Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1998


cYlow it came' about/ that/ while/ the/ multitude/ wave/pzessiny abound c^tim / and/ listening to/ the/ didzd op^od, cM e urns'standing/by the/take/of^ennesazet; andc}{e soup two/ boats/ lyiny at the edye op the lake; but the/fisheimen had gotten/ out/ op them, and w eie washing thew nets/. s 4ndc?{e yxt into/oneopthe boats/, which was/Simons/, and ashed him to/put a little/way awaypunn the land. sdnd^dCesatdown/and beyan teaching/the/multitudes/piom the/boat, sdnd when/c}(e had pnished speakiny, ^Ke said ta Simon/, “ ^ u t out into/ the/ deep/ waLee and let/ down/ ijoue nets/ fat/ a catch. ” sdnd Simon/ answered and said, Hlastei/, uxe' washed hand all/ night and cauyht nothing, but a t youe b id d in y ^ w ill/ let/down/ the/nets/. ”sd n d when/ they/bad done/this/, they enclosed a yieat quantity/

opfish; and thew nets/ began/ to/ (weak/, and they signaled to/ thew pcwtneis/ in the/ otheeboat, fan/them to come/and help/ them, sdnd they came/, and filled both op the/ boats/, so/ they beym to/ sink/. cffiut when Sim on detest/ saw that, he/ fell down at ^esus ’feet, sayiny, “ depart/ piom me, foe 9 am a sinful man, cdjoed!” SW amazement bad seized him and all his/ com­ panions/ because op the catch op fish which they bad taken; and so/ also/ ^)ames/ and ^jokn, sons/ op ^Zebedee, who/ w eie pwdneis/ w ith Simon, sdnd^esus/said to/Simon, “^bo/notfeae, ptom now/on

you w ill be catchiny men. ”sdnd when they had bzouyht thew boats/to/land, they left eAjeiythiny and followel^dtim . <dhuke 5 : 1-11

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