العدد 4 – يوليو تموز 2024

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(35) Ishaan Tharoor, "Israel says Hamas is ISIS. But it’s not," washingtonpost. com, October 25, 2023, "accessed October 29, 2023". https://vu.fr/qpAWY. (36) Kevin Sieff et al., "In Israel, Macron proposes using anti-ISIS coalition against Hamas," washingtonpost.com, October 24, 2023, "accessed October 29, 2023". https://vu.fr/iASRN. (37) Marianna Spring, "Slick videos or more ‘authentic’ content? The Israel-Gaza battles raging on TikTok and X," bbc.com, November 27, 2023, "accessed November 29, 2023". https://vu.fr/qMKHs. (38) "The Guardian view on the Hamas attack: a new and deadly chapter opens in the Middle East", theguardian.com, October 8, 2023, "accessed October 22, 2023". https://vu.fr/fJNWF. (39) "The lessons from Hamas’s assault on Israel," economist.com, October 8, 2023, "accessed October 10, 2023". https://rb.gy/5mmbvk. (40) " Jeffrey Gettleman et al., "Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7," nytimes.com, December 28, 2023, "accessed December 29, 2023". https://rb.gy/jcydwh. (41) Bill Hutchinson, Israel-Hamas War: Timeline and key developments", abcnews, November 22, 2023 , "accessed November 28, 2023". https://rb.gy/ tfiawj. (42) "Never seen such barbarity’: the grim task of Israel’s forensics teams," france24.com, October 17, 2023, "accessed November 22, 2023". https://rb.gy/ nfhivh. (43) Explosions seen as Gaza Strip in darkness," bbc.com, October 27, 2023, "accessed October 30, 2023". https://shorturl.at/cdkBX. (44) Youmans, , "The Sunday talk shows on Israel-Gaza," op, cit. في ضرورة النقد العلمي لتغطية " ) مقابلة مع آدم جونســون، صحفي في موقع ذا إنترســبت: 45 ( ، مجلة الصحافة (معهد الجزيرة لإلعالم، قطر، العدد " اإلعالم الغربي للحرب اإلسرائيلية على غزة . 60 )، ص 2024 ، شتاء 8 ، السنة 32

. 61 ) المرجع السابق، ص 46 ( . 62 ) المرجع السابق، ص 47 (

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