Congratulations to WOLBI students... Torrey Stimson Christine Stimson Tim Czelusniak Elizabeth Czelusniak Jennifer Pearl
T i m ,
your M om and
I ,
together with your
t w o
b ro th e rs,
A n d r e w
a n d
John-M ark,
t h a n k
G o d
f o r
y o u
a n d
y o u r
v i s i o n
a n d
m i s s i o n
to serve the Lord
there at W OLBI
a n d
o n w a r d
w h e r e v e r
H e
l e a d s
y o u .
G o d
Bless you!
"T im othy,
g u a r d
w h a t
h a s
b e e n
to your care.
Turn away from godless chat
From their Christian Fellowship Church Family
ter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely
c a l l e d
know ledge,
w h i c h
s o m e
h a v e
p r o
fessed and in so doing have wandered from
the faith."
ITimothy 6:20-21
2£ee 8 Co/me/t cUote$ Rt. 9 & Stone Bridge Road
_ .z:
Pottersville, NY 12860 Phone (518) 494-7678 Innkeepers: Thomas and Carol Lee
.. . •
Thank you for all your encouragement to us! Your presence, involvement, words of encouragement, testimonies and teachable spirit have been a great blessing to us. As you go forward in life remember... keep your zeal HOT! May you follow God always. Stay in touch. - The Members and Friends at Faith Senring Together Through Evangelism, Discipleship and Equipping of Leadeis 10AM Sunday School • 1 AM Morning Worship* 6 PM Praise and Study •Wed 7 PM P ryae r Foster Flats Road* Chestertown, NY 12817* 518-494-7183
rake’s Restaurant Motel Rt. 9 - 1Mile North of Village Schroon Lake, N.Y. Tony and Margo Bartolomeo
Restaurant 532-9040
Motel 532-7401
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