Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1998

he 1998 class at Word o Life Bible Institute was ; very unique one. There weri over 700 students combinec

at the New York campus and Florid; extension. For some, it was their seconc year. For most, though, it was their firs year. Young people from all over tht U.S. and several different countries came to Word Of Life with the sam< purpose in mind. Whether the student had been saved for most of their lives 01 i were recently saved, they desired to grow more like Jesus, learn more about His word, and become the fishers oi men God wants them to be. As the year went by, lots of new friendships were made, and the mem­ ories, both good and bad, will never be forgotten; but most of all, everything God has taught them will always be pondered in their hearts. From the first day of school to the special banquets, to ministries and work assignments, tc snow camp and all the summer min istries, and of course Graduation day this year has been a memorable one. Fo most, this may even be the most im­ portant year of schooling which give: them a greater reason to really treasun this year. Some will come back for second year while others will go on tc work or further their education. Bu whatever path the Lord chooses for eacl student, they will take what they have learned at Word of Life with them always, and hopefully continue learning and teaching God's word, the goal ol reeling in people for the Lord... even il the nets do break.

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