Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1998

Farewell Florida!

Cfe flies past/ class/ op the cWord opPlPifePP)Me/ \ institute Florida extension/ urns/ incredibly/

special/, dole/ [xictory/ uxe/claim is/ In cp)esus/ and/ they ministry/ c)le allowed us/ to kane/ in cities ^ cljlian, ctoampa/, and/ c@rlando to name/ a/ feue. cYloi to mention/ the/ tours/ op <tc=&\may PKnee/ dhalL cfthow/’’ and/ “ PPassion PPlay'/. ” HVe realized oun future/ and/ haw clyod would dined us/, luminatiny/ to us/ tkai /tie/ tones/ people/ mane than anything as/ we/ kold/ forth/ thePVord of PPife. s4s/ we/ draw neon to one/ another/ in full assurance/ of faith/ foe family/ style/ dinners/ on a/ class/ with/ Pfln. P)uyersoll/, the/ unity/ of/ this/ class/ w ill/ not/ ke foryotten/. ^Vlenen denyiny/ a/ sincexie/(prest fan holiness/prodrAciny/the/kind oppeace and joy/ tkai makes/ the/ rain a Ixlessiny/ and/ all/ op us/ crane/ study/ hours/. cWc dedicate/ this/ yean to oun P/Pard cpesus/ *Plnrisb who stayed/ ly/ oun side eneny/ moment/. vditJh

we/ realize/ the answers/ to a yean spent/ iu the saturation

and/the thePWond/

op cpyjod/. cYVlay/ oun Pf/ord till/ Phjs/ “ jerk open inys/’ w ith students/ from/ this/ class/ and may/ w e always/ le w illin g to folloAnPHem/ wherenen PMe leads/, oun race/


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