King's Business - 1942-12

December, 1942



Books On Bible Exposition, Prophecy, Doctrine, Missions, False Cults, Evan­ gelism, Object Lessons, Fiction, Children's Stories, Sermons, and Choruses By Various Well-Known Authors Why Do the Righteous Suffer?

Strange Short Stories by the Doctor By Dr. Walter Wilson. A book of 33 strange short stories on unique topics, such as “ Ants Go to Picnics:” “ Dogs Stay Dogs,” (“ The Peanut is Crooked,” etc. Each story laden with spiritual truth and application. Very fine for all ages. 128 pages. 35c; 3 copies, $1.00. . Nuggets of Grace By Dr. Walter L. Wilson Another from the pen of Dr. Wilson. This book is different. The doctor uses 120 five-word texts and gives the reader" 120 one-page mes­ sages on such texts as “ Christ died for the un­ godly.” “ Five words with my understanding,” etc. 128 pages. Price,/35c. Let’s Go Fishing with the Doctor

Books by DR. W. L. PETTINGILL One of America’s Outstanding Bible Teachers THREE NEW BOOKS Simple Studies in Corinthians A series of expositions in these important New Testament Books. To say they are written by Dr. Pettingill- speaks for itself. Price 35c. Simple Studies in Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon Rich and valuable expository messages for these days. Price 35c. Simple Studies in the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude Clear, concise - meditations^ showing great truths of vast importance. Price 35c* Bible Doctrine Primer Here are fourteen chapters about the Bible, God, Creation, Satan, Man, Sin, Salvation, Death, Heaven/' Hell, Resurrection, etc. 14 chapters. 94 pages.,.. Price 25c. The Christian Fundamentals Eight important studies on Inspiration, Virgin Birth, Deity of Christ, Atonement, Resurrection, New Birth, Second Coming, and the Future State. 8 chapters. 64 pages. Price 25c. ' Believe and Live Bible Questions Answered Ah accumulation from forty years’ experience in answering hard questions from platform, classroom .and various publications. These ques­ tions and answers cover a wide field and are answered in a scholarly manner. 429 pages. Cloth, $1.5«; paper, 75c Christ in the Psalms A very wonderful book. Deep, sweet, clear, heart-thrilling. 173 pages. Paper, 60c; Cloth. $1.00. Into the Holiest (Simple Studies in the Hebrews) A valuable book for those wishing clear teach­ ing on some hard passages. 190 pages. Paper, 60c; Cloth, $1.25. Simple Studies in Matthew A fine book with clear, dispensational teaching taking up many things much needed today. An excellent work! 330 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $1.50 Simple Studies in Romans Any book on Romans properly treated is. valu­ able, especially by Dr. Pettingill. 231 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $ 1.25 By Grace, Through ^aith. Plus Nothing (Simple Studies' in Galatians) Few people realty believe Galatians. In this book* the grace of God and freedom from- the law Is shown clearly. Paper binding, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 God's Prophecies for Plain People A book of sound, Biblical doctrines of Future Events. A valuable book for study. Also 46 pages of Prophecy Question Box. 246 pages. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $1.25 History Foretold (Simple Studies in Daniel) Those knowing Dr. Pettingill’s books and teachings should prize this study of prophecy. Paper cover, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 The Unveiling of Jesus Christ - (Simple Studies in Revelation) ■This is a good book for the untaught In the prophetic Truth. Paper cover, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 All above Pettingill books, cloth binding, where possible, valued at $12.80, offered at only $10.65 when ordered together direct from publishers. 14 chapters taking up im­ portant Truths from The Gospel, of John. Splendid for many purposes. 14 chapters, 94 pages. Price 25c Light in Darkness This book on Prophetic Subjects should bring light, to many in these last days. 15 chapters. 87 Pages. Price 25c

As Intimated and Illustrated in the Book of Job By Dr. Henry C. Thiessen. A very*- timely book for trying times. Thousands sold within a very short time. Order a dozen of these to give to the sick, and sad and shut-in. Price each 25c. 10 1 Eye-Catching Objects A book of OBJECT LESSONS by Elmer L. Wilder, dealing with many important subjects suitable for children of all ages. Originally published 'at $1.50; now only $1.00. The Romance of Women Hymn Writers By F. W. Pitt of England. Here is a new and beautiful boblT, giving some of the rich- gems of truth and history about Hymns and Hymn- writers. Foreword by Dr. Wm. L. Pettingill. Cloth binding. $1.00. * Maranatha Gospel Choruses Compiled by Robert Savage* and Russell Case It has 05 choice, singable selections, with selections composed by some leading musicians. 25,000 printed to date. Price 30c. Why I Left Christian Science By Dr. Max Wertheimer, formerly a rabbi, then a practitioner, and later one of America’s leading Christian Hebrew scholars and teachers. An excellent book! . Price ^5c. God and You Wonders of the Human Body By Arthur I. Brown, noted scientist,- surgeon and Bible teacher. A knowledge of the HUMAN BODY should be desired and ,jn our day few books of this nature arp free from the evoiu- 39,000 copies of this book printed to date. Widely and enthusiastically read. Con­ tains an amazing amount of data and statistics. 11 chap- Dr. A. I. Brown ters; 220 pages; cloth only. $ 1 . 00 . In Green Pastures A book of 30 messages by 10 leaders of young people, compiled by T. Richard Dunham. Other contributors, are Walter Wilson, Wendell Love­ less, Percy Crawford, Will H.-Hought'on, Rob­ ert McQuilkin, Paul Rood. Dan Gilbert, Arthur Brown, and Paul Hutchens. Cloth binding. Price $1.00. His Last Will** By James A. Sutherland, D.D. Introduction by H. A. Ironside, Litt.D. A fine bbok of 132 pages showing the abound* ing grace of God under the NEW COVENANT. An excellent treatment of the subject',, and exposes the errors and absurdities of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISM. ' Dr. Ironside said, “ I hope that everyone who is seeking light in regard to the Sabbath ques­ tion will read these pages . . Cloth, $1.00: paper, 50c tim e ly Tidings for Trying Times By Pastor Wm. E. Troup This book of 65 pages contains, five messages,, similar to those given over Radio Station WMBI. Price, 25c,. The Heathen By Dr. Henry W. Frost The chapter outlines are as follows: I. Bio­ logical Facts; II. Geographical Facts; III. Legendary Facts; IV. Moral Facts: V. Reli­ gious Facts; VI. Scriptural Facts; VII. Sjffritual Facts. % / A valuable book by a noted author. 108 pages. Price. 35c, Book of Fiction the Healing Hills By Betsy McCurry “ A delightful and well-written story, which is also a fine temperance object lesson." —THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES. “ There is a beautiful mellowness about the whole story.” —THE EVANGELICAL BEACON. Beautiful cover jacket, 175 pages. Cloth $1.00. tionaiy hoax. Dr. Brbwn shows how the human body is wonderfully made, necessi­ tating an all-wise Designer. The thirteen chapters writ­ ten so ordinary reader *may understand. C l o t h only. $ 1 . 00 . “ Into the Clouds'* By Arthur T. Brbwn, M.D.

By Dr. Walter Wilson, author of Strange Short Sto­ ries by the Doctor, and The Romance of Doctor’s Visits. This book is a remarkable study of SOUL WINNING by a soul winner. Designed for private reading and for study classes. Paper cover. 35c. Students’ and Gift Cloth edi-

Dr. Walter Wilson tion, 85c. Let the Children Conte Unto Me, Vol. I Revised and Enlarged Edition By Frances L. Bennett A book of 116 pages; packed full of choice and excellent stories and studies from the Book of Beginnings—Genesis, and also a series in the LIFE OF CHRIST, and in Hebrews 11T An excellent Bible story book. A fine book for Child Evangelism work. Price 50c. Let the Children Come Unto Me, Yol. Ill Another of the textbooks of the Child Evan­ gelism campaign. It draws important lessons for the young:from the books of Leviticus and 1st Samuel. Ideal for all workers among the boys and girls. 40c. The Great Tribulation By Frances L. Bennett Paper Covers, 112 pages

By Dr. T. Richard Dunham Foreword by Dr. William L. Pettingill. Dr. Pettingill says in his Foreword, “Mr. Dunham has put us all in his debt, and his testimony as set forth is found to be'” "clear and convincing.” Widely and favorably re­ viewed. Price, Cloth 75c; Paper 25c ‘

Dr. T. R. Dunham

Shall Never Perish By J. F. Strombeck Foreword by Wendell P. Loveless. Dedicated to Lewis Sperry Chafer and endorsed by “ Revelation.” A book unsurpassed in value and clearness on the subject of Eternal Salvation. “ He (the author) explains the significance of eternal security and how it is the certainty of the boundless grace of Gcd.” —“ The Sunday School Times.” Cloth, $1.00.

The Story of Jesus By Harriet I. Fisher

This LIFE OF CHRIST—very favorably rec­ ommended by SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES. Thir­ teen chapters; 115 pages, actual photographs of .Bible Land scenes. Paper 35c.

The Story of Daniel By Harriet I. Fisher

This book has precious truths for children— truths they will keep all through life. The latter part—a study of Prophecy children will get. For children and youth. Price, 35c. The Story of Peter Another by Mrs. Fisher—introduced by Dr. Pettingill and 'favorably reviewed by “ Sunday School Times.” Get this one especially. Price iniw

Also send for catalogue Fundamental Truth Publishers, Findlay, Ohio

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