King's Business - 1942-12

December, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A visitor in a school offered a prize to the pupil whose desk he would find in the best order upon his unan­ nounced return. A little girl, who had been noted for her disorderly habits, declared that she meant to win the prize. “You!” her schoolmates jeered. “Why,, your desk is always out of order." “Oh! but I mean to clean it the first of every week.” “But suppose he should come at the end of the week?” some one asked. “Then I will clean it every morn­ ing.” “But he may come at the end of the day.” For a moment the little girl was silent. “I know what I’ll do,” she said decidedly; “ I’ll just keep it clean.” So it must be with the Lord’s serv­ ants Who would be ready for His coming. II. LIVE FOR CHRIST’S COMING (vs. 11, 14). 1. Outward living (v. 11). Peter exhorts us to be careful ot our daily living. The word “conversa­ tion” here means living or citizenship. Weymouth translates the close of ' verse 11 as “ all holy living and godly conduct.” We need to be ready at any moment for Christ’s coming (cf. Tit. 2:12, 13; Rom. 13:11-14; Matt. 5:16). 2. Inward living ,(v. 14). Godly living toward others comes only from a pure inward life toward God. We cannot show others the way of salvation unless they see Christ, in us. Thus our hearts need constant cleansing (1 John 1:9; 3:2, 3; 1 Thess. 5:23). Some one has said, “The human soul is a mirror on which the light of God shines, and only the pure mir­ ror reflects the perfect image.” III. LABOR FOR CHRIST’S COMING (1 Cor. 3:9). The knowledge that at any time Christ may come makes us wapt tc work diligently: While there is yet time, let us seek the salvation of rela­ tives and friends who are not ready to mqpt Him (John 9:4; 1 Cor. 15:58;’ 2 Cor. 5:9, 10). We can labor in praying (Lk. 10:2) in giving (2 Cor. 9:6, 7), and in serv­ ing (John 4:35, 36; 12:26). Remember the magnet: When it lies idle, it grad­ ually loses its effectiveness, but when it is in use, in increases in power. Conclusion . Looking, living, and laboring for Christ’s coming may be a reality in our lives if we observe the final warn­ ing and exhortation of our Scripture. 1. Warning (2 Pet. 3:17) : We must be on guard against temptations which might lead us away.

ture reading we can learn two of God’s certainties for us: 1. God manifests great love and long-suffering I2 Pet. 3:9). He is not willing that any should perish, and thus has provided salvation through Christ to ALL who will accept it. 2. The coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the Christian. Non- Christians scoff today at the thought of such an event, even as they did in the days when Peter wrote this Epistle (2 Pet. 3:3-7). Let us consider three things God wants us to do. For Those Who Hove Topics L LOOK FOR CHRIST’S COMING . (2 Pet. 3:10, 12, 13). Christ Himself tells us that in an hour when we think not, He will come (Matt. 24:35-42; Heb. 9:28). Our necessary attitude of expectancy is illustrated thus by M. M. Boteler.

THE BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN W A ITING FOR “Russian Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy" By Louis S. Bauman, D.D. C lo th b ou n d , n e a r ly 200 p a g e s Such- questions a s: Is this World War a subject.of Bible Prophecy ? it so,* What will be its sure outcome? Is “The Battle of Armageddon” the same battle as the battle described by Bzekiel in chapters 38 and 39? . v. Is Soviet Russia the “Gog:” of Eze­ kiel? is Germany “Gomer” ? Do Japan,: England, and the United States appear in the prophetic picture? Arid m a n y o th e r tim e ly s u b je c ts fu lly d is c u s s e d in ' t h is - u p -t o -t h e -m in u t e : b o o k o n B ib le p r o p h e c y , b y o n e o f t h e ; w o r ld ’s m o s t o u ts ta n d in g s tu d e n ts o f ' p r o p h e c y . Price 01.25, postpaid to any address. Also “tigh t on Bible Prophecy” . . .01.00 “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” . . . . .¡35 B y th e sa m e a u th o r. O rd e r to d a y fr o m : ALAN S. PEARCE ■1925 E. 5th St., to n g Beach, California

BRINGI t i g

IMPRISONED FOR CHRIST’S SAKE By R ev . B ruce F. H unt and P r . and M rs . R oy M. B yram Mr; Hunt and Dr. and Mrs: Byram, mission­ aries for many years in Korea, were impris­ oned in Manchuria-by the Japanese for nearly four months because of their courageous stand for the Word of God. Recently returned on the Gripsholm they will tell of their thrilling experiences in several articles' in the Times.

T H E V I C T O R I O U S L I F E By "R ejoîcer " This Christian leader, whose writings have helped a multitude of Christians, gives his testimony in a series of editorials entitled "Radiant Joy/' He bears witness to the pro­ found influence of two booklets upon his life — “The Practice of the Presence of God," by Brother Lawrence; and “The Life That Wins," by Dr. Charles Gallaudet Trumbull.

A C H E M I S T a n d H I S B I B L E By D r . C harles M. S tine A Vice-President of the duPont Company, an expert in chemical research, responsible for a number of significant developments, mem­ ber of several of the leading scientific socie­ ties, Dr. Stine is a stanch believer in the Word of God. He will tell in a series of articles of the remarkable developments in the field of chemistry, and their relation to the wisdom and the power of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

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T he S unday S chool TI mes C ompany Dept. B-3, 325 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

W I T H W I N G S A S E A G L E S By D r . B. H. S hadduck In his inimitable literary style Dr. Shadduck writes in a brief series, on the glorious truth of Isaiah 40:31, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall.. mount up with wings as eagles." Bearing real encouragement and joy to Chris­ tian hearts, this message will meet a special need in these dark days.

G entlemen ; I enclose $1.00 (in Canada $1.10-) for a twenty- four weeks' subscription to T he S unday S chool T imes , to include the ffur series beginning in December. i/ame...-,„^.„M......................................... Address.....-.-.^ .....

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