Th, ’38 at Biola) is pastor of the Immanuel Mennonite Church of Los Angeles, Calif. Lást summer he served as Bible teacher for the Junior High Conference of the Los Angeles County Christian Endeavor Union at Tahquitz Pines.

January 10—LYMAN A. WENDT


January 24— MARGARET J. HART


us that the Creator possesses vast wis­ dom and exercises incalculable power. The next source is the Bible, which at great length teaches us of the person, attributes, and will of God. The third source of the knowledge of God is by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the most far-reaching truths of the New Testament is that God is like Christ For Those Who Have Topics ' I. GOD’S. PERSON. Ignorance, sin, and superstition have led the nations of the world into many false ideas of the person of God. The truth is that God is a Person, with all that this fact implies. Atheism, which says there is no God, is error. Nor are the pantheists right who say that God isi all and all is God, for God is separate from the things He has create*®. Nor are the polytheists right who affirm that there are many, many gods.’ God is one, eternally ex­ isting in three Persons (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; 1 John 4:8). Do not be troubled if you cannot explain the Trinity, for no one ever has fully un­ derstood this great -truth. The Bible

JANUARY 3, 1943 W H A T THE BIBLE TEACHES ABOUT GOD G enesis 1 :1 ; D euteronomy 6:4,#5 ; P salm 24:1, 2 ; H ebrews 13:8 By William W. Orr My, what a subject, you will say. •Can any one really know about God? The answer is a decided “yes,” for God desires that we should know Him, and to this end He has revealed Himself to us. More than that, God not only holds us responsible for this knowl­ edge, but He also classes as a fool the one who says there is no ,God (Psa. 14:1). Most of the peoples of the earth believe in a God or gods of some sort, but this is not enough. God wishes to be known and worshiped in the way He has revealed Himself through His Book, the Bible. For the Leader's Talk Theology is the science of God and is the parent of all the sciences. There are three sources of knowledge of God: First, there is nature, which teaches ' Introduction

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