King's Business - 1942-12

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR . . . to our Many Friends


BROS. 1900

3407 San Fernando Road

Los Angeles, California

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Adopt the ALL BIBLE Graded Series in YOUR Sunday School Because It HelpsYou SolveYour S. S. Teacher Problem • Makes teaching fascinating and result- ful. Youngsters love the lessons and bring others. Your school will grow as hun­ dreds have with this fastest growing lesson series in the land. Send for FREE sam­ ples today. Strongly evangelical, graded by Departments, low in cost.

Christ-centered, soul* winning visual aias produced by Christians. Literatureupon request

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The Lessons Needed TODAY They lead young people to know and accept Christ, to join the Church and become teachers o f tomorrow. The All Bible Qraded Series produces a richer spiritual life felt throughout the whole Church. This means more consecrated workers rapidly coming up to take places o f responsibility and leadership. Stimulate this kind o f spirit in your school NOW . Investigate! See how the ABGS will fill the ranks o f your teachers AND pupils. ^ ^ Sample Lessons THE SCRIPTURE PRESs"7"lNc” 8 0 0 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois Dept. KB-12 Please send me your FREE book outlining advantages o f the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES o f Sunday School Lessons and sample Lesson Manuals Fnr TVpf "fi enclose 10c toward mailing cost.)


Right now is the time to consider Standard’s True-to-the-Bible les­ sons for your Sunday School for the coming quarter. Write today for information about Standard’s Closely Graded or Uniform lessons which are being used and highly praised by thousands of successful Sunday School workers. Prospec­ tus of Graded lessons and big catalogue are free. Please state which you want and mention de­ partment. Address Desk KB-12. The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio

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