The Violet Connection 6

If you were to ask me to recommend a restaurant to you, I would tell you to visit Flavor 91 Bistro in Whitehall, OH. The food is fantastic. The atmosphere is fun and relaxed. The owners, Moses, Winta, and Wintana, welcome you in and treat you like family. They have chicken cream of mushroom soup that will blow your mind. Their spicy chicken sandwich has candied jalapeños.... CANDIED jalapeños. If you go, tell them I sent you. I love Flavor 91 and I tell anyone who is looking for a great meal out. Do you have a restaurant like that? One that comes to mind instantly when someone asks for a recommendation? Could you tell that person everything about the restaurant and even suggest a few menu items? If you were to ask me to recommend a church to you, I would tell you to visit Violet Baptist Church in Pickerington, OH. The messages are fantastic. The atmosphere is fun and relaxed. The Pastors, staff, and volunteers welcome you in and treat you like family. They have a VioletKids program and Overflow Youth Ministry that will blow your mind. Their VioletGroups have candied jalapeños.... I am just kidding about that part. If you go, tell them I sent you. I love Violet Baptist Church and I tell anyone who is looking for a godly congregation with whom to grow in their walk with Christ. The problem is that more people are likely to ask me for a restaurant recommendation than for a church recommendation. So how do I get the word out? Marketing & Communications

We’d love to hear from you. Has your VioletGroup recently come together to serve the Lord? Tell us about it. What’s happening in the ministry where you serve? We’d love to hear about it. You can email with your stories and photos.

I know!

I could do a Google Review!!

I could do a Yelp Review!

I could post on Facebook and tag Violet!

And so can you!!

Let’s recommend Violet to everyone!!

Rachel Stone Marketing & Communications Director



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