The Violet Connection 6

A Letter From The Pastor BY RICK WILLIAMS

Dear Church family and friends,

I am enjoying our current sermon series, "Songs for the Summer." We are looking at the Psalms. The book of Psalms has been described as “Israel’s prayerbook and hymnal, with songs and prayers spanning generations of God’s people.”

One of the great insights about the Psalms is from Timothy Keller in his book, “The Songs of Jesus”.

He writes, “The Book of Psalms is known as the Bible’s songbook—Jesus knew all 150 psalms intimately, and relied on them to face every situation, including his death. It is the book of the Bible that he quotes more than any other.

But the psalms were not simply sung by Jesus; they also are about Him. The psalms are, then, indeed the songs of Jesus.”

Keller calls the Psalms: “a medicine chest for the heart and the best possible guide for practical living.”

This summer as we continue to explore various Psalms, my prayer is for each of us is to experience the Psalms by reading them, singing them, praying them, and living them. May these songs of Jesus make us more like Jesus. May they encourage and equip us to be the hands and feet of Jesus this summer to those around us!

Grace and peace, Pastor Rick

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