The Violet Connection 6

Celebrating a Faithful Servant

Over 200 members of our church family enjoyed a fellowship lunch together on Sunday, June 2nd in our church’s Activity Center. While the lunch and the fellowship were both amazing, we gathered for a more important purpose on that day. We wanted to thank Pastor Brian Naess and his family for many years of faithful service at Violet. Pastor Brian has served faithfully at Violet Since June 3rd, 2001. We had plans to honor him on his 20th anniversary of service at Violet, but Covid had other plans! The opportunity to honor Pastor Brian finally arrived at the fellowship dinner on June 2nd, and our church family responded! Dozens of church members took the time to write notes of appreciation for Pastor Brian and then hung them on the wall of the Activity Center. In addition, we had an open mic testimony time in which our church members shared the deep and profound impact that Pastor Brian has made in their lives. The common themes included Brian’s love for the local church and his desire to see everyone plugged into a Gospel- centered community. People shared stories of Brian coming to their hospital rooms, weddings, and funerals over his 23 years at Violet. There were many tears as stories were shared of God’s love shining through Pastor Brian’s life. In summary, our church family has been deeply impacted by Pastor Brian’s faithful service at Violet over the last 23 years. If you were unable to attend the fellowship lunch, I would encourage you to let Brian know how much you and your family appreciate him and his selfless service and leadership in our church.

Thanks, Pastor Keith

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