CCI-Review - 2020/2021 - #2

… Getting Ready for Construction

completing the work

replacement projects, consider using a standard CCDC (Canadian Construction Documents Committee) Contract. This forms an agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, and affords powers to the Consultant (remember the Consultant role we mentioned earlier?) to act as an arbitrator to resolve disputes in a fair and equitable manner. This also includes the powers of Payment Certification. If work has not been performed to an acceptable standard, the Consultant will not certify payment and Corporation is protected. During the work, your Consultant will also complete periodic site visits to check compliance with the specifications and good building practice. And when unforeseen circumstances arise that change the project schedule or budget, your Consultant can help you communicate with your Owners to alleviate stress and avoid conflict. Engaging a Consultant provides the Board with a layer of protection with respect to scope of work selection, contractor recommendations, technical review and project management / contract administration. Like anything, this process is scalable. For small projects maybe you don’t need a professional engaged full time to assist, and simply just some high level guidance and

3) Send specifications, with deadline, to contractors that meet the requirements listed above 4) Require contractors to submit proof of insurance, WSIB (if needed), licenses (if needed), etc. 5) Review tenders and award contract to the contractor that meets all requirements and set a start date

Professional Oversight

For many major replacement projects, such as roof replacements, pavement projects, window replacements, parking garage repairs etc., the Board will likely not feel comfortable supporting the technical side of the project. That’s where engaging a Consultant can be valuable. A Consultant will first conduct a Condition Assessment (CA) – a crucial first step in any major project. The purpose of the CA is to provide the Board with the information they need to make an educated decision about how to proceed. Is replacement the right approach, or would repairs suffice? What is the root cause of the issue and how can it be addressed? Finally, a CA will present the Board with options, including pros/cons and cost estimates so the appropriate repair or replacement approach can be selected. Next the Consultant will prepare the Bid Documents & Specifications package (BDS) – an oft overlooked step for small projects. This is a document that provides a clear and detailed Scope of Work, timelines, a Bid Form, and Contract Conditions. For larger projects, the BDS should include Drawings, Material Specifications, and more extensive Contract Conditions. The BDS also forms the basis of a Building Permit application, if required. This allows the board to compare contractor pricing on an apples-to-apples basis – which leads us to our next step! Tendering to Qualified Contractors involves contractor selection, a tender process, and selection of a successful bidder. When selecting contractors to invite, phone to confirm they are interested in the work and have capacity to complete the work on an acceptable timeline. If they are uninterested, they may submit an uncompetitive bid simply to appease you or your Manager. The tender process can include a site meeting, question and answer period, and a closing date and time. Once received, review all compliant bids for cost, schedule, references, etc. prior to selecting a successful bidder. Your consultant will provide a budget recommendation that includes a Construction Contingency, so you know how much to plan for from your Reserve Fund. And finally, the Construction phase. The first steps are to award the work to a contractor and to obtain start-up documentation, including insurance documents, WSIB clearances, and safety information. For most major repair or

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