King's Business - 1942-12

December, 1942



into a family relationship; you do not “join” it! (John 3:3, 5, 7). c. "Friend" (Prov. 18:24; John 15:13- 15). This means fellowship! Not a far-off, fearful and intangible Being, but a close-at-hand, interested, loving Companion. People “know” one an­ other and “ enjoy” one another by be­ ing together. II. WE MAY BECOME SURE OF GOD THROUGH A PERSON—THE LORD JESUS -CHRIST. 1. He revealed "what" (who) God is. a. He is called God (Matt. 1:23; John 1:1; John 20:28; Rom. 9:5; 1 Tim. 3:16, etc.). b. He performs the. works of God: creation (John 1:3, 10); forgives sins (Mk. 2:5, 7); gives life (John 5:21). e. He possesses the attributes of God: eternal (John 1:2; 6:58); om­ nipresent (Matt. 18:20; 28:20); om­ niscient (Matt. 9:4; John 6:64), and sinless (1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5). 2. He made the “way” to God avail­ able. a. Note John 1:18; 14:6, 9; 10:30; Acts 4:12; Hebrews 1:1, 2, These verses are worthy of study and comment. b. Any man can be sure of God by faith in Jesus Christ. No man can be sure of God apart from Him. c. “God has decreed that He will be unknowable and unapprehensive apart from Christ” (Martin Luther). For the Leader 1. A very effective and profitable discussion time may be had by con­ trasting the things which can and can not be discovered about God, apart from the revelation of His Word and His Son. 2. A very effective mears of illus­ trating and. emphasizing the truth presented in the “topics” is to con­ trait the living God w if i idols. (Note Isaiah 40:18-31; 44:9-L0; Psalm 115; Romans 1:18-25.) .4 summary of these verses reveals Tuan’s folly in trying to represent God to himself by images. JANUARY 17, 1943 W H A T IS GOD DOING T O D A Y ? P s a l m 72:11-19 By Mary Frances Redding Introduction Several answers are possible to the question, “What is God doing today?” The cynic may doubt that God is do­ ing anything at all in a day when evil seems so rampant. The man of faith is sure to see God’s dealing in judgment upon sin and in His mercy and protecting care in behalf of His saints who are in places of danger. And above all, God is opening doors of opportunity for Christian young

different matters. Any unsaved man can know about God, but only a real Christian knows God. Man cannot know God without a revelation because our planes of expe­ rience are very different. God is di­ vide. We are human. God has chosen to reveal Himself in two ways—in a Person and a Book. Know this Book and this Person, and you will “ be­ come sure of God.” For Those Who Have Topics I. WE MAY BECOME SURE OF GOD THROUGH A BOOK—THE BIBLE. 1. Because it reveals who God is. a. "Creator" (Gen. 1:1; ef. Rom. 1:20). This fact should cause us to worship. Does it? Illus.:. What do you think of a wife who loves her hus­ band’s money but .ignores him, or of a husband who loves his wife’s cook­ ing but ignores her? What do you think of a man who loves the Crea­ tor’s world and ignores the Creator? Some do! Do you? b. "Father" (1 John 2:1; 3:1, etc.). This is a family, relationship. Not all of God’s creatures are God’s children. Illustration: A desk is made by a car­ penter, but it is not the son of that carpenter, because it does not have the “life” of the carpenter. So a man may be created by God, but he is not the son of God unless he has the “life” of God in him; hence 1 John 5:11, 12; John 1:12. One must be born

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Have you read ‘MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST” on page 449?

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