Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1998

‘People’s Corner The Psalmist David said, “In the morning, O Lord, Thou wilt hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to Thee and eagerly watch.” Our early morning time with the Lord is indeed a privilege, and so often is the sole reason for making it through the day. Yet not only is this a time of gathering strength for the day, it is a time of remembering the truths that God has already taught us, and discovering new things about Him that we did not know before. We search His Word, and He searches our hearts. These pages are dedicated to Him.

Romand 12:1-8 Romans 12:1-2 are my life verses, but 12:1-8 are awesome. It talks about presenting your body as a living sacrifice acceptable unto God. He also gives each of His children gifts and we are to use them wisely. God loved us so much to send His Son to die for us. The least we can do is to love Him enough to want to serve Him. Joy M. Golba

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Romans 8:28 This verse is my favorite verse. It says so much in just a few sentences. Whenever I don’t understand why I am going through what I am going through, this verse gives me the encouragement I need to have in order to make it through the day. Stacy Bugay

Romans 20-23 It brings joy to know and reflect what I was and what I am now...A child of God, heaven bound! Breathing in the depth of His truths. Feeling comforted by knowing and understanding foundations I believe. Peeling into the knowledge layer by layer, discovering the vastness of my Savior’s love. Believing is not just syllables...being transformed, as the soul is molded inward out. We will attempt to grasp every word echoed from the mouth of God’s messenger. Intake depending solely on me...refreshed digest, seeking His face though it's colors are many, and its spectrum is wide, it is nonetheless one graceful arch of hope over a storm-darkened planet, varied in it’s appeal...singular in it’s beauty. (Survey book.) Karen Sullivan

Matthew 19:16-22 “When we crave earthly riches, we neglect our spiritual responsibilities.’’ Chris Hatton

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