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Jack Wyrtzen, Founder 1913-1996 sA man/ umo/
On the Victory Side,
Holding forth the word life; that I may rejoice n the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” Philippians 2:16
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WOLBI at Schroon Lake, NY
w ilt cm/ tcc the/ cdtcw o^t&fod/, toyc&fad/? mif jxu(j/ and my delight/. ” 'salm/ 43 : 4 ( 1 /
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2 ctoimaihif/ 2:15
Bom on August 9, 1927, Robert J. Dowie grew up in the country of Northern Ireland. At the age of 19, on a train in Belfast, Ireland, he gave his heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1958, Bob and his wife, Irene, moved to New Brunswick, Canada, and he began teaching at New Brunswick Bible Institute, He taught there for 38 years, all the while raising eight children, and traveling to many churches, camps, and conferences teaching the Word of God. While at New Brunswick Bible Institute, he also served as the Dean of Men, Choir Director, and as a board member. After retiring, he founded Grace Bible Ministries and traveled Canada, the United States, and some European countries as an evangelist. He received an honorary doctorate degree from Trinity Bible College for his faithful service to the Lord. Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., was honored to have him as a yearly speaker at the Inn, as well as part of the adjunct faculty of the Bible Institute for about 20 years. His ministry at Word of Life proved to drastically impact the Bible Institute student’s lives as he often spoke of God’s grace and love. One of the biggest impacts he had on students and staff alike was his remarkable ability to remember large portions of Scripture. He would recite passages and text with ease and feeling, making the listener believe that they were actually there the very first time the words were spoken. It is no wonder that many were convinced that he had memorized the entire Bible. His passion for memorizing God s Word was an inspiration to those who knew him. Mr. Dowie was also a living example of humility, as he often said, “I am what I am by the grace of God. ’ He showed this not only by his words, but more importantly by his actions, as he would always put others before himself. Bob Dowie’s tremendous heart for the Lord still serves as motivation and encouragement for Word of Life and it is because of his impact, that we dedicate the 1997 edition ol THE OPEN DOOR to him. The class of 1997 never had the privilege to sit under Mr. Dowie, as he went to glory two weeks before he was to teach the book of Hebrews. He went to meet his Savior on September 4, 1996. The memory of Bob Dowie will live on in our hearts and minds as we strive to be more like the example he gave...a life filled with the joy and fulfillment of Jesus Christ.
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God’s Word says, if a person has Him, he has life. WOLBI’s hand book says, if you are a student at the Bible Institute, you have a busy sched ule. And with this busy schedule, many times all a student can do is rely on the One who gave him that life. That is where we as Christians need to be, totally dependant on God. Trusting in Him to provide the strength to handle all of the different circumstances of life, not only the ones at Word of Life, but also those that follow. Serving Jesus Christ has a high cost. Many things of this world are given up in order to follow Him. Sacrifices are made just to come to Word of Life for a year, but they are sacrifices worth making in view of eternity. Along with these sacrifices come an eternity of rewards and blessing.
that/ hath' they ‘ ■ 9 (’. cv Saa hath/ ti^e/; he/ that/ hath/ oat the/ Son/ of
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AThe gang’s all here! ▼Who’s that masked man with April Jones? (hint: RRREEE1I1DDD!!!)
ARich Dessert, proving that the Christian life is a merry-go-round!
a 3 am/ cnnciped untA c(lAust/: nenentAeless/ 3 luxe/; yet/ not/ 3, hut/^hu& t liaetA in/ met and tAe/ life/ udticA 3 nano luia in/ tAe/ feesA 3 line/ by/ the/ feutA/ op the/ Son/ op ^jo d . ” cfejalatian&' 2:20
^Jen Welker, Jocie Estes, and Kristy Dame •4V What a cute couple! ▼Kati Hall and Sarah Corbett studying
AWarm hands; warm hearts. A^Lunchtime at WOLBI. ►Omar’s salon!!! ►►Friends forever.
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Christ lived His life
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. . . at all cost.
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Two thumbs up!!!
Study Hours How they are suppose to be and...
A Nathan Wandell reading the Word. •^Jason Hall going over some notes. ►is that a good book, Eva Talavera?
...how they really are! ■^Neilo Vitali, no hangin' around in study hours! •^•^Tom Varner reading a bedtime story. ■^■^THey, no sleeping in study hours! Oh, you’re praying?
" Study/ to/ show/
urvtos'dSjods. . . 2 timothy/ 2:15
Work Assignments
Christina Hykes, Sam Hood,
and Jen Hilt: Yearbook staff ABill Gill: Van driving ►Dagwood: Dishpit ▼josh Chamberlain and Mr. Parker: Food prep
Sarah Hiller and Lydie Morency: Line girls John Pulliam: Sanitation (Floors) A David Shaver: Maintenance
A Randy Lewis: Tech Team ►Tonya Windle: Alumni Office ▼Rachel Bilimek: Office
▼joe Proudfoot and Rich Dessert: Maintenance
Dorm Life
AAAsako Maruyama, Becky Kozlowski, Christan Kyle, Andrea Heath, and a really big bear. A ►James Sunday and Rob Thaisz studying their verses. ADesirae Morgan, Michelle St. Denis, Gina Fox, Angela Marzilli, Shannon Hudson, and Elisa Simon. ►Mark Morris, pretending to be blind.
“ 'leatex, (aue hath na maw than this/, that ci man taiy datun kis' lip 2 'ppc kis, pdends,. ” Johuv 15:13
A Amy Abbott and Heather McAllister ^1 didn't know Aimee Reed and Erin Proulx were twins! YTracy Morgan and Erin Cooney
AMark Hanna, Aaron Williams, and Mark Weather ford studying...kind of. ►Scott Osborne, you look a little clueless!
“Jesus is bigger than this.’’ Mr. Wayne Lewis A “I see that hand!’’ Mr. Steve DeGroft
A “I promise to be SHORT!” Mr. Schenke A^Ladies-Trio: Annie Fischer, Laurie Gledhill, and Christina Neumann. ►“Let me Bubar-phrase it for you!” Mr. Bubar
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A Do I plug into lives or just quote cliches?” (“AAV. Tozer wrote...”) Mr. Calhoun ^'A re you going to live by external pressures or internal principles?” Dr. Theis
AStudents listen intently. ^"Catch this!” Dr. Joe Jordan •^▼Mr. Dray prepares the stu dents for ministry. ▼Mr. Carter sobs through a sap py “I miss you” Valentine from a second year student in Florida.
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One of Christ’s most famous command ments is to “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel, to every creature.” As Chris tians, we are commanded to go, but it should be more than just an order to us. We should be excited to have the privilege to share the great gift of God to all people. As it is said, we are just beggars, telling other beggars were the bread is. At Word of Life Bible Institute, all the students are involved in a ministry. Word of Life believes that ministry is such an essential part of a Christian’s life, that it is incorporated into the curriculum. As the great Apostle Paul said, “Neither count I my life dear unto myself, for the sake of the ministry.” At all cost, we must put ourselves in the background, and make the ministry of spreading the Gospel first in our lives. Being a student at Word of Life Bible Institute offers many opportunities in ministry: music, singing, working with children and teens, drama, or Open Air Evangelism in English and Spanish. God will use anyone who is willing, in whatever way He sees fit. We are often surprised how God chooses to use us, as evidenced by our year at Word of Life. I
<=\R) U/t none/ op these/ things mmte/ mej nei/- tiieso count 9 mw life/ cle.cn
unto/ my&elp, so/ that miqhl' feush nuj/ corns& u ith jmj', and the' mlnistuy, which *2) have/ received/ op the/cdhLoul'<^)esiis/, to/ te stify the/ qa&pel' op the/ cyiace/ op <^od.” sd. o t S' 20:24
Child Evangelism Fellowship is an unique minis try in which students have the opportunity to minister to children. They hold weekly Good News Clubs involving children from kindergar ten through sixth grade. They have the privilege of being able to evangelize children, then follow up in discipleship for the remainder of the year. Not only does CEF teach the children, but the students are trained and taught in this rewarding ministry as well. Child Evangelism Fellowship
Lisa Scembel wonders, “Which one do I choose?” AKids just want to have fun. “^Circle up, gang, it's time for a lesson.
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AHeather Sheets, Nancy Benckert, Chrysti Lossing, Laura Melcheck, Boris Paschke, Becky Hicks, Rob Chamberlain, Dammie Roark, Aimee Lodema, and Patty Davie (Lisa Stembel and Randy Lewis not pictured).
tavm & s/2 2 :6
Children’s Bible Fellowship Children’s Bible Fellowship is a ministry that is focused on evangelism of children and church planting. The teams go to Camp Hope near New York City for a week. While they are there, they organize children’s meetings in the parks after the kids get out of school to share the Gospel with them. The teams also go door-to-door witnessing and do surveys on the streets of New York City. Many of the students that are involved in this ministry say it changed their lives.
“ °^jO / ue/ thezelw e/, and teacJv ail/ nations/, in/ tne/ name/ o f tAe/ 'daih&v, and/ op tne/ San/, and/ a l tA e/<ddC aly/ c&fLast/.” Q/1/1-H0.-.. OO 4
M CBF A: (L-R) Back Row: Shannon Mowry, Amy Abbot, Josh Snyder, and Michael Warnock; Front Row: Melanie McGibbon, Rachel Koncsol, and Mary Zuleger (Angela Gast and James Henson not pictured)
M CBF B: (L-R) Back Row: Wendy Bellairs, Alicia Faust, Tara Eddy, and Shawn Neahusan; Front Row: Kory Kimble, Jenee Zibell, Tabitha Patton, Amber Heino, Tina Syder, and Jen Hilt (Rebecca Haverland and Rena Heino not pictured) M CBF C: (L-R) Back Row: Julia Clevanger, CBF worker, Julie Miller, Kristen Bierer, Annie Kroeger, Rusty Kennedy, and CBF worker; Middle Row: Michell St. Denis, Beth Ryan, Erin Kiernan, and Lina Oshio; Front Row: Billy Sullivan, Nick Farquhar- son, and Dave Miles
Open Air Evangelism Just as Jesus Christ and His disciples went into towns and cities preaching the good news to all people, Word of Life Bible Institute sends teams of students to New York City for a week long ministry of pro claiming Christ on the streets and subways. During the fall quarter the Open Air Evan gelism ministry reached hundreds of lost people find the love of Christ Jesus. Through this ministry, students learned how to totally rely upon the Holy Spirit for the words and the boldness they needed to proclaim the Gospel.
“ c&fOy i j | iMos the/ ioauA/ psieacA' the/ tyOSpzl... ” WhA' 16:15
A^Peter Doebler shares Christ with a man on the streets of the Bronx. AChad Clem shows the truth of God’s Word to two young boys in the projects of New York City.
•^Marion Meservey shares the plan of salvation to this girl. ▼Sarah Reynolds showing the love of Christ with the children of the city. ▼▼Peter Doebler preaching in front of Madison Square Garden.
■^Danny Cagle does a rope trick on Wall Street. AAmanda Burgess shows a young man what the board is illustrating.
Spanish Ministry
If you have a heart for the inner city, gang kids, prisons, street ball, park evangelism, children’s meetings, door-to-door evangelism, needy chur ches, and Spanish food, then the Spanish Minis try is for you! To be one for the 40+ students involved in this ministry, a student doesn’t even need to speak Spanish! The teams have been able to see several young people attend the Bible Institute. The leader, Rick Warken, describes the Spanish Ministry as such, “Our focus in this ministry is to go where the people are, to evan gelize, disciple them, and direct the young kids to the BI, so that they too can be trained spiritually, to go to the city and begin this process again.’’
AThe team uses the board to teach that Jesus died for everyone’s sins.
ASonya Nelson talks to kids about Jesus. A^The Word goes out to all people.
s4nd' that-metu/ tongue shall confess; that esus> c€Aiist' W to/ the' glaxg- aji^hjOci tiie/Ucdhe^. ” * 2:11
Prison Ministry
Students involved in the Prison Ministry have the opportunity to go into and be involved with New York correctional facilities. Bible studies and life seminars are held in conjunction with worship serv ices. It is a great opportunity to see men come to faith in the Lord and grow in their knowledge of Him. The Prison ministry works through Prison Fellowship, Inc.
ATeam 1: Dan Tuttle, Shane Robins, Adam Williams, and James Luck
urns' kumyay, and ye ycuae/me; food; *2) urns' tAhstiy, and yaoe/ mevdunk; :|P mass a' sbwnye&; and / ye/ took- me-uv; noised, and / ye/ clothed' me/; 5) urns' sick', and ye/ uisited me; 51 mas' uv prison, and'ye' came' unto/ me: dfYlaitheiU' 25 : 35,36
A ngel T ree . A Ministry of Prison Fellowship
Prison Ministry had a special op portunity to minister to the chil dren of incarcerated men. This outreach is called the Angel Tree. The teams encouraged the student body to buy a present for a child which is given in the name of the father. The total amount of gifts raised by BI students was 200. The Angel Tree Ministry reached over 430,000 children nationally.
ATeam 3: Ben Sebban, Tom Roselius, Matt Shoemaker, and Roger Rivenburg
Basketball Ministry
What do other local colleges, club teams and prisons have in common with Word of Life Minis tries? Basketball! A fun and exciting sport shared by many. It's amazing how a little round ball can be greatly used by God as an avenue or tool to open doors for ministry opportunities. Combined with reaching lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the basketball ministry has proven itself both valua ble and profitable. The basketball teams have seen success both on and off the court. Concerning play on the court, the teams were fortunate to have a winning season. While off the court, they were able lead several dozen young men and women to Christ as their personal Savior. This season they can truly say that they were challenged physically, as well as spiritually. Honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for allowing these athletes to be used by Him and for Him while enjoying the wonderful sport of basketball.
unto; me/,
and / 9 uuM/ an&utex/thee/, and/ skeuv tke& things/, iuhicA/ thoAA/ knoutesi nab" ^e^emixJv 33:3
AAASteve Groff helps the injured player of opposing team off the court. A A The mens team sets up an inbounds play. AErin Loucy leads a girl to Christ after the game.
^Phil Menditto shares with an op ponent after a game that Christ is life, not basketball. ▼Rich Reinebach scans the court for the open lane.
ABack Row, L-R, Rich Reinebach, Daryl Lacks, Levi Renno, Sam Rempel, Jacob Me Guire, Coach Keith Balsley. Front Row, L-R, Phil Menditto, Steve Groff, Shane Baker, F.rtr Mr O pp RolhK Tr
A A Elisa Simon shoots a fifteen footer over the Lady Tigers. A Tasha Sezna forces her way to the basket.
ABack Row, L-R, Shelley Niles,Christina Hvkes, Christa Preston, Misty Calhoun, Coach Becca Robinson, Erin Loucy, Deleena Emerson. Front Row, L-R, Alyshia Bair, Danielle Guite , Michelle Verkaik, Elisa Simon, and Tasha Sezna. (Crystal Noel not pictured)
Soccer Ministry
The Soccer Ministry is a sports team that competes with different colleges, prisons teams, and community teams in the Adiron dack area. The purpose behind the Soccer Ministry is to win souls first, games second. They do this by handing out tracts and doing one-on-one witnessing to their competitors.
A Back Row, L-R: Matthew Beverly, Terry May, Atsuya Murakami, Mike Peck, John Warken, Josh Keegan,Tim Teboe, Scott Osborne, Daryl Scibior, Coach Warken; Front Row, L-R: Ray Rastelli, Tim Wagner, Jeff Goeddertz, Matt Zealand, Shawn Johnson, Esteban Montllau, Shingo Ota, John Busenitz, Marcus Souza, and Ed Woosley
►The W.O.L.B.I. students go wild for Esteban. ►A Esteban concentrating on the ball be fore slamming it into the net. ►AAThe team congratulates John after he scored a goal.
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Pupp et Ministry
The Puppet Ministry is an unique ministry geared to reaching and teaching children about Jesus Christ. They attend area chur ches to do rallies, as well as work at Word of Life Inn heading up their Children’s Ministry. The group also participates at the Ranch during the summer.
^Sarah Dotson, Doug O’Bern, Melissa Ford, Landon Wright, Jennifer Boston, (not pictured - Amy Yowler, and Melissa Harless) •^Puppet team leads the chil dren in singing. A Puppets at their best! ^AALandon Wright using his talents.
“ crtu l *Jesus / said, 9Pe/imi little ' cfi&dwtv, and'fatAid tAenvnab, to’ come; unto me/, pev op suck to tkeskingdom op heaven/. ” c}}taithexvs 19:1 4
First Year Drama Ministry The First Year Drama team had the great opportunity to present plays, skits, preach sermons, and participate in youth retreats. Through drama they were able to chal lenge teens, encourage pastors, and partici pate in Open Air in New York City. The main ministry of this drama team was pre senting “Bridge of Blood,” which tells the story of five young men and their wives who gave their lives, so that the Auca indians could hear the Gospel. Through this ministry the students have had endless opportunities to tell others about Christ and also have an exciting and fun time doing it.
ABill Gill displays die emodons of Jim Elliot in “Bridge of Blood.” •^Jerad Mellette sings “Crucified with Christ” to con clude the presentation of “Bridge of Blood.” Tjeane Martin, Stephanie Leamen, Jake Keleher, Lori Feldi, Hank Cary, Sean Humphrey, Shanna Meyers, Peter Ritenburg, Amanda Nagle, Bill Gill, and Carol Lundin
" ^osi/ uJw&aeAjL&t/ mull/ scute/ his/ life/ shall/ lose/ W: Iwd/ Lvhoseuesv w ilt lose/ his/ life/ few my/ sake/, the/ same/ shall/scute/ ii/. ”
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Second Year Drama Ministry The second year drama team entered the second quarter with the challenge of going into Christian schools and churches with the drama “For This Cause.” God really stretched and molded them as they encountered much apathy. Although this min istry was not consumed with numbers of decisions and dedications, the second year drama team play ed a heavy role in encouraging other in their walk with Christ while in Florida.
lAWhat’s up doc? Ryan McAlla laugh.
Keyes does her impersonation of I
Steve Brownback and Dagwood strikes a pose.
' s 4 nd/ lei us/ nol h tueo/up in uiell/ clni foe in due season ujo shall/ teap * il uxe/ pxinb nab. s 4 s* eve/ haue/ theue^OAe/ oppo^tnlUj/, lei us da cjxxod/ unto alt men, especially/ un tkenv Lidia one/ of t household/ oj/ ^aiiA ^jalaiians/ 6:9-10
ABack Row L-R: Ryan McAllen, Jason Purvis, Steve Brownback, Dave Whithead, and Jerad Millette; Front Row L-R: Elizabeth Keyes, Tiffany Spicer, Jamie Brown, Dagwood Shilton, and Jamie Linstra
Churchmouse Ministry The Churchmouse ministry is lead by Roy and Barbara Davoll. Mrs. Davoll is the author of the “Christopher Churchmouse” series, as well other children’s books. The Davoll’s have a deep desire to minister to children in any way they can, including Children’s Church, Missions Confer ences and camps. Each year the Davoll’s take a small group of students with them on their ministry. The students enjoy working with the Davoll’s, as well as the kids, as they see God work in the lives of little children through the stories Christopher Churchmouse.
A Stop Christopher my ear hurts. A^ Dusty Mole and Christopher Churchmouse strike a pose.
AChurchmouse: (L-R) Esther Twigg, Omar Sepulveda, Jaime Hay, Barb Davoll, and Roy Davoll
Release Time Ministry Release Time ministry may not be as large as the other ministries at Word of Life Bible Institute, but it does have a great impact on the kids they work with. The students who are involved in this ministry have an opportunity to share the Gospel with a group of elementary kids that attend Schroon Lake Central School. The team holds Bible Club meetings at the school. The Release Time ministry goes beyond just witnessing to the children, but also concentrates on each child and their spiritual growth.
Tracy Morgan reads the chil
dren a Bible story.
One of the boys shows how
fun Release Time is. A The Team with their kids. “ cfihut/ ^esu^ said, and ^m&ld' them/ nob, to/ comes unto/ mes pve o f suclv is/ tAe/kingdom op hcauen/. ” ddlatthew/ 19:14
l L-R: Kirk Blackwell, Allison Cook, Todd Crawford, and Aimee Thomas i Christina Levar and Tracy Morgan not pictured)
Church Local Church ministry is a great opportunity to be involved in local churches throughout the Adirondack region. Students attend these churches on a weekly basis and are involved in many areas of service, including teaching Sunday School, Children’s Church, working with the youth group, and visitation programs. Not only is their weekend full of ministry, but the students get ministered to as well as they stay with from their local church.
AAChestertown: John Ford, Heather Mayh Thomas Walters A Corinth: Amie Bockstahler, Ronald Burdett, a Bruno ◄Ft. Edward and Ft. Ann: Sharon Couchoud, Wandell, James Sunday, and Esther Berryhill
A Grafton: Chasity Hinken and Miri-
AGloversville: Edward Woosley
APlattsburgh: Josh Vaught, Paul Van Der Geest, Shannon Hudson (Julie Hollenbach, not pictured)
am Eskridge
AHoricon: Tanya Nussbaum, Jason Nussbaum, and Christopher Yelinko
kHoosic Valley: Sean Cleary, Kristen Bloser, Rachel iilimek, and Jason Dumas
^Johnstown: Aaron Kruse, Corey Voegele, Beverly ihamberlain, Jason Taylor, Gina Fox, Theodore Smith, ind Jesse Racine
ALatham: Heather Harrison, Sean Berard, and Amanda Goggans (Andrea Goodwin, not pictured)
kSchroon Lake: Peter Verkaik, Bette Verkaik, Ralph )eshetsky Jr., Wendy Deshetsky (Thomas Sand, not ictured)
AWestport: David Miner III, Joyce Miner, and David Miner Jr.
juMsakincf/ tke assemMin<y op omselues' totyeike^, as/ the' manned' op some/ is/, exJioerfmty one/ anolke/e: am i see much* tfio mevt&, as/ tye/ see/ the / deity appwaeJiinty. ydCeAeeuts/ 10:38
Ministry Teams The Ministry Teams are comprised of enthusiastic groups of young men and women who enjoy having fun. Their ministry was filled with several different activities. A team may travel to a near by town, city, or even a state to be involved with Super Bowls, Basketball Marathons, or Jalopy Raids. Other responsibilities of the teams were to help out or lead campus activities for the weekend or welcoming the Campus Day students to Word of Life. The teams main goal was to have the opportunity to lead many teens to the Lord while on their ministry.
► Ministry Team 1: (L-R) Back Row: Tom Varner, Derek Doherr, Corey Hiebert, Bradley Linkins, and Mark Belote Jr.; Front Row: Valerie Daigle, Heather Mayhew, Leslie Cherkas, Stephanie Lydic, Sarah Sterner, and Jenny Chitwood. ► Ministy Team 2: (L-R) Back Row: Jeremy Dykes, Daniel Fauth, Kevin Rob ertson, and Brain Ross; Front Row: Jon Hand, Tammy Brom, Kristal Haskins, Jonna Abraham, Sarah Greene, and Heather McAllister (Kim Herrick and Laurie Gledhill not pictured)
u n to h/ is/ disciples/, hwatesb t/udip is/ plenteous/, hut/ the/ laAowiets/ erne/ieue; &
tAe/< 7 ^o^d/ op the/ hwiuest/, that/he/ send/ loath/ taAowieus/ into/ the/ hawest/. ” cYYlatthew/ 9 : 37,38
M Ministy Team 3: (L-R) Back Row: David Inman, Melody Hullinger, and Brian Wilson; Front Row: Kari Selvidge, Peggy Greenwald, Rebecca Alli son, Ellen Fleming, and Chris Finchum (Diana Ly ons, Mark Morse, and Ra chel Sergeant not pictured) M Ministry Team 4: (L-R) Back Row: Joel Banister, Brain Heck, Phillip Car ney, and Jocelyn Estes; Front Row: Angela Wells, Katie Estes, Julia Fitzhar- ris, and Jessica Butler (Chris Barksdale, Chris Taylor, Heather Whitener, and Rachel Wicks not pic tured) Ministy Team 5: (L-R) Back Row: Molly Dalton, Sarah Corbett, Tim Edger, Marc Radar, and Matt Carman; Front Row: Christie Combs, Rebecca Nasman, and Sarah McLaughlin (Reid Curry, Margie Butler, Rebecca Kolk, and Joshua Southard not pictured) Ministry Team 6: (L-R) Back Row: Renee Granier, Missy Cousins, and Joe Proudfoot; Front Row: Melissa Pouliot, Mamie Howder, and Matthew Hale (Rich Dessert, Pat Me Afee, Matt Miles, Byan Mobley, Jenna Paolicci, and Mike Zito not pic tured)
Collegians One of the most exciting and popular ministries at Word of Life Bible Institute is the world renowned concert choir, “The Collegians.” The young men and women on this ministry have dedicated their year at the Bible Institute to witness to people though their song and drama. The Collegians began their rigorous daily prac tices in September preparing for the Christmas Musical Dramas, “Ring the Bells” and “Every Knee Shall Bow.” During the winter quarter, the Collegians participate in Snow Camp as coun selors and special music, as well as, practice for the spring tour, “Passion Play,” which portrays the last week of Christ and His glorious res urrection. Through these tours, hundreds of peo ple have come to know the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior. The Collegians are directed by Mr. Brian Donley, who has been with Word of Life for over 20 years.
ATraveling on tour is a great way to make new friends! (Brianna Donley and Seth Beebe)
flakes a noise; luvlo the'C^oxA-, all yes lands'. ^Psalm* 100:1
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A The Word of Life Collegians •^On the road again! I just can’t wait to get on the road again!
ACraig Sporcic, Brian Thompson, and Tim Har din in character for the “Passion Play.” A ◄“Passion Play ” behind the scenes. ◄Who said the ride on tour would be boring? ▼Jesus healing the blind men in “Passion Play.” ▼▼The main cast from “Ring the Bells.”
Snow Camp
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God gave us four seasons to enjoy, and winter is no exception. Snow means SNOW CAMP, an other fantastic ministry to reach lost teenagers, as well as challenge believers to be committed Christians, armed and dedicated, ready for battle. This year’s snow camp was no different. Close to 3700 campers came to partake of the activities and incredible meetings. Over 400 teens accepted Christ and over 1000 committed their lives to be more Christ-like. Each student worked hard eve ry weekend as counselors or as a worker...each job was just as important as the other. When all was said and done, the physical and spiritual fatigue were worth it for the glory of God!
A Word of Life Snow Camp is filled with high flying fun.
“ C7 'daft/ the/ uumL op c6jod is/ quick, and pxmi&ipdt, and/ sncwp&t/ than/ any j twoedaed/ saxaul, pimciny/ euew to/ the/ dojuLiny/ asunder op soul/ and/ spirit/, and/ op the/ folnis/and/ mamoAo, and/ is/a/ discerned op tho thoughts/ and/ intents/
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Ajoe Jordan was one of the many speakers that showed the campers the way using God’s Word.
•^Celebration singers minister in song to the teens. •^TSir Ralphie 111 dazzles the crowd at half time of the girls’ all-star game. ▼Levi Renno counsels a snow camper after the Saturday night meeting.
AATara Eddy and Cindy Walker enjoy the rush of the tube hill. A Monika Krawiec shows God’s love to one of the campers after her decision. •^Mike Svatek and James Gregoire pound Will and Jed to the carpet.
Rescue Mission Ministry Just a few privileged men get the opportunity to be a part of the Rescue Mission ministry. These fine young men are personally involved with Rescue Missions in the Adirondack area. Each weekend the men go to the Rescue Missions and help out the employees of the mission as much as they can whether by working a desk job or helping with Sunday services. They strive to honor the Lord in everything they do. Often, they have the opportunity to counsel and share with the men what God has been teaching them through their study of the Bible.
ABrit Meyers (Joshua Galletta, David Millis, and Scott Phillips, not pictured)
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AA^Brit Meyers stands with one of the men at the Rescue Mission. AAMr. Perry Jones is thankful for the help provided by the students. AWhile at the mission, men have the opportunity to study God’s Word.
Word of Life loves to have a good time, whether it be playing sports, dressing up for special occasions or just hanging out with friends. The difference between our fun and the world’s view of fun is the joy we can share as Christians. Many special events were planned to let students enjoy time to- gether. One Saturday was set aside to have fun playing different sports. Students participated in volleyball, bas ketball, dodge ball, and other, more unique activities. Other special events included various banquets, the Mis sions Conference, and the Founder’s Bible Conference. i Through each of the these events, the students and staff had an incredible time to reflect on the things God had done in their lives. Each banquet was equipped with an incredible speaker; the Missions Conference challenged us to have a world-wide goal of reaching the lost; and the Founder’s Bible Conference had a special time remember ing our Founder.
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Presidential and Thanksgiving Activities Two special times of the year occur at the beginning and end of the first term. To start off the year, Word of Life hosts the Presidential Banquet. This gives students a chance to meet Word of Life’s directors, staff, and their fellow classmates. At the end of the quarter, the Bible Institute family spends Thanksgiving Day to gether. The day’s festivities include a Powder Puff football game, the traditional “Turkey Bowl,’’ and a fantastic Thanksgiving Day feast.
AA^Couples and friends having fun at the Presidential Banquet. A Harry Bollback dedicating Hungary dorm to the late Dan Bubar.
A Bradley Linkins and Jeff Harkins ^Stephanie Lydic, Stephanie Learnan, and Jeane Martin
ASarah Boonstra and Carry Zeigler ■^ARich Reinebach “^Rosalie Bruno and Jessica Saylor ▼Kim Carrier, Trisha Evans, Anne Lowe, Rachel Howard, Christan Kyle, and Rosalie Bruno
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A Harry Bollback challenging us at the Conference. Ajerad Mellette enjoying the musicians during the Missions Banquet.
M issions Conference 1997 A
Time to Decid
The Missions Conference, for many, is the most exciting and challenging time of the year. Students began the New Year exam ining their lives and seeking God’s will, whether it be in a foreign country or their own backyard. Sessions and short seminars expose students to different mission boards and opportunities. Speakers throughout the week included Borneo Bob, Coronel Jack McGuckin, Steve and George Theis, Larry and Harry Bollback, and Joe Jordan. These speakers focused on the theme of “Send the Light.” We were able to experi ence a little bit of culture from around the world at the International Banquet. The new year was celebrated with a Watch Night Service held by Larry Bollback.
4 .
M A Borneo Bob was the featured speaker at the Missions Conference. ^Jeremy Shelford in the “Parade of Nations.” A Mission accomplished: Students making decisions to serve Christ wherever He may lead them.
AASome GQ men! A A special time for couples. A^Josh Keegan, Amy Shaw, Jessie Waggoner, and Jake McGuire. ►Heather Downen and James Sunday
■^Friends enjoying each other’s compa ny. •^▼jamie Considine entertaining every one with her beautiful music. A Christa Preston and Christina Hykes
Valentine’s Banquet During the day, the Dining Hall was transformed into a room of red. Early evening brought young men to the ladies dorms waiting patiently for their beautiful dates. This year two banquet searings were scheduled. The first banquet focused on couples, whereas the second banquet was comprised of special friends, and a new edition, “The Dating Game.” Students could sign up for a blind date and totally trust God with who they should share the evening with. Mr. Steve DeGroft presented an eloquent speech on love and dating. The music was courtesy of Jamie Considine, Josh Chamberlain, Cynthia McKirdy, and Mr. Brain Donley. The evening ended with rollerskating, laser tag, and the movie “Rigaletto.”
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AADr. Joe Stowell ADr. Paul Dixon ►Pastor Bill Boulet
Founder’s Conference 6 ‘Living a Godly Life in a Godless Society"
Founder’s Conference dealt with an issue that every believer faces throughout their life: living a godly life in an godless society. Speakers Dr. Joseph Stowell, Dr. Paul Dixon, Pastor Bill Boulet, Dr. Joe Jordan, Dr. Harry Bollback, and Dr. George Theis spoke on how we need to be separated from the world by drawing closer to God. Every meeting contained truths that were applicable to everyday life. It is wonderful that Word of Life cares enough about each student’s personal growth in the Lord that they have conferences such as these. Dr. Bollback also did a special concert in memory of Jack Wyrtzen’s one year anniversary of being home with his Savior.
A Millie Bollback shares her testimony and life with Harry. “^ADr. Harry Bollback, loved by all. ^Dr. Harry Bollback and Dr. Paul Dix on proving how much fun Christians can have.
Spirit Week set a new and interesting outlook on “class dress’’ for students during this week. Whether it be dressing as a staff member, clashing everything, becoming a wild wester ner, or sporting athletic attire, each day gave the students a chance to express their creativity. All in all, Spirit Week was a great success, and lots of fun!
M A Anna-Kay Morrison fishing for lunch. A A Steve Saladino and Ryan Parsons ? A Bob Columbine getting into the spirit of things.
' s •
A Impact II A A Five little Indian Girls. •4 Crazy clash day or a flashback from the sixties? ^ A John Ford, what can you say?
Impact Team The Impact Team is a group of young men who have completed both years at Word of Life Bible Institute and have dedicated their lives to full-time ministry. They were involved in Conferences, Colle gian tours, and church ministries with special music and drama. The highlight of their year was being involved in the “Born Again to a Living Hope” tour, which tells the story of a young couple from Argentina who contracted the AIDS virus from intravenous drug use. The couple went to a Word of Life camp, met their Savior, and were radically changed for God. The Impact Team ministered to 65,000 people in 81 concerts with over 1,200 decisions for Christ.
A A One of the many places that Impact preformed. A Thomas DeLeon and Steve Boyles taking tickets. M A Kevin Radford, Jeremy Dame and Steve Boyles in “Born Again to a Living Hope” M Impact ‘97-Thomas DeLeon, Jeremy Dame, Kris Stout, John Unangst, Rob Phillips, Rich Andrews, Jonathan Stansel, Kevin Radford, Dan Beebe, Aaron Maynard, and Steve Boyles
I.D.P. Internship & Discipleship Program (I.D.P.) is a program for graduates of the Bible Institute that would like to stay with Word of Life Fellowship to get further hands on experience in the minis try, but would also like to continue their under graduate work. This program offers discipleship courses taught by Word of Life staff, with aca demic training coming from external degree pro grams from Tennessee Temple University or Liberty University. Not just anyone can be in volved in this special program only those chosen by the Directors of Word of Life Fellowship.
Jeremy Dame
Thomas DeLeon
Chris Vickery
Daniel Beebe
Rob Phillips
Kevin Radford
Aaron Maynard
Jonathan Stansel
John Unangst
Steve Boyles
Debbie Stout
Chris Stout
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Rich and Lynn Andrews
David and Fernanda Bogrand
Dave and Patricia West
s4dmmistmticm/ Sc Word of Life Bible Institute is not only an unique college because of the heavy emphasis it puts on ministry, but because of the dedicated staff and various pastors, Bible scholars, and evangelists that teach the curriculum. They are always ready to preach and teach the Word publicly or on an ^ individual basis...at all cost. The Bible Institute helps make academics a priority by making study hours mandatory. They also have group study and individual tutoring available for the student who needs extra academic encouragement. The First Year academics consists of learning basic Biblical principles. The Second Year is designed to teach how to practically apply the Biblical principles learned during the first year. For each Year there are nine months of classroom study and three months of ministry experience through the Word of Life camps or outside ministry.
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2 timothy/ 2:2
Harry Bollback
John Nelson Senior Vice President of Operations
Stuart Page Executive Dean
Bob Brown Senior Vice President of Finances
Kathy Laymon Dean’s Secretary
Jean Parke Executive Secretary
Wayne Lewis Assistant to Executive Dean
Stuart Page Executive Dean
Shirley Richards Academic Secretary
Sharon Wagoner Registrar Office
Marshall Wicks Instructor
Tom Davis Academic Dean Instructor
Karen Sainato Library Assistant
Euanna Pigford Librarian
Brian Donley Music Director
Lori Slyman Secretary
Joe Schenke Dean of Students
Steve Hobbs Dean of Men
Sue Kirby Dean of Women
Christy Page Assistant Dean of Women
Matt Hurja Assistant Dean 2nd year
Dick Dray Director of Ministries
Duane Breining Administrative Assistant
Steve DeGroft Director of Admissions
Amie DeGroat Enrollment Coordinator
Ann Peterson Health Center Director
Sue Detweiler Nurse
Evelyn Arreguin Nurse
Lisa Leonard Financial Secretary
Linda DeGrofr Financial Secretary
Ted Whitney Financial Aid Director
Bob Gray Business Manager
Rich Sainato Facilities Coordinator
Betsy Calhoun Receptionist
Joanne Hess Receptionist
Melissa Riley Ministry Secretary
Elizabeth Nelson Drama Coordinator
Rich Andrews Impact Coordinator
Scott Phillips Tours-Technical Assistant
John Page Technical Supervisor
Keith Balsley Director of Physical Education & Athletics
Gary Holden Alumni Director
Dale Phillips Bookstore
Meriam Phillips Bookstore
Greg Fankhauser Resident Supervisor
Becky Anthony Resident Director Academics
Angel Comer Resident Director Deans
Bill Kay Resident Director Transportation
Ray Rastelli Resident Director Student Life
Becca Robinson Resident Director Athletics
Karl Storman Resident Director Ranch
Tim Wagner Resident Director Deans
Paul Frey Maintenance
Herb Winters Central Maintence Manager
Fred Dinger Jack’s Snack Shack
Glenn Slothower Food Service Manager
l 1 I
Charlene Capron Food Service Clerk
Bill Hunt Food Service Business Manager
Bob McFadden Chef Manager
Jerry Hayes Chef
* ( I
1 iK ip •I i j
Tom Sobek Bakery Manager
Mike Parker Chef
Jim Harvey Chef
Lora Landis Baker
A Mr. Davis taking a breather on Gwendalynn during a class break in Florida! M Mr. Hobbs out ice-fishing in shorts again! M A Mr. Schenke plays Wilson for “Tool Time.
1 ;
A“I know who the perfect match is for you.” - Mr. Fankhauser ▼^ “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” - Tim Wagner, Matt Hurja, Mr. Hobbs ▼“Yes, we caught you red-handed.” - Karl Storman
The Class of 1997 is a very ener getic and varied group of students. From all over the world we have come together to unite as one body and strive towards one goal. This goal is to become sold out for Christ and matured into great men and , women of God...at all cost. We desire to be dedicated to the work which He has called us to. Because of our different backgrounds, abilities, and distinct personalities, it is the perfect place to learn to work and grow together in the family of God. Living so closely together allows us to have a part in each other’s lives and make friendships that will last a lifetime. As we look towards the future and what God has in store for each of our lives, we will take with us the many Biblical truths and experiences we have learned that has made us into the people that God longs for us to be.
At All Costs Studying the Word of God
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...It is the Lord Christ you are serving.’’ (Colossians 3:23,24) This past year at Word of Life Bible Institute has been a very profitable year in spite of the hectic schedule. It was a year where students learned to no longer depend on themselves, but to fully depend on the Lord and do their best for His honor and glory. From the various adjunct faculty to the everyday classes of Bible Survey and Theology, the students received Biblical knowledge and in turn had the privilege of applying the truths they learned in day to day living and their ministries. As the students go their separate ways to do the work of the Lord, may they take with them all they have learned and joyfully serve the Lord wherever He may lead them.
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First Year
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Amy Abbott Jonna Abraham
Becky Agee Lori Albert
Daniel Allen Hannah Allen Irene Allende Rebecca Allison
Keriann Amos Sarah Armao Evelyn Arreguin Richard Asbury Jr.
Angie Bagwell Alyshia Bair Shane Baker Shawn Baker
Joel Banister Stefan Barbu Michael Barnhart Ronald Barrett
Seth Beebe Nancy Benckert Michael Benefield Sara Benham
Sean Berard Esther Berryhill Richard Bethune Jr. Matthew Beverly
Kristen Bierer Rachel Bilimek Carrie Black Kirk Blackwell
Amie Bockstahler Alan Bondar Jennifer Boston Matthew Boyd
Jacyin Brezinski Tammy Brom Aaron Brookshire Susan Brown
Laura Bruno Rosalie Bruno Doris Buhne Russell Burden
Ronald Burdett Amanda Burgess Matthew Bush Jessica Butler
Margie Butler Mary Cabeen Danny Cagle Misty Calhoun
Sarah Cane Matthew Carman Phillip Carney Kimberly Carnicelli
Kimberly Carrier Kimberly Carter
Hank Cary Esther Case
Allison Caylor Andrea Caylor Ewa Chaberska Beverly Chamberlain
Bobert Chamberlain Joshua Chamberlain
Cory Chase Karin Claar
Aaron Clark Sean Cleary Chad Clem Rebecca Clement
Pep Band The pep band was a great source of entertain ment and added a lot of excitement at soccer and basketball games, pep rallies, and camp life. There was a large variety of instruments played from flute to saxophone to drums, as well as a wide variety of personalities. Those in the pep band played to make the pep band sound unique and to give the event energy, but most of all, they played to give God the glory. Just as Mr. Donley took the different instruments to make the pep band sound great, so God took each of the students, united for one purpose, to make them useful for His work.
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Julia Clevenger Jessica Cole Robert Columbine Jamie Considine
Allison Cook Chad Cook Erin Cooney Sarah Corbett
Paul Corney Sharon Couchoud Melissa Cousins Corinn Craig
Todd Crawford Reid Curry Valerie Daigle Barbara Dakin
Molly Dalton Kristy Dame Joshua Daniel James Dargocey
Adam Davie Patty Davie Marci DeHaan Katie Dellosso
Andreza DeMelo Gustavo DePaiva Richard Dessert Kelly Diffenbach
Christine Dilger Peter Doebler Randal Donnerhack James Dotson
Sarah Dotson Heather Downen Micah Drexler Peter Druck
Marianne Dublin Dennis Duchene II
Jason Dumas Robert Duran
Melissa Durham Todd Dutil Daniel Dye Heather Eckenrode
Tara Eddy Leigh-Ann Eelman Leanne Emel Deleena Emerson
Michael Ernest Ralph Ertel Jr. Andrew Erwin Miriam Eskridge
Jocelyn Estes Katherine Estes Meleia Evans Trisha Evans
Nick Farquharson Melba Farrington Myrtis Farrington Roberta Farrington
Alicia Faust Lori Feldi
Marc Feldstein Orvin Feliciano
Joshua Fetterhoff Lorie Finch Julia Fitzharris Ellen Flemming
Tonya Flemming Becky Fogle Melissa Ford Jim Fosse
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