Wednesday----Presidential Chapel Thursday-------Snow Camp or Ministry Chapel Friday----------Split Chapel
Chapel is a refreshing time. Hearts are encouraged through song and testimony of what the Lord is doing in lives of students. In chapel, the word of God becomes a mirror reflecting our attitudes. James reminds us that “if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,” he is like a man who looks in a mirror, sees something that needs to change, and then walks away, forgetting all about it. Chapel at WOLBI is a time for this kind of self examination so that as James says, we will be blessed in what we do (1:25).
A Mike Calhoun urges students to be faithful to God.
AAlumnist Mark Hall asks: “can you really be following God if you aren’t fishing?” (Matt.4:18)
AAStudents sing “Holding Forth the Word of Life” AMr. DeGroft encourages local church, CEF, and puppet groups during
the winter quarter as they prepare for weekly ministry. ►AMr. Lewis leads students in “Shine Jesus Shine”
ALori Parke describes knowing God in the ladies’ chapel.
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