العدد 4 – يوليو تموز 2024

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، يف غـزة، عـن انتقـال االتفاق 2023 كشـفت أحـداث السـابع مـن أكتوبر/ترشيـن األول بني عنرصيـة الغـرب وعنرصيـة االحـتالل اإلرسائـييل مـن مرحلـة اخلفـاء إىل مرحلـة العلـن، ومـا نجـم عـن هـذه املرحلـة مـن حـرج ال يمكـن تربيـره. ويبقـى الرهـان اآلن معقـو ًدًا عىل اجليـل اجلديـد يف كل أنحـاء العـامل، والـذي أثبتـت األحـداث والدراسـات ض ـًا أنـه غري متأثـر بآلـة الدعايـة الصهيونيـة، بـل أظهـر فاعليـة يف حتويـل الرسديـات � أي املهيمنـة لعقـود إىل دعـوات للتفـكري الناقـد فـيام يـجرى عىل أرض الواقـع. المراجع (1) Noureddine Miladi and Aya Miladi, "Digital media and the war of narratives in reporting the PalestinianIsraeli conflict," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Reporting the Sheikh Jarrah evictions, ed. Noureddine Miladi, (UK: I.B. Tauris, 2023), 11. (2) Ruth Sanz Sabido, "Gaza 2021: Newsworthiness and context in the Spanish news coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict", in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 31. (3) Mazhar Al-Zo’by, "Digital activism and the politics of protest: Palestine and the struggle for global popular representation," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 121. (4) Noureddine Miladi et al., "Media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, comparing Al Jazeera English and i24News," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 65. (5) Christopher D. Tulloch and Jose Luis Gordillo, "Counter-hegemonic global media narratives on the Palestine-Israel conflict: The Sheikh Jarrah protests on CGTN, RT, France 24 and TeleSUR," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 47. (6) Muhammad Jameel Yusha’u, "SDG16 in the news: Digital news coverage of Sheikh Jarrah in Nigerian newspapers," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 93. (7) Yusuf Devran, "Reporting the Sheikh Jarrah evictions on TRT World’s Twitter account," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 107.

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