The Violet Connection 6

Our June event was a family meet and greet at Sycamore Park in Pickerington. We had fun hanging out and playing together while the parents had some time to meet and get to know one another. The best part was getting to do it over ice cream. It was a great time! Father’s Day was a special day for VioletKids. Not only did we do some fun activities to honor our fathers, but we also had the privilege of hearing from special guests, the Nations family, who are missionaries in the Baltics. They educated our kids about the Baltic countries, how to say some common phrases in both Latvian and Russian, and shared about their mission work. It was a lot of fun and we are grateful we got to hear from them!

During the month of June, VioletKids have been learning that they are “one of a kind” and “remarkable” just as Psalm 139:14 tells them!

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