King's Business - 1942-12


December, 1942


the battle of life than hère. One tear of 'Sincere repentance, one honest cry for forgiveness, one look of the soul to Christ, and, like the father of the prodigal, the loving God hastens to forgive and save. —A London Journalist. 15. Spiritual Poverty “He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul” (Psa. 106:15,). Stewardship ■ is a .repulsive word to our ears and its demands repel us be­ cause of our spiritual poverty. It can oaly be fittingly manifested in the life that is hid with Christ in God. We practice little stewardship because we have had little Christian experi­ ence.—Bernard King. 16.. Exulting Faith “If God be for us, who, can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). We need never be afraid to recog­ nize our own incompetence, and' we have no need to minimize or hide from ourselves the magnitude of the difficulties that beset our path; exult­ ing faith will go in the strength of the Lord, singing: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” —J. Hudson Taylor. Rich Freight “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving” (Col. *4:2). It may be your prayer is like a ship, which, when it goes on a very long v o y a g e , does not come home laden so soOn; but when it does come home, it has a richer freight. Mere “coasters” will bring you coals, or such ordinary things; but they that go afar to Tarshish return with gold and ivory. “Coasting” players, such as we pray every day. bring us many necessities, but there are great pray­ ers, which, like the old Spanish gal­ leons, cross -the main ocean, and are longer out of, sight, but come home laden with. a golden freight. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 17.

18. Christ's Vanguard “¡The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving s t r e n g t h of his anointed ” (Psa. 28:8). Forget them not, O Christ, Who stand Thy vanguard in the distant land. In flood, in flame, in dark, in dread, Sustain, we pray, each lifted head. Exalt them over every fear, In peril* come Thyself more near. Thine is the work they strive to do, Their foes so many, they so few. Be with Thine own, Thy loved, who stand, Christ’s vanguard, in the storm-swept land. —Selected. Crumbs of Glory “And he [Moses] said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass be­ fore thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee” (Ex 33:18, 19). It was Christ’s sorely tried prisoner, Samuel Rutherford, who wrote that the parings and crumbs of glory, a shower like the thin May-mist of his Lord’s love, was enough to make him green, and growing, and joyful. Such a word, even such a little word as this, if only we open our hearts to its healirtg power, may be a crumb of glory, enlightening the soul, a thin May-mist of His love making green and glowing and golden what was so dull and dry before. —Amy Carmichael. 20. Keeping Hands Off “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10). . One rendering of the psalmist’s in­ spired words is: “Let go and know that I am God.” And that is the point where we most often fail. Wé hang on to self-deyised plans and the will* of the flesh, instead of letting go and letting God. Prayerfully and patient­ ly wait when God’s will is'not per­ fectly clear. Jehovah is God. . . . Take a look at what He has done in past ages when the boasts and threats of the ungodly ring in your ears. He will be exalted in dye time. —Keith L. Brooks. 21 . Little Foxes “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines” (Cant. 2:15). Full grown foxes are the develop­ ment of baby foxes. Big sins are the outcome of little sins. This is an un­ breakable law of both life and morals The time to be qn one’s guard against committing an act which may result 19.

Flannelgraph Lessons Lessons are complete with plenty of well-drawn cutout figures, at no extra cost. WIN the BOYS and GIRLS for CHRIST N ew vello backgrounds. Every­ thing needed f o r 'flannelgraph work. Write for price list. BAUER ART STUDIO P .ff. Box 73 San Marino, Calif.

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King James Teacher’s Bible Morocco bound, leather lined, printed on India paper, with helps For study and concordance. Clear black print, 4%x7”, less than 1” thick. OUR PR IC E .............. ....................... .....................,$¿.00 California patrons please, add 3% sales tax. 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif,


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