Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1998

R o m a n s

5 : 3 - 5

Romans 9:19-26 The potter has the power to control the shaping of the clay. The clay does not have the right to ask the potter why it was made the way it is! The same is true with Christ! He is daily molding and shaping us! I am in His hands! Too often I find myself questioning God, my potter, for the way He has made me! I have no right to because I am not the one in control and that is hard! I need to quit trying to jump off the wheel and allow God to shape and mold me into what He wants me to be! Becky Uminn


tran sferred

here and

all summer had

b e e n

praying for

G o d

to take

me out

of my comfort zone.

T h e

first week


was here


really struggled

w i t h

adjustm ents.

I was angry at God

f o r

p u t t i n g

me under so

m a n y

t e d i o u s

rules and

i n

a tiny cabin

w i t h

o t h e r

g i r l s .


w a n t e d

to go

h o m e .

B u t

t h e

first Friday of Quiet Time through

t h i s

passage God

r e m i n d e d

me that

H e

was just answereing

my prayers.

H e

c h a n g e d

my attitude and

is teaching

me to be humble in

e v e r y

circum stance.

P r a i s e

t h e

K i n g !

S a r a

M .

S t e l m a

Romans L4:1-6; I Corinthians 8 There are many things in today’s society that Christians feel aren't wrong to take part in. It may not say in the Bible that it is wrong to do it, but it is a sin to cause another Christian to stumble. I know for sure that if you dwell on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report (Philipians 4:8) you do not have to worry about causing a fellow Christian to stumble. Dave J. Spencer

Romans 12: 9-15 I know through these verses that my thoughts, words, and actions should only be from God. Anything else is evil! And to also encourage my brother in Christ, just the same as I would want to be encouraged. Ryan D’Aries

Romans 14:7-12 A lot of people these days judge people for what they do or do not have, the way they act, etc. In this passage of Scripture it dearly states not to judge people because in the end God judges all of us. So, since we are God's children, we need to live for Him and not judge people. Tins passage came clear to me that we can all apply it to our lives. Kellie MacKay

Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." On this day 1was 2 weeks away from marrying my wife, April. The Lord reminded me, inspite of all the stress of school, job, & wedding plans, that He always provides for me. And soon, He’d provide for me a wife. Soon I would obtain joy and favor from the Lord. Praise His holy name! Reid Curry


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